Saturday, February 28, 2009

is 3 weeks long or soon enough for you?

for me..3 weeks are both long and soon enough..

so soon krn kalo inget2 pas bulan2 awal hamil, waktu2 sekarang ini yang paling ditunggu..pas uda week 30an, no more morning sickness and fatique...and another 3 weeks, i can see n hold my baby..waktu bersantai2 is over..will be busy and less sleep..and i still dunno how i would handle being a housewife, a mom, and working do i manage my time...???... sometimes i get scared by thinking of these...but always tell myself, do not worry over things in future that u do not know for sure...and back to trust God..He will strengthen me and I can do everything with Him :)

so long? yaaa....feels so longggg.....coz i'm getting impatient..whenever my baby kicks, i wish i could see his expression..sometimes i just know that he's playing with often at night, he's kicking and kicking...and if i talk to him, he's calming down..and then when i stop talking, he begins kicking me again...just like playing hide n seek, or cilukba hehe...dan kalo inget masih 3 minggu lg baru bisa liat, kayaknya kok lama sihhh...

another reason issss....i cant wait to be back to normal body, normal clothes, normal hair..*sigh*
I'm sooo...sooo..bored with my maternal clothes...but I insist i dont want to buy new clothes..buat's just another 3's like investing something hubby would tell me that i can buy and I can wear it again during my 2nd pregnancy..hmm..but no...2nd pregnancy hopefully dont happen anytime least my plan is another 3-4 years i dont wanna buy now!
for few days i've been browsing online shop selling clothes imported from HK and korea...hehehe I swear I almost bought one if hubby didnt stop me..
I really really miss shopping new clothes, and wearing new shoes, bags...
really really want to do something different with my hair.. *desperately*
it's been a very long time.. 9 months, people! and..with confinement'll be 10 months before I can do all these shoppings and makeover...

so's long enough for me.. :(

p.s. sorry honey if i've been nagging about all these stuffs these few days..hehehe...but i warn u..this may continue until i get what i want 'muahahahaha' --> i copy ur evil laugh!

Friday, February 27, 2009

very dissappointed!

sedih ya punya temen yang uda dianggap deket slm bertaon2 tapi ini orang bener2 mengecewakan..sampe kayaknya aku ngga bisa respect lagi..
soalnya bukan yang pertama ato kedua kalinya dia buat hal yang sama...
kalo dulu walaupun he did many horrible things, aku ngga pernah judge dia and still be his friend..
tapi skrg setelah sekian kalinya..wahh kayanya orang juga punya batas yah...apalagi yang dia lakuin itu hurting my other good friend too.. (i hope i can tell the true story here..but i know it's not appropriate).

for so long i often wonder..kenapa sih aku jd annoyed banget tiap kali ada orang ini or if someone mentioned his name...kan bukan aku yang disakitin, tp kok yang jengkel aku...jengkelnya itu jengkel banget first, i thought i was just angry for what he did to my friend...
tapi lama-lama..i realized benernya bukan marah sih..tapi lebih ke perasaan sedih...coz it's like this person has been so dissappointing..and i feel like i cant stand it anymore and i'm losing him as a friend..ya..i just lost a good friend :(
last nite i even told my baby..supaya ntar dia be a good man, has a good character and respect other ppl feelings..dont play around with a girl's feeling...well, i'm glad his daddy has set a good example :)
I even plan to 'lecture' our family close friends yg cowok2 itu (u know who u are)..supaya mereka ngga ngelakuin hal yang sama...i just dont want to lose anymore friends..coz as they'll be hanging around with our family, i want them to have set a good example for my kid too hehehe...i've been telling my baby about our friends...he already knows the name of uncle pat, uncle benben, auntie lina, uncle hardiman, auntie maria, auntie lala n erinna...hehehe... hope when he's born, he's already familiar with their names.. :)

