Tuesday, March 31, 2009

the 1st night

our 1st night together...
hmm what can I say....it was....tiring!!
bukan karena caleb nangis2 mulu..tapi karena aneh bangettt...masak sedot susu formula di botol bisa 2 jam lebih..30 ml aja ngga habis2...malah setelah 2 jam masih sisa 10ml...
aku baca di buku..kalo breastfeed bisa takes 30 mins..kalo bottle feed cuma 10-15 menit uda bisa habis...ini aneh banget....mana dia gak pipis/poop...takut dehidrasi..krn baby yang sehat biasanya pipis/poop 6-8kali sehari...
bener2 bikin kuatir...aku dah hampir nangis...

pagi2 aku langsung telp ci jeanny...ternyata jordan minum botolnya cepet kok..within 10 mins uda habis..dan dia juga pake botol and teat-nya AVENT..sama tuh kayak yang aku beli....
waduhh jd tambah panik..apa krn caleb gak bisa sedot...apa karena teat-nya gak enak....
but anyway...puji Tuhan aku ada sedia teat merk NUK..sengaja beli 2 merk krn baca di forum NUK teat itu mirip ama breasts teat jadi gak bikin baby confused...so aku cobain pake bottle AVENT tapi pake teat NUK...ehhh it worked!!! caleb sucked very well..he finished his milk within 10 mins! aduhh leganyaaa....

some more good news...
I tried to pump my breasts utk merangsang supaya BM (breast milk) nya keluar....being preservere aja...believed that I have good milk supply...I've been praying tumpang tangan since bulan2 lalu supaya my BM lancar...
and aku juga keinget kata2nya cik sally kemaren...dia bilang ngga tau napa dia yakin ASI ku bakal lancar...somehow the words stuck in my mind and aku jd positive thinking...
after a while I saw a yellow liquid coming out...ahhh my colostrum!!! I was so happy...!!! yayyyy....
mungkin karena minum tablet daun katuk juga...hehehe FYI, daun katuk itu bisa memperlancar ASI...it's very good..eat alot when u're breastfeeding! it really helps! bisa dimakan kayak sayur bayam atau kalo mau praktis beli yg bentuk pil aja...

by the end of the day...I managed to pump around 10ml! Puji Tuhann... :)
I know it's not enough for caleb..but it's a good improvement...
1st week baby needs 30ml of milk on each feed...so masih hrs top up sama susu formula..
But I'm satisfied wkt liat caleb drinking my BM...it's my BM!! hehehe...

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