Sunday, March 29, 2009

Caleb Peter Lim

Caleb means a mighty warrior...I always pray that he'll be a strong person in health and faith.
We chose this name karena even before pregnancy, someone pernah bernubuat kalo ntar anak kita bakal jadi strong warrior. dan ngga lama setelah itu pastor juga pernah kotbah ttg Caleb and dia stated clearly that caleb is a mighty warrior..krn walau dia uda berumur tua tapi kekuatannya seperti masih muda. that's why we chose caleb. and kebetulan..his daddy's name is Joshua..a name given by God they are partners now :)

Peter means the unshakable a rock! my mom got this name while she prayed. sp we decided to combine both names.

Lim is simply my hubby's surename.

so..Caleb Peter Lim..
we call him 'little Kay' now..

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