God is good

wowww...been almost 2 weeks that i havent update this blog...2 busy weeks...
last week my aunt and uncle were here for medical check I went to accompany them at hospital, and then for shopping and eating :)
and this week...
here's the story:

bulan lalu waktu my mom di sgp for christmas holiday, dia pergi check up di Mt.E and was told that ada batu empedu di saluran pencernaannya... according to doctor, most ppl memang ada batunya di empedu, it's just that we never know..and anyway it's not dangerous..and batunya bisa pass to urine by itself. tapi yang dangerous kalo batu-nya itu keluar and nyumbet saluran yang lain..that can cause pain and even infection. dan kalo di saluran itu harus segera di ERCP - semacem operasi gitu tp bukan bedah...kayak dimasukin alat dari mulut trus saluran yg kesumbet itu dibesarin n batunya dihancurin..and this kind of operation perlu nginep semalem di hospital. Well, since at that time my mom wasn't in pain, she decided to do the ERCP later...
Apparently, last week she felt pain..that's when she decided to do ERCP in March waktu dia visit aku when the baby is born.
when i heard that news...i was like..oh my...not in march...aku takut banget krn maret smua bakal sibuk kan pas baby uda lahir..and aku juga pasti capek, ga mungkin nemenin ke hospital..and if I'm breastfeeding, definetely gak boleh byk pikiran or stress krn bisa pengaruh ke ASI..
and so my mom decided to come before my due date...maybe a week before that to do the ERCP..hmm well, it doesnt solve the problem too!! kalo aku tiba2 maju due-nya gimana...bersamaan ama ERCP-nya risky....
but I decided to keep quiet..coz if i voice out my opinion, i'm afraid my mom bakal lbh stress lagi..
and so I just pray and leave it to God..coz i know He has planned everything for me..the best time for everything...

the day after, my mom sms me and said that she would come on monday...dunno what makes her change her mind..but I'm least kalo dateng skrg, aku masih bisa nemenin..
God is so good...I know that when I surrender to God, everything will be allright...

so...sebelom ERCP, my mom wants to check once again if there's really a stone there..well,just to make sure..sebenernya sama dokter yg di Mt.E begitu dateng langsung disuruh appointment utk ERCP..but my mom decided to have it done in NUH since it's cheaper too..dan dokter yang di NUH mau liat lagi hasil scan-nya..kalo emang ada batu di saluran that means lgs continue the procedure to ERCP.
so wednesday evening as scheduled we went to endoscopy center at NUH to check the stone..
after 2 hours waiting - reading novel (hehe skrg kecanduan baca novel loh..thanks joyce uda minjemin!), the nurse called my name and told me I can see my mom...she told me that there is no need for ERCP as there is no stone's just gone..Praise God! :)
for the past few days, emang my mom selalu tengking batu-nya spy hilang..and it did go away!
what a miracle :)

dokternya sih bilang kalo next time ada batu lagi, lbh baik empedunya diambil,instead of ERCP. krn ERCP cm solve sebentar dan gak menjamin bakal gak ada batu lagi yg keluar ke saluran. and dia bilang People can survive living without empedu.
yah tapi mamiku sih ga mau diambil empedunya..she believes that God has given a complete set of organs in our body, so she will keep praying that there'll be no more stone.
hehe ya..i believe too..apapun yang kita minta dgn penuh kepercayaan, kita akan menerimanya kan...

God is so good...
we're so blessed :)

Friday, February 20, 2009

nursing cover

just bought online from forum..
this is my nursing cover--->
sempet bingung ntar kalo misal mau
breastfeed di public place gmn..
emang sih bisa pake botol..
tp sebisa mungkin mau latching..
no bottles sampe at least baby 2 bulan kali..
so..this is the one i bought (exactly like this)
for $37 :)
so can hide baby while he latch on me using this shawl
and kalo uda ga kepake ini bisa buat shawl biasa..
kalo pergi nonton etc yg dingin2 hehe..
i love the soft material..

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

baby position on 3rd trimester

oh yah..aku sempet penasaran knp baby-ku ini kok nendang2nya selalu di bagian kiri atas perutku...ternyata gak lama aku dpt jawabannya pas browsing di forum motherhood..jadi posisi baby pas 3rd trimester itu pada umumnya menyamping kyk gini:

head down down

Praise baby's head uda muter ke bawah lagi walau belom engaged.
kata dokter if engaged by now, bisa2 malah lahirnya awal maret...padahal due-ku masih 25 maret it's a good thing juga.."but good yahh..jangan muter ke atas lagi loh.."

oh ya by today aku udah reach 35 week++ ..and baby weight is 2.561kg...bagus deh..newborn baby kan berat normalnya atr 2.5kg - 3.8kgan gitu..kata dokter by due date mestinya bisa reach 3kg-an.

