utk yang lahirin di sgp..khususnya TMC, kita bisa bikin birth cert baby di hospital.
dia buka counter jam 8-11AM and 2-4PM...fee-nya skitar $39, kalo mau bikin di ICA juga bisa...lebih murah..tp ribet aja kan hrs ke sana 2x..krn ntar hrs urus PR baby juga..
setelah baby lahir...ada 3 hal laen yg harus kita urus selaen birth cert baby..
pertama...urus akte lahir baby di KBRI..dokumen yg perlu dibawa:
1. akte lahir singapore yg bikin di hospital
2. surat nikah ortu
3. passport ortu
4. 2 saksi plus passport mereka
5. fee $17, 1 hari kerja
(bawa jaa fotokopi n original nya , just in case!)
(baby ngga harus dibawa)
kedua..urus passport baby di KBRI perlu bawa:
1. akte lahir singapur
2. akte lahir yg dikeluarin KBRI
3. Passport ortu
4. surat nikah ortu
5. pas foto 5lbr (foto di KBRI-baby harus dibawa)
6. isi form permohonan passport (bisa di downliad di website KBRI singapur)
7. fee $40
* ingat loh ke KBRI hrs pake yg sopan..jgn celana pendek, sandal japit..pasti gak bole masuk!
ketiga..urus PR and re-permit baby di ICA
(baby harus dibawa...plus bawa aja IC ortu, re-permit, etc)
sekian sekilas info..ntar kalo ada lagi baru tulis deh..
hopefully berguna yah..
my name is Novita, born in 1983, I am Indonesian who is currently residing in Singapore. I have a loving dedicated husband and an adorable sweet little boy who's turning into two years old next March. Mostly my posts are about my experience as a wife and a mother. I am not an expert but I wish to be a blessing for someone out there who might have the same experience with me, someone who is doing research about raising her kid, or just simply to have fun reading my stories.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Looking back...
Looking back..sebenernya ngga ada yang perlu disesali...
I thought if I really had to go for c-sect..I would be so regretful and disappointed at myself..
tapi kalo thinking back all that happened..it made me realize I have to be thankful...
First..because it turned out that I was able to relax during the operation..no pain at all
second... the stitches afer surgery was bearable...
third...Tuhan tuh baik banget...aku merasa Dia kasi kekuatan luar biasa..bahkan urusan kamar yang tadinya ga bisa downgrade dari single rm ke yg 4 kamar malah dibikin possible..dan malah dapet favor bisa tinggal di twin room dgn harga 4 bedded rm..
trus boleh pulang hari ke 2..otomatis bill nya juga lebih murah...orang yg melahirkan normal aja minim stay 3 hari di hospital... thinking of this really made me so grateful...kalo bukan campur tangan Tuhan ngga mungkin kan...dan aku boleh pulang awal jg krn alesan aku merasa uda kuat..Tuhan kasi quick recovery...bener2 puji Tuhan...
smua yg aku takutkan kalo caesar itu ngga terbukti...mungkin krn sudah Tuhan tentukan ya...bukan keinginan kita sendiri..dan krn berserah n rela..percaya Tuhan kasih yang terbaik!
I thought if I really had to go for c-sect..I would be so regretful and disappointed at myself..
tapi kalo thinking back all that happened..it made me realize I have to be thankful...
First..because it turned out that I was able to relax during the operation..no pain at all
second... the stitches afer surgery was bearable...
third...Tuhan tuh baik banget...aku merasa Dia kasi kekuatan luar biasa..bahkan urusan kamar yang tadinya ga bisa downgrade dari single rm ke yg 4 kamar malah dibikin possible..dan malah dapet favor bisa tinggal di twin room dgn harga 4 bedded rm..
trus boleh pulang hari ke 2..otomatis bill nya juga lebih murah...orang yg melahirkan normal aja minim stay 3 hari di hospital... thinking of this really made me so grateful...kalo bukan campur tangan Tuhan ngga mungkin kan...dan aku boleh pulang awal jg krn alesan aku merasa uda kuat..Tuhan kasi quick recovery...bener2 puji Tuhan...
smua yg aku takutkan kalo caesar itu ngga terbukti...mungkin krn sudah Tuhan tentukan ya...bukan keinginan kita sendiri..dan krn berserah n rela..percaya Tuhan kasih yang terbaik!
going to the PD
hari sabtu dateng juga...caleb dijadwalin mesti ke dokter hari ini utk check up...
rada deg2-an juga nih..soalnya hari ini bakal dicheck caleb ada jaundice ngga...semacem sakit kuning gitu...kalo misal parah, dia harus dibawa ke hospital lagi..bisa nginep 2-3 hari lagi...
so pagi ini aku jemur dia di sinar matahari...supaya dia gak jaundice..
jam 10.30 uda nyampe di PD...dokternya cewek..dr.lilian lim..quite popular di sengkang...antrinya panjang..untung uda appointment dulu...
so first thing to do..caleb ditimbang beratnya..hmm 3.2kg..hehe good...krn waktu discharge dari hospital kamis kemaren..berat dia turun..dari 3.470 ke 3.1kg...oh tapi itu normal loh..jangan kaget..krn di dalem perut dia dapet supply makanan otomatis...pas dia lahir...dia depends on ornag lain to feed him..dan digestionnya kan masih pelan jd gak bisa take in too much milk, that's why beratnya turun...tapi by his 4th day uda naek lg 3.2kg...
dr.lim akhirnya check dia...dan dia bilang jaundice itu normal tp kalo parah hrs balik ke hospital..but for caleb skrg ini jaundice nya ringan...jaundice paling memuncak itu hari ke 5-7...jadi by monday dokternya mau check caleb lg...meanwhile keep sun tan him in the morning..before 10 AM..
Next check up...on monday..praise God jaundice nya tetep ringan..jadi dr.lim ngga review lagi..next PD visit tgl 6 mei..utk vaksi diare gitu...
aduhh capek juga update blogs berturut2 hehehe..time to rest...
catch up later :)
rada deg2-an juga nih..soalnya hari ini bakal dicheck caleb ada jaundice ngga...semacem sakit kuning gitu...kalo misal parah, dia harus dibawa ke hospital lagi..bisa nginep 2-3 hari lagi...
so pagi ini aku jemur dia di sinar matahari...supaya dia gak jaundice..
jam 10.30 uda nyampe di PD...dokternya cewek..dr.lilian lim..quite popular di sengkang...antrinya panjang..untung uda appointment dulu...
so first thing to do..caleb ditimbang beratnya..hmm 3.2kg..hehe good...krn waktu discharge dari hospital kamis kemaren..berat dia turun..dari 3.470 ke 3.1kg...oh tapi itu normal loh..jangan kaget..krn di dalem perut dia dapet supply makanan otomatis...pas dia lahir...dia depends on ornag lain to feed him..dan digestionnya kan masih pelan jd gak bisa take in too much milk, that's why beratnya turun...tapi by his 4th day uda naek lg 3.2kg...
dr.lim akhirnya check dia...dan dia bilang jaundice itu normal tp kalo parah hrs balik ke hospital..but for caleb skrg ini jaundice nya ringan...jaundice paling memuncak itu hari ke 5-7...jadi by monday dokternya mau check caleb lg...meanwhile keep sun tan him in the morning..before 10 AM..
