Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The candy

A few days ago I thought to myself "I'm glad that up to now I haven't given any sweets to caleb, it's not good for his teeth". I do give him some biscuits that contain sugar but to me eating a candy is like eating nothing but all sugar! so I forbid that...(at least until he learns how to brush teeth properly)

Until yesterday..

when I found out that my maid gave him FOX mint candy!!

she said it was a tiny bit of candy coz she broke it into pieces before giving it to my son.
but it's not the amount that matters. it is the experience of tasting a candy that matters to me.


note: to those who read this, if you happen to meet my maid..dont say anything to her about it.
I have talked to her (nicely but meant my words well!) and..I hope she got my point!