thanks ya buat yang uda doain spy baby-ku muter ke bawah :)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My retro valentine

wondering how's my valentine this year..
jujur aja kita bukan couple yang terlalu mengistimewakan hari valentine..malah taon lalu valentine kita gak bareng krn aku mesti pulang sby buat ngurus wedding..
and this yr aku pikir jg gak usah terlalu sampe gimana bgt lah..terlalu byk perayaan malah abisin duit..kan baru aja honey's bday - uda beliin kado samsung omnia buat dia, and beli 2 cakes (since ada 2 surprise yg aku organize), trus beli kartu..wahh abis banyak deh hehe...nanti coming event ada anniversary kita..smua event berjarak 2 mingguan..
tapi kalo valentine gak ngapa2in jg ga asik i decided to give him a simple surprise..
dia itu orang yang gak terlalu suka dikasi kado coklat, cake ato valentine stuffs aku decided ngasi dia big breakfast on bed! (plus a valentine card) hehehe..still a surprise rite..dan dia bilang it's better than what he imagined...dia takut aku beli2 something expensive lg..ato beli coklat2an..dia ngaku jujur krg hepi dikasi this breakfast is the best haha..

oh ya..aku sendiri...dikasi bunga mawar yg di wrap gitu n ada boneka kecilnya..dia ngasinya pas jam 12 malem..n sebenernya aku dah ketiduran waktu itu hehehe...trus siangnya pas aku check mailbox di bawah tenryata ada surprise valentine card dari hubby..the card is so sweet :)

sorenya...kita ke acara retronya gen next yg turn out to be fun banget..everyone was in retro mood..dressing up in 80's..keren fact, it's the best valentine event I've ever been!

well...I had a great time :)
Happy valentine everyone...


Friday, February 13, 2009

Baby Shower

Kemaren ci lusy organized baby shower for me..
apaan sih baby shower itu??
baby shower itu....adalah acara buat orang yang udah hamil tua..budaya barat sih..indo mana ngerti..acaranya sih ada games, trus sharing2 dari orang2 yang uda lebih senior (alias uda pernah punya anak duluan), kasi kado and...berhubung ini jg acara gereja ya sudah pasti ada doa...and then makan2 hehe...

well...acara pertama dimulai dengan games...
tiap2 orang dikasi gulungan tissue trus disuruh kira2 seberapa besar lingakaran perut kita (aku n ci jeanny)...pemenangnya adalah ci nawa hehe...
oh ya beda perut ci jeanny n aku cuma 1 lembar kotak tissue loh..(Note:ci jeanny n me are 2 weekes difference..she's now 36 weeks, me 34 weeks).
acara lusy sbg moderator kasi pertanyaan2 dan ibu2 di sono dapet giliran utk jawab..yahh pertanyaan sputar pengalaman melahirkan baik normal with/without epidural, caesar, pengalaman breastfeeding, etc...
dan yg terakir doa..trus makan2 hehe..

Oh ya..dapet kado juga belom smuanya ngasi bbrp orang aja..maybe sebagian blm sempet beli karena pemberitauan baby shower ini cm 2 hari sebelomnya sih..but anyway I got a steamer (bottle sterilizer) and a bottle warmer...

Sebenernya kemaren sempet ngobrol2 sama ci lina dan tiba2 ada 1 moment aku merasa terharu sekali...yah aku merasa dari awal2 kehamilanku pas aku masih mual2 dan mukaku ini melas bgt (spt kata erinna), ci lina itu yang paling perhatian. ngga cuma menghibur tapi bener2 dengan tindakan...sering kirimin makanan..pesenin pudding2 n snack2 yang kira2 gak bikin mual...trus kalo ngajak makan slalu pesenin makanan yg bergizi2 buat baby...hehehe...dan banyak lah...
well..memang yang laen juga banyak yang perhatian..aku sering ditanya lg suka makan apa...dateng aja ke rumah ntar dimasakin...cuma ya sungkan lah yaaa hehehe...
trus mamanya sheila juga pernah tiba2 buatin aku asinan enak banget...pas itu juga felt so blessed with her kindness..
and then..tadi pagi juga cik sally tiba2 sms..dia bilang kalo perlu bantuan apapun pas aku melahirkan and my mom belom nyampe sgp, jgn sungkan contact dia..
little things kayak gini bikin terharu yahh..baek banget...juga buat aku merasa kalo Tuhan sangat2 perhatian juga sm aku sampe byk org2 di sekeliling yang mau bantu