Next check up...on monday..praise God jaundice nya tetep ringan..jadi dr.lim ngga review lagi..next PD visit tgl 6 mei..utk vaksi diare gitu...
aduhh capek juga update blogs berturut2 hehehe..time to rest...
catch up later :)
the 1st night
our 1st night together...
hmm what can I say....it was....tiring!!
bukan karena caleb nangis2 mulu..tapi karena aneh bangettt...masak sedot susu formula di botol bisa 2 jam lebih..30 ml aja ngga habis2...malah setelah 2 jam masih sisa 10ml...
aku baca di buku..kalo breastfeed bisa takes 30 mins..kalo bottle feed cuma 10-15 menit uda bisa habis...ini aneh banget....mana dia gak pipis/poop...takut dehidrasi..krn baby yang sehat biasanya pipis/poop 6-8kali sehari...
bener2 bikin kuatir...aku dah hampir nangis...
pagi2 aku langsung telp ci jeanny...ternyata jordan minum botolnya cepet kok..within 10 mins uda habis..dan dia juga pake botol and teat-nya AVENT..sama tuh kayak yang aku beli....
waduhh jd tambah panik..apa krn caleb gak bisa sedot...apa karena teat-nya gak enak....
but anyway...puji Tuhan aku ada sedia teat merk NUK..sengaja beli 2 merk krn baca di forum NUK teat itu mirip ama breasts teat jadi gak bikin baby confused...so aku cobain pake bottle AVENT tapi pake teat NUK...ehhh it worked!!! caleb sucked very well..he finished his milk within 10 mins! aduhh leganyaaa....
some more good news...
I tried to pump my breasts utk merangsang supaya BM (breast milk) nya keluar....being preservere aja...believed that I have good milk supply...I've been praying tumpang tangan since bulan2 lalu supaya my BM lancar...
and aku juga keinget kata2nya cik sally kemaren...dia bilang ngga tau napa dia yakin ASI ku bakal lancar...somehow the words stuck in my mind and aku jd positive thinking...
after a while I saw a yellow liquid coming out...ahhh my colostrum!!! I was so happy...!!! yayyyy....
mungkin karena minum tablet daun katuk juga...hehehe FYI, daun katuk itu bisa memperlancar ASI...it's very good..eat alot when u're breastfeeding! it really helps! bisa dimakan kayak sayur bayam atau kalo mau praktis beli yg bentuk pil aja...
by the end of the day...I managed to pump around 10ml! Puji Tuhann... :)
I know it's not enough for caleb..but it's a good improvement...
1st week baby needs 30ml of milk on each feed...so masih hrs top up sama susu formula..
But I'm satisfied wkt liat caleb drinking my BM...it's my BM!! hehehe...
hmm what can I say....it was....tiring!!
bukan karena caleb nangis2 mulu..tapi karena aneh bangettt...masak sedot susu formula di botol bisa 2 jam lebih..30 ml aja ngga habis2...malah setelah 2 jam masih sisa 10ml...
aku baca di buku..kalo breastfeed bisa takes 30 mins..kalo bottle feed cuma 10-15 menit uda bisa habis...ini aneh banget....mana dia gak pipis/poop...takut dehidrasi..krn baby yang sehat biasanya pipis/poop 6-8kali sehari...
bener2 bikin kuatir...aku dah hampir nangis...
pagi2 aku langsung telp ci jeanny...ternyata jordan minum botolnya cepet kok..within 10 mins uda habis..dan dia juga pake botol and teat-nya AVENT..sama tuh kayak yang aku beli....
waduhh jd tambah panik..apa krn caleb gak bisa sedot...apa karena teat-nya gak enak....
but anyway...puji Tuhan aku ada sedia teat merk NUK..sengaja beli 2 merk krn baca di forum NUK teat itu mirip ama breasts teat jadi gak bikin baby confused...so aku cobain pake bottle AVENT tapi pake teat NUK...ehhh it worked!!! caleb sucked very well..he finished his milk within 10 mins! aduhh leganyaaa....
some more good news...
I tried to pump my breasts utk merangsang supaya BM (breast milk) nya keluar....being preservere aja...believed that I have good milk supply...I've been praying tumpang tangan since bulan2 lalu supaya my BM lancar...
and aku juga keinget kata2nya cik sally kemaren...dia bilang ngga tau napa dia yakin ASI ku bakal lancar...somehow the words stuck in my mind and aku jd positive thinking...
after a while I saw a yellow liquid coming out...ahhh my colostrum!!! I was so happy...!!! yayyyy....
mungkin karena minum tablet daun katuk juga...hehehe FYI, daun katuk itu bisa memperlancar ASI...it's very good..eat alot when u're breastfeeding! it really helps! bisa dimakan kayak sayur bayam atau kalo mau praktis beli yg bentuk pil aja...
by the end of the day...I managed to pump around 10ml! Puji Tuhann... :)
I know it's not enough for caleb..but it's a good improvement...
1st week baby needs 30ml of milk on each feed...so masih hrs top up sama susu formula..
But I'm satisfied wkt liat caleb drinking my BM...it's my BM!! hehehe...
Day 1 at home
Welcome Home baby caleb!!!
we showed him his room..and his ready cot with his little soft toys friends..he was asleep so I put him on his cot...
I quickly washed all the bottles and sterilized...afraid he woke up soon and bottles not ready..
an hour later he woke up, cried and hungry..
So i tried to latch on..hehee..but nothing came out..so we gave him formula milk...
he seemed settled after his drink..and so I just carried him..his eyes were wide open and were staring at me...so cuteee....and adorable!!! didnt want to let him go..didnt even let my hubby carry him hehehe....
sore2...an angel came hehe...joking...I mean..cik sally tiba2 dateng ke rumah...just for cooking me dinner...since my mom would only arrive at 7PM...she cooked delicious soup!
very blessed with her thoughtfullness..oh iya...she was also my first visitor in hospital..she came as soon as she heard the news..around 12.30AM subuh2 gitu uda dateng and visit me..just right after I was sent to my ward after the surgery...so touched by her kindness..God bless her!
we showed him his room..and his ready cot with his little soft toys friends..he was asleep so I put him on his cot...
I quickly washed all the bottles and sterilized...afraid he woke up soon and bottles not ready..
an hour later he woke up, cried and hungry..
