this is the official week - my week 37 - called official because even if my EDD is still the next 3 weeks, but if i happen to give birth by this week wont be considered as premature.
summary of gynae check up today:
1. baby head is below, tho not engaged yet
2. baby weight is 2.88kg which is good and normal
3. my due date is 24th March based on detailed scan on my week 20 (so it's not 25th, that was the date dr adrian gave me on my 1st check up..but it seems that he follows the detailed scan at Thomson)
4. Dr.adrian already passed me an admission letter (without this letter, hospital wont accept me). He said that in case my water broke, quickly come to hospital.
5. complained about stretchmarks that lately been showing below my jeanny n ci esther said it's normal to show up during 7th month'll be gone after giving birth..(kata mereka sih strechmarks yg susah hilang itu yg muncul sejak bulan2 awal kehamilan..kalo yg muncul pas bulan akhir sih bisa hilang..coz itu muncul krn kulit kita uda ketarik sampe maximum due to baby growth inside tummy)..but my complaint is becoz the SM getting itchy..very itchy, in fact!! so doctor gave me some cream to apply (to my surprise, he gave it for free..yayy!!hehe)
6. already paid for gynae's delivery fee...wuiihhh bener2 terasa kalo anytime from now i can give birth hehe...bentar lagi nihhh....penasaran bgt, bakal maju gak ya date-nya...who knows i might give birth next week??or next 2 weeks??? ^^
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