btw, ttg baby shower ini...di satu pihak aku merasa seneng dapet info banyak dari cerita2 para ibu2 ini haha..tapi di lain pihak juga aku kok merasa tambah pressure ya...apalagi ttg breastfeeding..kok cerita2 mereka tuh struggling bgt utk breastfeed.
karena itu aku ngga mau cerita di blog skrg ini apa yg mereka bilang ke aku...nanti lah kalo aku udah ngalamin, bakal aku ceritain...aku tetep mau optimis Tuhan kasi favor smua lancar..jadi yang baca ceritaku bakal termotivasi...

hmm besok valentine loh...last yr aku gak rayain valentine..besok?? tunggu aja ceritanya :)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

nambah lagi..

Oh tidakkkk....barusan timbang lagi...skrg udah naek 12kg total!!! masak per minggu naek 1kg skrg!!
pasti gara2 kmrn nih..makan terus..jacks place,cakes, prata, makan2 di porkee lanjut duren...oh no....
kata mamiku wes ngga papa lah..dibatesi total 14 kg...exceed 2kg dari target...

my mom jg dah mulai siapin ramuan2 buat aku: kapur sirih,minyak kayu putih n jeruk nipi..ntar dicampur jadi satu trus dioleskan ke perut, then dibebet ama gurita trus pake korset..wadohh bakal sesek katanya pake kapur sirih itu perut bisa cepet singset...
trus aku dibeliin jamu juga...smoga beli yang pil...kan enak nggak pait rasa kok tadi my mom bilang lbh manjur yang bubuk...duhh siap2 permen kalo mesti minum yg bubuk..!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

honey's bday pics

Happy birthday honey!

10 Feb 09
starting this day bakal banyak celebration2 laen yg menyusul...coming is valentine's is our anniversary 8 Mar..and then my baby's imagine next year Feb - March will be spending more money to buy gifts haha... (belom lagi sincia bln january mesti ngasi angpao)- oh in january ada casey's bday jg..and april is zendo' Jan-April always has something to celebrate.'s the story of yesterday event:
tgl 9 - hari senin uda plan bakal ketemu evelyn di AMK for dinner..krn aku ada childbirth class jam 7-9 di aku nitip evelyn beliin cake yg kecil trus ntar ngasi ke aku-nya pura2 blg ini titipan buat erinna...before that I explain to hubby kalo dlm minggu ini aku mau nonton bride war sm lala n erinna (hueheue...bohong sih soalnya blm ngajak mereka kok...nah makanya cewek2, supaya aye gak dosa kita beneran nonton yukk)

jam 11.30...hubby lg ntn aku masuk kamar n siap2...pasang lilin2 yg ada aroma wanginya gitu di bbrp sudut kamar..trus siapin kado n kartu...and siapin cake..but OMG waktu tak buka kotak cake-nya..tau gak...cake-nya uda hancurrrr...i think hubby bawanya dimiring2in yah akhirnya manage utk rapiin dikit2 lah...
akhirnya jam 12 lbh 1 menitan gt..dia kerasa kok aku lama bgt di kamar..trus dia ketok2...dan pas tak bukain sambil nyanyi happy bday, dia kaget..kagetnya bukan krn gak expect ada surprise di kaget kok surprisenya uda mulai pdhl benny cs blm dateng (huaaa benny gitu lohh yg dinantikan huahauhaua hopeng tercinta!)
jadi ternyata dia uda expect bgt benny dll bakal dateng, sampe dia uda pake baju rumah yg bagusan n ambil uang buat traktir di jalan kayu huahauhaua
emang rencana awal anak2 mau surprise jam 12 malem..trus mau sirem rencana berubah...haha untung lah..kalo gak kan pasti gak gt surprise lg toh...
trus ya give him a hug...*cant hold my tears*...coz realizing throughout my pregnancy, he's been such a wonderful husband..I'm very thankful to God for blessing me with a husband like him.. :)

yakk...spy gak mellow2 lg...lanjut cerita..tgl 10 siang kita makan di jack's place...dulu pas pacaran lmyn srg ke jack's place...after lunch, dia ke kantor..and aku pergi beli cake lagi (buat surprise berikutnya...hmm apa yaa??)