So i tried to latch on..hehee..but nothing came out..so we gave him formula milk...
he seemed settled after his drink..and so I just carried him..his eyes were wide open and were staring at me...so cuteee....and adorable!!! didnt want to let him go..didnt even let my hubby carry him hehehe....
sore2...an angel came hehe...joking...I mean..cik sally tiba2 dateng ke rumah...just for cooking me dinner...since my mom would only arrive at 7PM...she cooked delicious soup!
very blessed with her thoughtfullness..oh iya...she was also my first visitor in hospital..she came as soon as she heard the news..around 12.30AM subuh2 gitu uda dateng and visit me..just right after I was sent to my ward after the surgery...so touched by her kindness..God bless her!
Monday, March 30, 2009
in hospital (part 2)
day 2 in hospital..
Dr.adrian came very early in the morning..I was still asleep...
he just asked me 2 questions:
1. can you walk around? yes
2. do you want to go home by this afternoon? *confused* can I? only 2 days? of course YES!
wahh leganya....lgs called my hubby and told him the good news...hehehe that means can save more money!! Praise God too...He has given me a good pain treasure..semalem emang aku berasa uda lebih kuat lagi..I can walk to the toilet without the nurse help..and I even carried the baby at night and latched her on without any help..so I think I can go home and handle my baby too..
sekitar jam 10...the nurse came again..and told me that they would do some tests on the baby..if everything's ok, baby can go home with me..otherwise baby will still have to stay in hospital..and it's up to me whether I want to extend my stay or go home...
wah ini saat2 paling mendebarkan...kayaknya gak rela banget kalo hrs pisah sama baby...bisa nangis deh kayaknya..so i kept on praying and praying...I told myself..we named him caleb because he's a strong boy...ngga bakal gampang sakit...he's strong..strong and healthy...
by 12PM, hubby was called to settle payment..I've packed my things and changed my clothes..
when hubby came back..it was already 12.30pm..and baby was not ready yet...
we waited until 2PM and finally the nurse came with my baby..she said baby had passed hearing tests and he could go home with me...yayyy...praise GOddddddd!!!!
so Pst.Untung and benny arrived to send us home...
thanks for the lift :)
Dr.adrian came very early in the morning..I was still asleep...
he just asked me 2 questions:
1. can you walk around? yes
2. do you want to go home by this afternoon? *confused* can I? only 2 days? of course YES!
wahh leganya....lgs called my hubby and told him the good news...hehehe that means can save more money!! Praise God too...He has given me a good pain treasure..semalem emang aku berasa uda lebih kuat lagi..I can walk to the toilet without the nurse help..and I even carried the baby at night and latched her on without any help..so I think I can go home and handle my baby too..
sekitar jam 10...the nurse came again..and told me that they would do some tests on the baby..if everything's ok, baby can go home with me..otherwise baby will still have to stay in hospital..and it's up to me whether I want to extend my stay or go home...
wah ini saat2 paling mendebarkan...kayaknya gak rela banget kalo hrs pisah sama baby...bisa nangis deh kayaknya..so i kept on praying and praying...I told myself..we named him caleb because he's a strong boy...ngga bakal gampang sakit...he's strong..strong and healthy...
by 12PM, hubby was called to settle payment..I've packed my things and changed my clothes..
when hubby came back..it was already 12.30pm..and baby was not ready yet...
we waited until 2PM and finally the nurse came with my baby..she said baby had passed hearing tests and he could go home with me...yayyy...praise GOddddddd!!!!
so Pst.Untung and benny arrived to send us home...
thanks for the lift :)
labour story
Sunday, March 29, 2009
in hospital (part 1)
I woke up very early in the morning...to my surprise, it's not painful...hehehe ternyata masih di infus pain killer...trus dikasi minum milo....
ngga lama hubby dateng jam 8 pagi...
trus jam 9 susternya anterin caleb ke ward supaya aku bisa breastfeed dia...OMG...lucunya babyku hehehe...lebih lucu dari pertama kali aku liat kemaren stelah operasi :)
trus pas itu ada lactation consultant yg lewat...and aku diajarin caranya latching baby..sayang ASI ku belom keluar...tapi at least aku dah tau caranya lah...
meanwhile i let the nurse to feed him formula milk..aku pake merk NAN-nestle..
rada siangan...susternya ngelepas infus and aku dah siap2 bakal rasain sakit setelah infus lepas...eh tapi ternyata udah berjam jam lewat ngga ada sakit apa2...sampe akhinya aku mau pipis..kan mesti jalan ke toilet..dan pas turun dari ranjang itu baru terasa kayak perih2..and jalan mesti pelan2 juga..but so far i feel the pain is bearable...masih lbh sakit kontraksi kemaren (itu pun yg masih bisa tahan)..puji Tuhan lah...
ngga lama hubby dateng jam 8 pagi...
trus jam 9 susternya anterin caleb ke ward supaya aku bisa breastfeed dia...OMG...lucunya babyku hehehe...lebih lucu dari pertama kali aku liat kemaren stelah operasi :)
trus pas itu ada lactation consultant yg lewat...and aku diajarin caranya latching baby..sayang ASI ku belom keluar...tapi at least aku dah tau caranya lah...
meanwhile i let the nurse to feed him formula milk..aku pake merk NAN-nestle..
rada siangan...susternya ngelepas infus and aku dah siap2 bakal rasain sakit setelah infus lepas...eh tapi ternyata udah berjam jam lewat ngga ada sakit apa2...sampe akhinya aku mau pipis..kan mesti jalan ke toilet..dan pas turun dari ranjang itu baru terasa kayak perih2..and jalan mesti pelan2 juga..but so far i feel the pain is bearable...masih lbh sakit kontraksi kemaren (itu pun yg masih bisa tahan)..puji Tuhan lah...
labour story
Caleb Peter Lim

Caleb means a mighty warrior...I always pray that he'll be a strong person in health and faith.
We chose this name karena even before pregnancy, someone pernah bernubuat kalo ntar anak kita bakal jadi strong warrior. dan ngga lama setelah itu pastor juga pernah kotbah ttg Caleb and dia stated clearly that caleb is a mighty warrior..krn walau dia uda berumur tua tapi kekuatannya seperti masih muda. that's why we chose caleb. and kebetulan..his daddy's name is Joshua..a name given by God too...so they are partners now :)
Peter means the unshakable one..like a rock! my mom got this name while she prayed. sp we decided to combine both names.
Lim is simply my hubby's surename.
so..Caleb Peter Lim..
we call him 'little Kay' now..
My labour story-part 3
around 11.15pm - anethethist came to inject me epidural...
and within minutes I'm already in the operating room...
I think they start the surgery around 11.30PM
my hubby was not allowed to look inside waktu lg proses surgerynya..tapi waktu baby hampir keluar dia boleh masuk sambil bawa kamera/handy cam...
pas lagi dikerjain...aku gak berasa apa2..sama skali! when i saw hubby..i even talked to him and smiled..and i was thinking..mungkin memang yg terbaik ya..kok gak rasa sakit..enak juga...
and then suddenly and so quick..
11.43PM - i heard a baby cried! OMG..that's my baby...(that fast????)
