Friday, February 5, 2010

my joy and blessing

I have observed many things happening this week and I am so happy to realize that I have raised a good, happy,active, smart and healthy son (and handsome too ;) )

Good baby?
yes. I say he is very good and quite obedient too. I am impressed that caleb almost ALWAYS stops and drops whatever he is doing whenever I say "NO" to him. I rarely have to shout at him, just tell him a nicely "no" and he will listen (surprisingly he understood well :)). But if I take the thing from his hand without a warning, he will cry. So I must remind myself to give him a warning first or ask him politely.

happy baby?
there is no single day that caleb is not smiling or laughing. Funny that he can be super friendly by smiling at stranger in bus or mrt. And he is so cute when he crawls to me with a big smile saying ma ma ma...really melts my heart!! :D
he also has a very good sense of humor too. yesterday I was tired and yawning. Caleb saw me and he pretended to yawn too, when I asked him "did u just do fake yawn to immitate mommy?" and then he laughed!!! hahahaha.... then I pretended to yawn again, and he immitated me again, we had a good laugh! :D
and today I came out from bathroom and apply some cream on my face while carrying caleb..and u know what he did? he helped me rub the cream on my cheek! I find it I say thank you to him..and he laughed. I think he knows when mommy is pleased and happy because of him, he is happy too.

Active baby:
yup! crawling here and there. standing up and cruising along the furniture. sometimes he even dares to climb. I once found him climbing his stroller and another one was sofa! and he just reached a new milestone. He can actually stand alone without holding on anything for a few secs! I really hope he will start walking too soon!
but with an active baby...a mother must be prepared that more calories are to be used, and therefore my son, if you dont eat well, you will lose your perut buncit yang lucu(tapi pipi cempluknya aku rasa ngga akan pernah hilang, a father's gene mah...haha)

Smart baby?
oh yes yes.. we have observed him well. we find him as a very smart and strategic person. For example, if he aims to go to certain place to get something (or to get mommy haha). he will find something that he can hold to push himself up and then he will walk along that furniture. He can cross from one furniture to another furniture. If he happens to fall or has an accident, he will next time not do the same thing, but he will either be more carefull or he will find another way to go to the place he wants. I wish I have a video of him doing it to describe it more clearly to you.
He is also attentive when it comes to learning. I have started showing flashcards to him since 2-3 months ago and he always enjoys it. Sometimes he can follow what I read. for example,if I say manggo, he can say 'nggo' :)
and he starts to understand and memorize what I teach him. Now when I ask him to show me hippo, he will point at hippo. and when I ask him how hippo yawns, he will open the hippo's mouth.
and just last week when we were out to see our friends, he gave a comment at how smart our baby is. He never knew that a baby below 1 year old can catch attention and start communication with an older person.
Honestly, it was an encouragement and a confirmation to what I have prayed. I sometimes worried that with caleb only eats cereals..does he get enough nutrients..but I fight with a prayer that my son will always be a healthy and smart boy because that is God's blessing and grace for him.

healthy boy?
YES! despite that he refuses to eat when teething, and that his main food is more into cereals than home made porride, he is a healthy baby!
and oh..regarding teething and eating... I AM so RIGHT about it. My son doesn't have any bad habit about not eating. sorry, are wrong about this. I mean doctors, you have your theory, but mothers know their sons the best. I should really trust my own judgement on this next time. is true..when the tooth is about to cut the gum, 3 days before and after the cut usually he will refuse to eat. but after that, he is back to normal. and when i say normal means he is a very good eater. he eats his cereals well, any flavour of his nestle. he finishes at 15 mins.

but as a mom, I would like my son to eat more nutritious food that I cook myself. So I really plan to make home food cooking as his main food, rather than keep having cereals all the time. I know it won't be easy. That is why I don't want to rush. I am praying about this a few days now and I will start next week. And for 1 kind of food I will try for 4 days so that he has enough time to really make up his mind whether he will like this food or ban it from his list.

But I always believe that Caleb has his dad's gene as a good eater. When he is bigger later, I am sure he eats just everything :) this just a phase that I and caleb have to through.

and what really encourages me is when a friend of mine says to me: despite what you told me..(that caleb is not eating other food than cereals now), he doesn't look like a picky eater to me.
and the way she said it, it is like she is very sure of it that caleb is just not that kind of kid who is fussy and picky. To's just about time. Come to think of it, maybe it's true. Some babies start to be a very good eater but as they grow up, they suddenly change to be a very picky eaters. maybe caleb is the other way round :)

and handsome too?
yes, mommy and daddy always think you are handsome, kay!

wow..a very long words and thoughts this time :)

and so...the good, happy, active, smart and healthy and handsome boy...mommy loves you :)
good night..