jam 4.15 ketemu anak2 (skitar 11 orang) di peace center...jadi ceritanya aku organize surprise lg dan kali ini brg anak2 kita naek ke kantor and surprise him...thank God acara berjalan lancar..and dia gak curiga apa2...(actually dia sempet bertanya2 kok semalem gary telp2 aku knp..pdhl gary kan gak pernah telp aku..trus si tommy jg tiba2 telp dia nanya no hp-ku dia tetep gak nyangka kalo bakal di surprise-in di kntr)..

okee trus surprise ke 3 (hehe iya 3x surprise)..organized by ci lina lina invite anak2 bilang sm kita kalo yg diundang makan cm kita ber2 tok...
at first hubby gak curiga apa2 sih..dia bnr2 yakin ga ada anak2 laen yg diundang...tho dia sempet bertanya2 jg kok makan di porkee gak ajak yg laen2..tumben bgt gitu...
tapi surprise kali ini emang gagal sodara2...dan gagalnya karenaa.....BENNY!! (hahaha againnnn.....??!!! jangan kasi tau benny ya..nanti dia 'down' loh..)
ceritanya...slese acara surprise di kantor grj..itu uda jam 6an..trus benny tiba2 pamit mau jalan dulu..ya santo diem aja pas benny pergi...santo lgs nyamperin aku n nanya: are u sure ci lina gak undang yg laen2? gak mungkinn..itu benny buktinya kok pamit duluan! HUAHUAHUAA....benny gitu lohhhhhh...mana pernah keluar kantor on time jam 6 tet!!!!!! dan gak blg lagi mau jalan ke mana....--->dia kan slalu tell santo everything!! dan dia keluarnya cepet banget, gak basa basi lg..ya jelas mencurigakan lahhhh...
HAHAHA jadiii ketauan dehhhhh....aku juga dah gak bisa bohong lagi lahh..hueheue..
but at least cuma surprise terakhir aja deh yang fail hehe..

ATTENTION: kata santo..cerita ini disimpan dulu sampe yosafat balik okeee....jd kalo mau ketawain benny ntar2 aja huehueuheue...

Happy birthday honey :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

my singer ministry

finally today is the last duty as a next schedule should be around may or june..
It's kinda sad...couldnt help to cry during the 1st worship song..
dont know what's gonna happen and how much changes in my ministry after the baby is born.. :(
that's why buat yang belom married/berkeluarga/punya anak..manfaatkan waktu sebaik2nya yah...

baby is so cute today..
during the sound check, danil kan gebuk2 drum (pas aku berdiri deket banget ama drum)...and I got the feeling my baby will kick me after I was counting 1..2...and yess he did kick wake him up!!!
during service was even was making alot of moves..sampe ga focus sama nyanyinya...hehe kelupaan ni nyanyi sampe lirik mana hueheue...trus ada bbrp kali aku tutupin tummy pake tangan..soalnya malu kalo ada yg liat perutku goyang2 sendiri hehe...

dan pas kotbah lagi..tambah parah geraknya..sama kayak last week, non stop and very extreme...goyang kanan n kiri..dan ada sesekali sakit loh..kayak dia grab something inside..maybe he grab the umblical cord/placenta..???
my hubby sempet ngerekam pake hp..dan bener2 keliatan perutku goyang2 sendiri..hihihihi....this whole day he makes lotsa moves..(til now) ^^
I really hope his head is already engaged down!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Pack Hospital Bag

I know it's a bit too early to pack now..but while I have the time and I remember what to put..better do it early..
Normally, you need to pack your bag 2-4 weeks before your due date...the purpose is to be prepared when emergency occurs and it'll be difficult for you to remember things and pack during your contraction-when labour about to begin.