I saw hubby lg video-in baby..trus dia dibersihin...
ngga lama..CALEB PETER LIM was put on my chest...OMG he's so adorable....just like what I've been praying! so I welcomed him..called his name and smiled..said hi to him...hehe..so touching..dropped a few tears after that..
the doctors and nurses congrats me..and commented: you have a big baby...and u know what..he's 3.470kg!!! just yesterday I went for a check up..he was 3.2kg..and within 1 day he put on another 200grams..woww...
hubby keluar sama baby..and i was still inside...dr adrian did the stitches..it didnt hurt too...slese..nurses cleaned me...they said I bleed alot but it's good coz my uterus contracts very well...
akhirnya aku dipindah ke kamar....praise GOD aku bisa dapet 4 bedded room yg di upgrade ke 2 bed room. tadinya aku ambil single room tp krn caesar, aku ga mau biaya bengkak..jd minta downgrade kamar..puji Tuhan..krn sebelomnya pihak hospital ngga kasi downgrade since aku uda check in ke single rm nya sambil nunggu induksi tadi...tapi dr.adrian ngomong sama pihak hospitalnya..eh malah aku bisa dapet kamar yg 2 bedded dgn harga kamar 4 bedded..so it's quite cheap..
I'll continue my stories later when i have time ok...still have alot to tell..about my days in hospital, 1st day baby at home and so on...
*to be continued..
and within minutes I'm already in the operating room...
I think they start the surgery around 11.30PM
my hubby was not allowed to look inside waktu lg proses surgerynya..tapi waktu baby hampir keluar dia boleh masuk sambil bawa kamera/handy cam...
pas lagi dikerjain...aku gak berasa apa2..sama skali! when i saw hubby..i even talked to him and smiled..and i was thinking..mungkin memang yg terbaik ya..kok gak rasa sakit..enak juga...
and then suddenly and so quick..
11.43PM - i heard a baby cried! OMG..that's my baby...(that fast????)
I saw hubby lg video-in baby..trus dia dibersihin...
ngga lama..CALEB PETER LIM was put on my chest...OMG he's so adorable....just like what I've been praying! so I welcomed him..called his name and smiled..said hi to him...hehe..so touching..dropped a few tears after that..
the doctors and nurses congrats me..and commented: you have a big baby...and u know what..he's 3.470kg!!! just yesterday I went for a check up..he was 3.2kg..and within 1 day he put on another 200grams..woww...
hubby keluar sama baby..and i was still inside...dr adrian did the stitches..it didnt hurt too...slese..nurses cleaned me...they said I bleed alot but it's good coz my uterus contracts very well...
akhirnya aku dipindah ke kamar....praise GOD aku bisa dapet 4 bedded room yg di upgrade ke 2 bed room. tadinya aku ambil single room tp krn caesar, aku ga mau biaya bengkak..jd minta downgrade kamar..puji Tuhan..krn sebelomnya pihak hospital ngga kasi downgrade since aku uda check in ke single rm nya sambil nunggu induksi tadi...tapi dr.adrian ngomong sama pihak hospitalnya..eh malah aku bisa dapet kamar yg 2 bedded dgn harga kamar 4 bedded..so it's quite cheap..
I'll continue my stories later when i have time ok...still have alot to tell..about my days in hospital, 1st day baby at home and so on...
*to be continued..
labour story
My labour story-part 2
8.45PM the nurse came and checked my blood pressure, then insert ENEMA so I can pass motion/bowel
9.30PM the drip induction is on
9.50PM started to feel cramp like menstrual pain gitu..the pain came every 3 mins..wahh bayanganku..uda deket dong..kan kalo jarak kontraksinya deket berarti uda mulai pembukaan..
at first pain-nya masih bisa tahan
10.15PM mulai sakit...ragu2 mau panggil dokter utk suntik epidural apa ngga...
10.30PM semakin sakittt...
10.40PM dr adrian came..do VE check...waaaaa sakit bangettttttttttttt
trus slesenya...dr adrian bilang: only 1cm dilated..and ur cervix is so tight..when is ur due?
dalem hati..haaaaa kan hari ini due nya...and dia yg suruh aku induksi hari ini dan gak mau nunggu..
trus dokter check sekali lg...and hasilnya tetep sama...
so dia kasih option..mau c-sect skrg ato mau nunggu...tapi honestly kalo nunggu bisa lama banget and chance utk aku deliver normal jg very slim..coz my cervix bone sempit sedangkan babynya besar...kalo mau nunggu boleh..tapi kalo in the end uda buka 10 tapi di push tetep ngga bisa, sama aja..end up c-sect...malah tambah mahal biayanya..so it's better to decide now..
aduhhh gila ngga...aku sama sekali ga prepare mental utk caesar! dan juga dananya! haha..mahal bgt itu 2x lipat harga delivery normal...dan kasusku ini considered emergency caesar..otomatis jg lbh mahal dari planned caesar.
akhirnya aku telp my mom...dia blg terserah sih mau gimana...tapi tadi pagi2 dia sms...kalo in case ga bisa normal ya gpp..sometimes keinginan kita ngga sama dgn maunya Tuhan..tp percaya pasti itu yg terbaik..smua sudah diatur...
ya aku cuma keinget sama kata2 itu..so aku decide utk berserah aja...
so c-sect go ahead....
ngga tau knp aku merasa bisa berserah dan ngga takut...padahal sebelom ini mati2an aku nolak caesar...i just felt that God is with me and He gave strength to go through...
*to be continued
8.45PM the nurse came and checked my blood pressure, then insert ENEMA so I can pass motion/bowel
9.30PM the drip induction is on
9.50PM started to feel cramp like menstrual pain gitu..the pain came every 3 mins..wahh bayanganku..uda deket dong..kan kalo jarak kontraksinya deket berarti uda mulai pembukaan..
at first pain-nya masih bisa tahan
10.15PM mulai sakit...ragu2 mau panggil dokter utk suntik epidural apa ngga...
10.30PM semakin sakittt...
10.40PM dr adrian came..do VE check...waaaaa sakit bangettttttttttttt
trus slesenya...dr adrian bilang: only 1cm dilated..and ur cervix is so tight..when is ur due?
dalem hati..haaaaa kan hari ini due nya...and dia yg suruh aku induksi hari ini dan gak mau nunggu..
trus dokter check sekali lg...and hasilnya tetep sama...
so dia kasih option..mau c-sect skrg ato mau nunggu...tapi honestly kalo nunggu bisa lama banget and chance utk aku deliver normal jg very slim..coz my cervix bone sempit sedangkan babynya besar...kalo mau nunggu boleh..tapi kalo in the end uda buka 10 tapi di push tetep ngga bisa, sama aja..end up c-sect...malah tambah mahal biayanya..so it's better to decide now..
aduhhh gila ngga...aku sama sekali ga prepare mental utk caesar! dan juga dananya! haha..mahal bgt itu 2x lipat harga delivery normal...dan kasusku ini considered emergency caesar..otomatis jg lbh mahal dari planned caesar.
akhirnya aku telp my mom...dia blg terserah sih mau gimana...tapi tadi pagi2 dia sms...kalo in case ga bisa normal ya gpp..sometimes keinginan kita ngga sama dgn maunya Tuhan..tp percaya pasti itu yg terbaik..smua sudah diatur...
ya aku cuma keinget sama kata2 itu..so aku decide utk berserah aja...
so c-sect go ahead....
ngga tau knp aku merasa bisa berserah dan ngga takut...padahal sebelom ini mati2an aku nolak caesar...i just felt that God is with me and He gave strength to go through...
