Sunday, March 29, 2009

My labour story-part 3

around 11.15pm - anethethist came to inject me epidural...
and within minutes I'm already in the operating room...
I think they start the surgery around 11.30PM
my hubby was not allowed to look inside waktu lg proses surgerynya..tapi waktu baby hampir keluar dia boleh masuk sambil bawa kamera/handy cam...

pas lagi dikerjain...aku gak berasa apa2..sama skali! when i saw hubby..i even talked to him and smiled..and i was thinking..mungkin memang yg terbaik ya..kok gak rasa sakit..enak juga...
and then suddenly and so quick..
11.43PM - i heard a baby cried! OMG..that's my baby...(that fast????)
I saw hubby lg video-in baby..trus dia dibersihin...
ngga lama..CALEB PETER LIM was put on my chest...OMG he's so adorable....just like what I've been praying! so I welcomed him..called his name and smiled..said hi to touching..dropped a few tears after that..
the doctors and nurses congrats me..and commented: you have a big baby...and u know what..he's 3.470kg!!! just yesterday I went for a check up..he was 3.2kg..and within 1 day he put on another 200grams..woww...

hubby keluar sama baby..and i was still inside...dr adrian did the didnt hurt too...slese..nurses cleaned me...they said I bleed alot but it's good coz my uterus contracts very well...

akhirnya aku dipindah ke kamar....praise GOD aku bisa dapet 4 bedded room yg di upgrade ke 2 bed room. tadinya aku ambil single room tp krn caesar, aku ga mau biaya bengkak..jd minta downgrade kamar..puji Tuhan..krn sebelomnya pihak hospital ngga kasi downgrade since aku uda check in ke single rm nya sambil nunggu induksi tadi...tapi dr.adrian ngomong sama pihak malah aku bisa dapet kamar yg 2 bedded dgn harga kamar 4 it's quite cheap..

I'll continue my stories later when i have time ok...still have alot to tell..about my days in hospital, 1st day baby at home and so on...

*to be continued..

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