So I've packed: (you may follow my list for your reference ^^ )
1. 2 daster kancing depan (easier for breastfeed)
2. 1 nursing bra
3. slippers and socks (might be cold in hospital)
4. disposable panties (hospital only provide 1 pack, use more - pay more)
5. heavy flow pad (laurier safeguard wings 35cm - u'll be having like heavy menses
after delivery)
6. breast pad (to cover your bra if milk leaking)
7. toileteries (soap,tooth paste and brush, face cleanser,shower cap etc)
8. baju utk pulang dari hospital
9. camera and handy cam
10. plastic bag - for dirty clothes

if your husband staying with you in hospital..pack for him too:
1. 2 shirts (no need pants-as he'll be wearing when taking u to hospital rite..he can use 1 pants for 2 days)
2. 1 baju tidur
3. underwear
4. tooth brush
5. shaver

For baby:
1. blanket (hospital provide..but I want to use mine coz ada hood-nya)
2. 1 baju bayi

For registrarion of birth cert: (you can register at the hospital)
1. me n hubby's IC
2. our marriage cert

Some things I couldnt pack now..coz I'm still using it will make note and put it on the hubby can quickly grab all the things I havent packed on my labour day..
so...honey, please make sure you grab these things:
1. my cosmetic bag - but if i havent packed my cosmetic bag..u need to grab:
- shisedo toner (white bottle)
- clinique moisturizer (yellow)
- shisedo compact powder (the longer one)
- eyebrow pencil
- comb
- jepit rambut
2. my HP + charger
3. your HP + charger
4. Your wax
5. Your shampoo
6. kacamataku
7. laptop
8. cd healing worship

Anyway..these are the things that hospital (TMC) provide for the baby:
1. baby bag
2. mittens
3. baby vest
4. disposable diapers
5. toileteries
6. wrapping blanket
7. a box of tissue paper
8. wet wipes
9. diaper protective cream
10. sterile cotton balls
11. cord spirit (buat puser)
(so you don't need to bring these from home - as hospital provides)

and if your husband is staying with will provide:
1.sofa bed
4.basic toileteries
note: check with the hopital for companion charge (TMC maybe around $75/night)
only single bedroom can allow companion

Hope this is helpful :)


oh tidakkk...
to lala: ternyata timbangan rumahmu tidak salah!
sampe rumah aku nimbang lagi..tenryata emang bener uda 56.5kg beratku
padahal a day before, aku nimbang masih 55kg...jadi dalam 1 hari naek 1.5kg!! *shock*
makan apa aku ya?? suerrr gak makan banyak..biasa aja lohh...apa gara2 minum susu ya? di indo aku makan lbh banyak tp ga minum susu...di sini kebalikannya..
gawat nihhh

total beratku uda naek 11kg donggg...
padahal targetku cm mau naek 12kg total sampe melahirkan nanti..
wah kalo gini caranya apa bisa 12kg..masih ada 1 bulanan lagi..
mateng dehhh hehehe...

oh tapi smoga aja bukan aku yg naek beratnya..but purely baby hehe :)

p.s. enak nih abis makan black forest mcflurry
kayaknya emang bener kata org kalo hamil anak cowok sukanya makan yg manis2..
ask my hubby...i now become a fan of chocolate :)

kepengen makan pepper lunch lg nih..pengen beef nya plus ica macha..yummy...


forgive me for being gaptek hehe..
ngga ngerti maen2in blog biar keliatan bagus
previous photo uda tak otak-atik tapi kok masih ada 1 yg keluar gitu...jelek yaa..

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

my baby cabinet has arrived :)

my baby cabinet :)

yup...i've put all the clothes inside...4 laci langsung penuh..soalnya aku organize: 1st drawer tempat handunk, kain2, blanket
2nd: utk baju2 0-3months
3rd: utk baju2 3 months above plus all the bibs, hats etc
4th: bed sheet, mattrass ptotector, etc

the good thing about this cabinet's double cuma buat taruh baju aja tapi bisa dijadiin tempat mandi baby
ada semacam teralis yg bisa digeser-geser...buat taruh bath tub

this is how it looks like with the bath tub

nah ini selangnya buat empty the water after bathing the baby
sedia ember aja buat buang airnya.

this is a baby it from indo (around 300ribu - di sgp bisa $100an)... I need this coz after may, I will be taking care the baby kalo lagi di dapur, bisa denger baby nangis lewat monitor..