*to be continued
labour story
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
my labour story-part 1
23/03/09 11PM
*taking a walk with hubby for 45 minutes..continued with squatting...hopefully tomorrow will dilate fast..
*decided to change my hospital bag to a luggage
*some more squatting hehe..
*woke up feeling a bit of menstrual cramp..hopefully it's contraction...then eat breakfast..and sleep again..considering today will be a long day, I need more sleep...
*woke up again at 10.30 and crampy feeling is gone..means its not the real contraction! :(
*decided to have a nice lunch with hubby..so went to the mall and had a set lunch at pizza hut (soup,pasta, garlic bread n chicken wing)
*decided to do walking again for the last time!
*went back home ...drink anmum milk, eat fruits and drink 2 bottles of chicken essence..hehehe so kiasu...takut ngga ada energi buat push, so eat alot!! yea..
*done last packing
*did some squatting again..
*pray together with hubby
*call a cab and leave to hospital
@ Hospital
we arrived at 3.15PM and took a queue number to register for admission
queue is so long...took one hour to wait...and finally get to register...sign a few forms... and the staff sent me to labour ward..
the midwife there welcomed me...and lead me to the toilet to change to blue hospital gown..then I peed in a cup as instructed..
Next..they inserted what they called to be a tablet to soften my cervix...I found out later that this is actually not the real induction..they arrange induction for me at 9PM..ohhh...so long.... :(
btw when the nurse inserted the tablet to the V...it was quite painful!
after that...the nurse put a device (i think it's called a doppler) to monitor baby heartbeat and contraction..they put the device on my tummy (tied with a belt)..for the first time I can hear baby's heartbeat and it's so loud :)
then hubby came..took pictures of me and record my video heeheee....
after an hour..around 6PM the midwife sent me to my ward to rest and have my dinner...(just found out that I'm allowed to eat..i thought once i get to hospital i wont be allowed to eat anymore)
and now I'm waiting...
*to be continued...
*taking a walk with hubby for 45 minutes..continued with squatting...hopefully tomorrow will dilate fast..
*decided to change my hospital bag to a luggage
*some more squatting hehe..
*woke up feeling a bit of menstrual cramp..hopefully it's contraction...then eat breakfast..and sleep again..considering today will be a long day, I need more sleep...
*woke up again at 10.30 and crampy feeling is gone..means its not the real contraction! :(
*decided to have a nice lunch with hubby..so went to the mall and had a set lunch at pizza hut (soup,pasta, garlic bread n chicken wing)
*decided to do walking again for the last time!
*went back home ...drink anmum milk, eat fruits and drink 2 bottles of chicken essence..hehehe so kiasu...takut ngga ada energi buat push, so eat alot!! yea..
*done last packing
*did some squatting again..
*pray together with hubby
*call a cab and leave to hospital
@ Hospital
we arrived at 3.15PM and took a queue number to register for admission
queue is so long...took one hour to wait...and finally get to register...sign a few forms... and the staff sent me to labour ward..
the midwife there welcomed me...and lead me to the toilet to change to blue hospital gown..then I peed in a cup as instructed..
Next..they inserted what they called to be a tablet to soften my cervix...I found out later that this is actually not the real induction..they arrange induction for me at 9PM..ohhh...so long.... :(
btw when the nurse inserted the tablet to the V...it was quite painful!
after that...the nurse put a device (i think it's called a doppler) to monitor baby heartbeat and contraction..they put the device on my tummy (tied with a belt)..for the first time I can hear baby's heartbeat and it's so loud :)
then hubby came..took pictures of me and record my video heeheee....
after an hour..around 6PM the midwife sent me to my ward to rest and have my dinner...(just found out that I'm allowed to eat..i thought once i get to hospital i wont be allowed to eat anymore)
and now I'm waiting...
*to be continued...
labour story
Monday, March 23, 2009
1 centi
1 cm dilated!!!!
finally hehehe....though it means nothing...bukaan 1 or 2 bukan berarti bakal give birth any time soon..but still I'm happy to know..daripada gak ada progress sama sekali..rasanya sia2 dong uda jalan banyak2..
well my baby balik lagi beratnya jadi 3.2kg..tapi kata dokter termasuk besar..considering aku first time mother, kalo baby-nya gets any bigger takut ntar susah ngeluarinnya...
so...karena itu dia saran supaya besok by 3pm aku udah admit ke hospital to induce...and baby should be delivered by midnite or early wednesday..
haizz..kata org2 induce itu sakit banget...tapi kok dokterku bilang ngga usah pake epi dulu..kalo sakit baru minta epi...tapi setelah tanya2 ci jeanny..tenryata induce itu macem2..ada yg by infus, pecahin ketuban ato pake tablet. yang sakit banget itu kalo dipecahin ketubannya...
tadi sih dokterku cuma mention pake tablet doang...gak ada bilang pecahin ketuban...
but anyway I'll be precautious aja...if they want to burst my water too, I'll ask for epi first...
but i still have 22 hours before my appointment tomorrow..I'm still hoping ngga perlu induce...hoping bisa bener2 natural..sapa tau ntar malem hehe...
ntar kalo hubby pulang...aku berencana mau jalan2 seputar block..pokoknya jalan banyak supaya bukaannya tambah cepet...
oh ya ada enaknya juga kalo gini...aku bisa atur waktu...bersih2 rumah dulu, packing2 dll...hehe enaknya ngga mendadak, jadi ngga tiba2 panik....
btw,my mom cant get the valuair ticket for tomorrow..and wednesday ngga ada flight...silk air juga uda full besok and it's expensive too..so she can only come on thursday...and by thursday I might still be in hospital..or kalo uda oke, kata dokter bole pulang kamis..otherwise latest is friday...
yah aku pikir ngga papa lah dia dateng kamis...yang penting pas aku nyampe rumah, dia jg uda dateng..slm di hospital ada banyak nurse yang bisa bantu..and most probably juga aku bakal rest alot in hospital (pushing must be a tiring job!!)
well friends...mohon doanya supaya smua lancar yaa...wish me a smooth, quick and painless delivery :)
finally hehehe....though it means nothing...bukaan 1 or 2 bukan berarti bakal give birth any time soon..but still I'm happy to know..daripada gak ada progress sama sekali..rasanya sia2 dong uda jalan banyak2..
