Sunday, March 22, 2009


officially monday..
which means 1 day away from EDD..wonder when he wants to be out..
padahal di dalem rasanya udah too cramp loh...suempit banget sampe belakangan kalo baby nendang sakitnya bukan main..krn tendangannya buat kepalanya jadi kedorong ke bawah..wadoww sakittt....

yesterday..sunday morning, I woke up talking to myself...hmm belom lahir juga...tebakan hubby salah! and worse...I've to face ppl in church asking "whennnn?"
and then after church, it's not over yet...sister in law called..asking again...and then a few hours later another in law called...OMG .... I felt pressure's not that I want bb to be inside longer...I want him to be out too...I cant wait for that too...and now some ppl make it sound like I'm overdue already..and that it's not good for baby..well people...i'm not overdue yet! I still have 1 more day before EDD and EVEN if I'm overdue, actually maximum limit is 42 weeks( 2 weeks after EDD is still allowed, though my gynae would not support waiting too long if I pass my EDD).

Oh BTW...since i've been feeling so down...hehe tp lucu juga feel down just because I've to take out my maternity dress which I've already packed (believing i will give birth soon and wont be wearing this clothes again) I wore the dress again to church..duhhh bosennya deeehhh pake baju ini lagi ini lagi...bener2 gak ada baju lagi emang! cant wait wearing my normal clothes...pake t-shirt gitu..nyaman skaleee..ngeliat lala hobi pake kaos...aye jg kangen jg pake comfy! trus dah bener2 gak sabar ngurusin rambut ini yg uda very messy...gak sanggup nunggu bulan mei buat rebonding my hair...
haizzz di MRT abis pulang grj tadi..tiba2 punya pikiran mau cut my hair deh..nekatttt....
soalnya uda tebel banget ini....hehe akhirnya beneran ke jean yip minta trim rambut..aku bilang keep the length, just trim coz it's too thick already...
hasilnya..not much different lah but at least agak tipisan...PLUS I got my hair washed (now I wash my hair everyday, just in case I've to admit to hospital..u know after labour we can't wash hair..)

trus sunday sore decided to go have dinner at lala's bday and then went to see movie "Paul Blart" (might be my last movie before giving birth). trus pas nonton, tiba2 perasaan jd ga enak..kayak gelisah bb is kicking and down feeling painful coz of the head pushing again...
pengen cepet2 pulang jadinya...
sampe rumah... aku bilang sm hubby that I dont want to go out anymore tomorrow...takut aja my water burst while I'm out..will definetely make a scene and totally embarassed...

so now...00.17AM still waiting for any signs...

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