buat yang tertarik untuk beli this can go to baby kingdom (83, kaki bukit ave 1-near bedok area-daerah industrial gitu).
harganya agak mahal sih.. $395 (my mom bought it hehe...otherwise, it's too expensive for me too haha). warnanya ada macem2 kok..but i cant remember ada warna apa aja...i choose white coz it suits my baby cot color which is white too..and i just simply love white :) but u really have to maintain kalo mau warnanya ga cepet kotor..
I got capella stroller too (S228-aqua/turqoise color) for $255 - yg ini dapet diskon..harga aslinya i think around 500, trus di dept store sale $269..but i got it at baby kingdom for it's worth to buy :)
i like this stroller karena dorongan strollernya bisa dipindah ke depan/ baby can face me..stroller2 lain kebanyakan ngga bisa..unless yg roda tiga which is expensive..
another thing..roda strollernya quite strong and bisa muter 180 derajat.
foto strollernya belom dipasang..soalnya masih dalam kardus..ngga plan utk dibuka dulu krn dipakenya masih nunggu baby 1 bulan - kalo pas mau jalan2 keluar...jd drpd berdebu, lbh baik ngga dikeluarin dulu kan.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

and this is my tummy at 33rd week

heee heeee heeee
so big riteeee...but so far no stretch marks ^^

my baby at 33rd week

akhirnya...hari ini dapet scan pic yg lumayan jelas...biasanya cuma keliatan either kepala or tummy-nya..
now u can see the head and the tummy..and the hands! look at those tiny hands yang lg diangkat ke tau lagi maen apa hehehe..lucuunyaa
doctor said (for the 4th time) it's a boy! (mimpimu salah sayangg ->to hubby)

update about eating peanuts I did ask my gynae regarding eating peanuts..whether it can cause allergies to the baby..
the answer is: eating peanut during pregnancy or breastfeeding won't cause allergies to the baby. But later do not let baby himself eat peanut before he is 3 or 5 yrs old--can cause allergies. tapi kalo mamanya yg makan peanut trus menyusui itu ngga papa.. demikian sekilas info :)

akibat super active!

huhuhuhuuuuuuuuuuu.... *crying*

baru pulang dari gynae nih..
not so good yang 3 minggu lalu di-check kepalanya di bawah..sekarang muter lagi ke atas!!!
kata dokter sih emang masih bisa muter2..maybe sampe 9 bulan ntar baru fix..
anyway 2 minggu lagi bakal di check lg ama dokter...
tapi kalo nearer due date kepalanya masih di atas harus c-section niiiyyy
aduuuu...ngga mau caesar!!! aku anti caesar!!! hux hux...
sama sekali ga ada niat dan prepare mental utk caesar! tiap kali baca buku bagian caesar slalu baca sekilas2 doang ga bener2 dibaca....
padahal baru kemaren ngobrol ama lala n erinna..kalo aku ga bakal mau caesar...huu apa enaknya caesar..uda sakit, sembuhnya lama, mau breastfeed susah...huhuhuhu....
-->yg decided utk caesar jgn tersinggung ya...ini kan preference tiap org berbeda...
to me...kalo bisa lahir normal with/without epidural kenapa ngga...apalagi skrg ada epidural gitu lohhh...uda ga sakit after melahirkan juga lbh cepet juga lbh kuat kalo lahir normal..

oh ya...aku tadi sempet tanya dokter ttg epidural...soalnya aku denger my cousin was in labour pain for almost 24 hours and in that case epidural-nya ga tahan lama or ga bole dipake terus2an so in the end dia decide utk caesar krn uda gak kuat lagi...
nah aku tanya whether its true apa gak tuh epidural ga bole dipake terlalu lama....well, my gynae said ga ada masalah tuh..epidural bisa dipake selama labour walaupun lama...tapi ya mungkin in other country ada yang gak mau nambah epiduralnya krn mau lebih natural birth ato gimana gitu ya...


teman2..doain donggg...supaya baby head nya muter ke bawah lagi ya...
kayaknya sih aku tau kapan dia muter..i think sabtu malem pas dia gerak2 mulu non stop itu..soalnya geraknya bener2 extreme sampe perut peyot kanan kiri...super active sih!
dokterku bilang diajak ngomong aja baby-nya suruh dia muter lagi hehehe...
ya sihhh dokk..pastiiii....demi gak mau caesar!