well my baby balik lagi beratnya jadi 3.2kg..tapi kata dokter termasuk besar..considering aku first time mother, kalo baby-nya gets any bigger takut ntar susah ngeluarinnya...
so...karena itu dia saran supaya besok by 3pm aku udah admit ke hospital to induce...and baby should be delivered by midnite or early wednesday..
haizz..kata org2 induce itu sakit banget...tapi kok dokterku bilang ngga usah pake epi dulu..kalo sakit baru minta epi...tapi setelah tanya2 ci jeanny..tenryata induce itu macem2..ada yg by infus, pecahin ketuban ato pake tablet. yang sakit banget itu kalo dipecahin ketubannya...
tadi sih dokterku cuma mention pake tablet doang...gak ada bilang pecahin ketuban...
but anyway I'll be precautious aja...if they want to burst my water too, I'll ask for epi first...
but i still have 22 hours before my appointment tomorrow..I'm still hoping ngga perlu induce...hoping bisa bener2 natural..sapa tau ntar malem hehe...
ntar kalo hubby pulang...aku berencana mau jalan2 seputar block..pokoknya jalan banyak supaya bukaannya tambah cepet...
oh ya ada enaknya juga kalo gini...aku bisa atur waktu...bersih2 rumah dulu, packing2 dll...hehe enaknya ngga mendadak, jadi ngga tiba2 panik....
btw,my mom cant get the valuair ticket for tomorrow..and wednesday ngga ada flight...silk air juga uda full besok and it's expensive too..so she can only come on thursday...and by thursday I might still be in hospital..or kalo uda oke, kata dokter bole pulang kamis..otherwise latest is friday...
yah aku pikir ngga papa lah dia dateng kamis...yang penting pas aku nyampe rumah, dia jg uda dateng..slm di hospital ada banyak nurse yang bisa bantu..and most probably juga aku bakal rest alot in hospital (pushing must be a tiring job!!)
well friends...mohon doanya supaya smua lancar yaa...wish me a smooth, quick and painless delivery :)
labour story
Sunday, March 22, 2009
officially monday..
which means 1 day away from EDD..wonder when he wants to be out..
padahal di dalem rasanya udah too cramp loh...suempit banget sampe belakangan kalo baby nendang sakitnya bukan main..krn tendangannya buat kepalanya jadi kedorong ke bawah..wadoww sakittt....
yesterday..sunday morning, I woke up talking to myself...hmm belom lahir juga...tebakan hubby salah! and worse...I've to face ppl in church asking "whennnn?"
and then after church, it's not over yet...sister in law called..asking again...and then a few hours later another in law called...OMG .... I felt pressure already..it's not that I want bb to be inside longer...I want him to be out too...I cant wait for that too...and now some ppl make it sound like I'm overdue already..and that it's not good for baby..well people...i'm not overdue yet! I still have 1 more day before EDD and EVEN if I'm overdue, actually maximum limit is 42 weeks( 2 weeks after EDD is still allowed, though my gynae would not support waiting too long if I pass my EDD).
Oh BTW...since i've been feeling so down...hehe tp lucu juga feel down just because I've to take out my maternity dress which I've already packed (believing i will give birth soon and wont be wearing this clothes again)..ya..so I wore the dress again to church..duhhh bosennya deeehhh pake baju ini lagi ini lagi...bener2 gak ada baju lagi emang! cant wait wearing my normal clothes...pake t-shirt gitu..nyaman skaleee..ngeliat lala hobi pake kaos...aye jg kangen jg pake kaos..so comfy! trus dah bener2 gak sabar ngurusin rambut ini yg uda very messy...gak sanggup nunggu bulan mei buat rebonding my hair...
haizzz di MRT abis pulang grj tadi..tiba2 punya pikiran mau cut my hair deh..nekatttt....
soalnya uda tebel banget ini....hehe akhirnya beneran ke jean yip minta trim rambut..aku bilang keep the length, just trim coz it's too thick already...
hasilnya..not much different lah but at least agak tipisan...PLUS I got my hair washed (now I wash my hair everyday, just in case I've to admit to hospital..u know after labour we can't wash hair..)
trus sunday sore decided to go have dinner at lala's bday and then went to see movie "Paul Blart" (might be my last movie before giving birth). trus pas nonton, tiba2 perasaan jd ga enak..kayak gelisah gitu...plus bb is kicking and down feeling painful coz of the head pushing again...
pengen cepet2 pulang jadinya...
sampe rumah... aku bilang sm hubby that I dont want to go out anymore tomorrow...takut aja my water burst while I'm out..will definetely make a scene and totally embarassed...
so now...00.17AM ...am still waiting for any signs...
which means 1 day away from EDD..wonder when he wants to be out..
padahal di dalem rasanya udah too cramp loh...suempit banget sampe belakangan kalo baby nendang sakitnya bukan main..krn tendangannya buat kepalanya jadi kedorong ke bawah..wadoww sakittt....
yesterday..sunday morning, I woke up talking to myself...hmm belom lahir juga...tebakan hubby salah! and worse...I've to face ppl in church asking "whennnn?"
and then after church, it's not over yet...sister in law called..asking again...and then a few hours later another in law called...OMG .... I felt pressure already..it's not that I want bb to be inside longer...I want him to be out too...I cant wait for that too...and now some ppl make it sound like I'm overdue already..and that it's not good for baby..well people...i'm not overdue yet! I still have 1 more day before EDD and EVEN if I'm overdue, actually maximum limit is 42 weeks( 2 weeks after EDD is still allowed, though my gynae would not support waiting too long if I pass my EDD).
Oh BTW...since i've been feeling so down...hehe tp lucu juga feel down just because I've to take out my maternity dress which I've already packed (believing i will give birth soon and wont be wearing this clothes again)..ya..so I wore the dress again to church..duhhh bosennya deeehhh pake baju ini lagi ini lagi...bener2 gak ada baju lagi emang! cant wait wearing my normal clothes...pake t-shirt gitu..nyaman skaleee..ngeliat lala hobi pake kaos...aye jg kangen jg pake kaos..so comfy! trus dah bener2 gak sabar ngurusin rambut ini yg uda very messy...gak sanggup nunggu bulan mei buat rebonding my hair...
haizzz di MRT abis pulang grj tadi..tiba2 punya pikiran mau cut my hair deh..nekatttt....
soalnya uda tebel banget ini....hehe akhirnya beneran ke jean yip minta trim rambut..aku bilang keep the length, just trim coz it's too thick already...
hasilnya..not much different lah but at least agak tipisan...PLUS I got my hair washed (now I wash my hair everyday, just in case I've to admit to hospital..u know after labour we can't wash hair..)
trus sunday sore decided to go have dinner at lala's bday and then went to see movie "Paul Blart" (might be my last movie before giving birth). trus pas nonton, tiba2 perasaan jd ga enak..kayak gelisah gitu...plus bb is kicking and down feeling painful coz of the head pushing again...
pengen cepet2 pulang jadinya...
sampe rumah... aku bilang sm hubby that I dont want to go out anymore tomorrow...takut aja my water burst while I'm out..will definetely make a scene and totally embarassed...
so now...00.17AM ...am still waiting for any signs...