Anyway, baby weight is now 2.1kg :)
kata dokter normal weight...naek 500gr dari 3 minggu yg lalu (which is 1.6kg)
i hope by due date can reach 3 or 3.2kg..not too skinny or too fat...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

super active baby

semalem jam 11..sekitar 30 menit non-stop si baby geraakkkk mulu...skrg kan dia uda gede, kalo gerak makes me feel uncomfortable banget walaupun gak sakit...wah perut bisa nari2..peyot ke kanan dan ke kiri...
sempet kuatir dia stress ato apa ya kok geraknya non-stop gitu...
trus aku coba ajak dia ngobrol...calm him down..ehhh it works!! pelan2 dia kurangin geraknya..trus bener2 calm down dlm waktu 1-2menit stlh tak ajak ngomong...trus kayaknya lgs tidur deh...hehehe...
lucu yaaa...dia bisa tenang denger suara mummy-nya...

hari ini...di gereja pas pastor kotbah...30 menit terakhir dia juga gerak terusss...sampe hubby pun bisa ngeliat perutku goyang2 terus...udah tak elus2 tp ga mau diem juga...di grj kan ga bisa ngomong2 ama baby apalagi pas kotbah...jadi baby ya gerak terus gak mau diem...ngga tau napa...apa laper, stress krn sempit ato cm cari perhatian doang yaa....

on the way home...hubby cerita sih kalo tadi after church dia sempet ngobrol2 ama valerie...
valerie tanyain's me doing...waktu travelling by plane kmrn fine ngga...and then hubby blg baik2 aja ga ada keluhan sih...trus valerie bilang kalo aku termasuk kuat kalo gitu..krn some ppl kalo hamil tua kan cepet capek n travelling by plane gitu bisa bikin mual2 kambuh lagi...praise God not happening to me!!!
trus dia tanya lagi if hubby ever see my tummy goyang2 gitu...haha...ngga tau dia kalo slm kotbah td gerak mulu..kenceng lagi!!!
menurut valerie sih itu pertanda bagus...that means I have a very active baby hehehe....
yahh puji Tuhan...yg penting sehat lah...

hmmm...bobo dulu deh... (just eat indomie n pudding :) )
tomorrow planning to cook green bean (good for ASI-have to start eating alot from this month onwards) and boil some bird nest too (spy kulit baby-ku putih^^)..

nitey nitezz...

Sushi craving

semalem kepikiran belom makan song mie and bakwan pak Lan di sby...jadi craving for that..but i know its impossible to get it now... :(
so I tried to think of another possible food to be craving on...and all i can think about is having sushi at ichiban boshi....think about deep impact (baby octopus n tempura), chicken floss, handroll....yumm...yummm....

so today after some girls want to accompany me eating sushi (hubby baptis 3 anak youth di east coast, jadinya girls day out deh), dan tenryata aku memang pesen dan makan paling banyak sodara2! hehe..tapi puassss....
dan selaen itu i'm havin a very good time with the girls...uda lama ga pergi cewek2 aja..
betewe..tadi makannya bareng evelyn,feka,erinna and yuni..
abis makan kita jalan2 keliling centrepoint...masuk ke BYSI (seperti biasa erinna shopping lagi!!!! membuatku sangat teramat iriii...huxxxxxxx), trus ke ALDO (accessoriesnya emang bagus2..tapi akhirnya aku ga beli juga), and then ke IORA...trus ke party shop berharap dpt sesuatu buat retro night 14 Feb..tapi ya ga dapet apa2...

everyone commented on my tummy getting very big...even erinna juga bilang my tummy is bigger compared to last saturday when she met me at sby...
hmmm really??? but that always happens everytime I came back from sby...
i think kalo slm hamil aku tinggal di sby mungkin beratku bisa naek 20-an kg kali ya...hahaha...while now my total weight gain is 10kg (2kg is from sby!!)
praise God..til now I have no water retention, no swelling on my ankle or finger..and my wedding ring still fits tho agak sempit skrg...

I miss sby...malam selalu bisa tidur pulas tanpa terbangun krn lapar (kalo krn pipis sih masih sering!)...sebelom tidur selalu perut dlm keadaan kenyang...di sby jg jarang minum susu soalnya uda kekenyangan....
but now....balik sgp...wahhh beda banget....gak ada mi dog2 or tahu teg2 lewat...jadi malem jam 12 laper lagi..akhirnya minum susu...and jam 5 kebangun lagi...minum susu lg krn perut keroncongan...gawat kan...*sigh*