Friday, March 20, 2009
4 days to go
belom ada sign apa2 sampe saat ini..
tebakan mama mertua salah dong hehe...
today my hubby got feeling i'll admit to hospital tomorrow (Saturday)...
let's see.. :)
tebakan mama mertua salah dong hehe...
today my hubby got feeling i'll admit to hospital tomorrow (Saturday)...
let's see.. :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
why I bought what I bought..

selaen itu sling-nya bisa dipake sampe baby seberat 18kg...dapet VCD instruction cara pake-nya..ada 6 macem cara gendong baby dari newborn sampe toddler..
nah yang ini namanya playpen..popular banget di indo..krn di indo biasanya rumah kan gede2 gak kayak di sini yang apartment kecil..biasanya org indo punya 2 macem..baby cot which is ranjang yang ditaruh di kamar..and playpen ato box ditaruh di living room...supaya kalo kita pas lagi didapur ato nonton tv di luar, gak usah bolak balik ke kamar...easier to watch over baby...
playpen ini bisa dipake sampe baby 15kg (skitar 2 taon kali ya)...kalo baby uda mulai belajar berdiri, matrasnya bisa diadjust ke posisi paling bawah utk dijadiin play yard..jadi aman ninggalin baby main2 sendiri di situ...
playpen ini juga ringan..bisa dilipet-lipet sampe jadi 1 tas kecil..so kalo travelling bisa bawa ini...
my mom advised me to buy since i got it cheap..tadinya males beli...cuma dipikir2 ntar kalo aku uda sendirian, enak juga ada playpen di luar..jadi kalo pas masak di dapur ato bersih2, baby bisa tidur di luar..
well..gitu deh info2 ttg barang2 ini...smoga berguna buat pengetahuan hehe..krn first time mother biasanya kan bingung2 gitu (kayak aku juga...makanya byk2 research juga nih), ga tau barang apa yg hrs dibeli and apa kegunaannya..but again, depends on preference juga...barang2 di atas bukan suatu keharusan/compulsory items to buy..cuma buat kita lbh comfortable aja..
baby sling,
nursing pillow,
OG shopping
OG shopping kemaren bener2 worth it banget..more discounts compared to Taka baby fair...
TAPI...wahh antrinyaa...
padahal utk private sales ini OG buka dari jam 9AM loh..kayanya orang2 mulai antri dari jam 8 kali ya..aku dateng jam 10.30 hehe..telat bangun..tp at least belom lunch hour, kirain gak gt rame..ternyata...mau masuk ke main door-nya aja antrinya kayak ular melingkar2 sampe ke OCBC cuppage situ...trus sama satpamnya diperiksa bawa member card ngga..kalo ga bawa ga bole masuk..
di dalem lebih2..sesek banget..orang2 pada ngeborong smua...
I ended up buying:
1. Playpen (U.P. $179 - Now $88 + free mattress worth $35)
2. Nursing pillow for $26.90 (di taka $29)
3. Moms in mind baby sling (U.P. $45 - Now $36)
4. Baby clothes (U.P. $24.90 - Now $5)
5. Milk storage cup $4.90
pas mau bayar....shock lagi...antrinya panjang banget dan lama...mungkin ada 1 jam ngantri buat bayar doang..yah tapi ngga papa lah..dibelain..worth it banget soalnya..
will upload some pics to show you all..
TAPI...wahh antrinyaa...
padahal utk private sales ini OG buka dari jam 9AM loh..kayanya orang2 mulai antri dari jam 8 kali ya..aku dateng jam 10.30 hehe..telat bangun..tp at least belom lunch hour, kirain gak gt rame..ternyata...mau masuk ke main door-nya aja antrinya kayak ular melingkar2 sampe ke OCBC cuppage situ...trus sama satpamnya diperiksa bawa member card ngga..kalo ga bawa ga bole masuk..
di dalem lebih2..sesek banget..orang2 pada ngeborong smua...
I ended up buying:
1. Playpen (U.P. $179 - Now $88 + free mattress worth $35)
2. Nursing pillow for $26.90 (di taka $29)
3. Moms in mind baby sling (U.P. $45 - Now $36)
4. Baby clothes (U.P. $24.90 - Now $5)
5. Milk storage cup $4.90
pas mau bayar....shock lagi...antrinya panjang banget dan lama...mungkin ada 1 jam ngantri buat bayar doang..yah tapi ngga papa lah..dibelain..worth it banget soalnya..
will upload some pics to show you all..
kedutan is a sign?
mama mertua nelpon 2x hari ini..cece ipar jg nelpon 2x...mereka kayaknya punya feeling aku lahirin hari ini...
katanya mama kedutan matanya..tandanya anaknya mau lahir huehuehue...
ngga tau bener apa ngga...let's see later..aku bukan org yg percaya tanda2 kyk ginian sih...I believe Tuhan uda tetapkan sejak awal tgl brp, jam brp anak ini lahir :)
kalo tebakan my mom..pas tgl 24 or malah mundur 1 hari...
so far..blm ada tanda apa2 tuh...
let's see sodara2... :)
mama mertua nelpon 2x hari ini..cece ipar jg nelpon 2x...mereka kayaknya punya feeling aku lahirin hari ini...
katanya mama kedutan matanya..tandanya anaknya mau lahir huehuehue...
ngga tau bener apa ngga...let's see later..aku bukan org yg percaya tanda2 kyk ginian sih...I believe Tuhan uda tetapkan sejak awal tgl brp, jam brp anak ini lahir :)
kalo tebakan my mom..pas tgl 24 or malah mundur 1 hari...
so far..blm ada tanda apa2 tuh...
let's see sodara2... :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
hello melbourne :)
Hiii ruiza....
i didnt know you sometimes read my blog too...
just want to say Hi and I've received your letter too hehehe...
dunno whether to reply you or not..but since you'll be following this..I guess you know my up to date news here..
anywayyysss....Tuhan luar biasa tau apa yg di hatiku emang HAHAHA...
pertama-tama...I've been craving for spaghetti and pizza sejak berminggu2 yg lalu (terakir makan di swensen ama ci lina..and pengen lagi cuma belom kesampean)
kedua...kan emang dari kemaren bertekad mau makan banyakan lagi..
wahh hari ini bener2 kesampean deh dua2nya....thanks to Feka yang uda traktirin di pepperoni pizzeria..uenak banget pizza n pastanya..aku makan bener2 buanyak bangettt...sampe penuh banget perutnya hahhaha...baby puas dehhh...
I noticed emang since preggie yahh kok doyan banget makan western food, pasta2 gitu..pasti makannya banyak banget...tapi kalo makan chinese food, korean etc makannya ngga bisa banyak...smogaaa...smogaaa...babyku ini emang bule abiz huahauhaua...emang aku berdoanya minta dia mirip2 bule gitu ^^ (since his daddy kan ada keturunan belanda..gak tau dia nih ngawur gakkk...gak meyakinkan sih!)
hmmm puas deh hari ini..hati gembira...besok OG private sales for members...open from 9AM loh..itu pastiii antri banget...besok plan mau ke sana pagi2..soalnya mau beli playpen baby..worth it banget..dari $179 disc jadi $88 doang n dpt bonus matrasnya lagi...cuma limited buat 100 customers..makanya besok mau hunting nihh...
have a good night everyone..
i didnt know you sometimes read my blog too...
just want to say Hi and I've received your letter too hehehe...
dunno whether to reply you or not..but since you'll be following this..I guess you know my up to date news here..
anywayyysss....Tuhan luar biasa tau apa yg di hatiku emang HAHAHA...
pertama-tama...I've been craving for spaghetti and pizza sejak berminggu2 yg lalu (terakir makan di swensen ama ci lina..and pengen lagi cuma belom kesampean)
kedua...kan emang dari kemaren bertekad mau makan banyakan lagi..
wahh hari ini bener2 kesampean deh dua2nya....thanks to Feka yang uda traktirin di pepperoni pizzeria..uenak banget pizza n pastanya..aku makan bener2 buanyak bangettt...sampe penuh banget perutnya hahhaha...baby puas dehhh...
I noticed emang since preggie yahh kok doyan banget makan western food, pasta2 gitu..pasti makannya banyak banget...tapi kalo makan chinese food, korean etc makannya ngga bisa banyak...smogaaa...smogaaa...babyku ini emang bule abiz huahauhaua...emang aku berdoanya minta dia mirip2 bule gitu ^^ (since his daddy kan ada keturunan belanda..gak tau dia nih ngawur gakkk...gak meyakinkan sih!)
hmmm puas deh hari ini..hati gembira...besok OG private sales for members...open from 9AM loh..itu pastiii antri banget...besok plan mau ke sana pagi2..soalnya mau beli playpen baby..worth it banget..dari $179 disc jadi $88 doang n dpt bonus matrasnya lagi...cuma limited buat 100 customers..makanya besok mau hunting nihh...
have a good night everyone..
Monday, March 16, 2009
wk 39
this is supposed to be my last week to enjoy...
I really hope I will give birth just in time..jangan sampe mundur deh...
cuma kemaren pas check up kok dicek belom dilate sama sekali ya...padahal uda banyak jalan loh...
oh ya kemaren juga nanya soal sharp pain i've been feeling in my lower tummy...dokter bilang itu krn baby nya pushing down...emang ini uda kerasa kepala babynya udah very low..sampe kadang kalo duduk berasa uncomfy gituh...
update soal baby weight...hueee aneh deehh masak baby weight nya malah turun 100gr..dari 3.2 ke 3.1kg... jadi merasa bersalah nih krn seminggu kmrn emang rada diet and uda gak minum susu lagi..soalnya aku takut juga masak yg lalu itu dlm 1 minggu naek 400 gram...eh tapi setelah diet kok malah turun beratnya... :( minggu ini mulai makan banyakan lg deh..
tapi kata dokter sih masih normal kok..dan lagi hasil scan itu gak 100% accurate..cuma estimation aja..so not to worry...anyway udah 3kg ke atas itu dah bagus...
semalem mimpi gendong baby lagi....waaaa...cant wait to see him niiiyyyy....
skrg hubby lbh deg2an daripada aku...aku lbh tenang...biarin deh sakit2nya jalanin aja, it will eventually come to pass and tinggal sukacita liat baby :)
aduhh selaen kepengen liat baby..juga smakin kangen sama anjingku juga... :(
keep looking at his picture..really makes me want to hug him...hope he wont be too shocked with the new baby when I bring home later....
I really hope I will give birth just in time..jangan sampe mundur deh...
cuma kemaren pas check up kok dicek belom dilate sama sekali ya...padahal uda banyak jalan loh...
oh ya kemaren juga nanya soal sharp pain i've been feeling in my lower tummy...dokter bilang itu krn baby nya pushing down...emang ini uda kerasa kepala babynya udah very low..sampe kadang kalo duduk berasa uncomfy gituh...
update soal baby weight...hueee aneh deehh masak baby weight nya malah turun 100gr..dari 3.2 ke 3.1kg... jadi merasa bersalah nih krn seminggu kmrn emang rada diet and uda gak minum susu lagi..soalnya aku takut juga masak yg lalu itu dlm 1 minggu naek 400 gram...eh tapi setelah diet kok malah turun beratnya... :( minggu ini mulai makan banyakan lg deh..
tapi kata dokter sih masih normal kok..dan lagi hasil scan itu gak 100% accurate..cuma estimation aja..so not to worry...anyway udah 3kg ke atas itu dah bagus...
semalem mimpi gendong baby lagi....waaaa...cant wait to see him niiiyyyy....
skrg hubby lbh deg2an daripada aku...aku lbh tenang...biarin deh sakit2nya jalanin aja, it will eventually come to pass and tinggal sukacita liat baby :)
aduhh selaen kepengen liat baby..juga smakin kangen sama anjingku juga... :(
keep looking at his picture..really makes me want to hug him...hope he wont be too shocked with the new baby when I bring home later....
Friday, March 13, 2009
udah siap belom??
lately banyak banget orang tanya..uda siap belom? gimana rasanya? deg2an gak...
I have been preparing my mental these days...:
I know breastfeed itu struggling bangettt
I know most women go thru post natal blues
I know giving birth is soooo soooo painful
I know taking care of baby is tiring
I know I will have less sleep, more works to do...
I know it's not easy being parents
I know our expenses will boosts...
I know I will spend less time with my friends
there were times when I think about these...I got so terrified, I even cried - got so emotional sampe tak pikir belom melahirkan kok uda feeling blue!!
Tapi puji Tuhan...He's a faithful God who never leaves us....pas baca renungan shekinah ada beberapa kali ditekankan kalo persekutuan sama Tuhan itu penting..krn di situ letak kekuatan kita n harapan kita diperbarui...
aku jadi kuat lagi deh....I believe God never leaves me..He will strengthen me and I know I can do it...
sekarang tiap kali keinget yg negative, pasti tengking....
walaupun ada yg bilang pasti ngalami post natal blues...aku percaya aku gak ngalamin!
struggling breastfeed----not me! God bless my ASI!!
tired taking care of baby? ya uda gpp..i know bakal tired...tapi ngga mau stress n marah2...!!!
expenses doubled, tripled dan berapapun juga...God is my provider...selama itu kebutuhan pasti tercukupi...dan lagi....my baby is a blessing...berkat Tuhan pasti lbh banyak pas baby ini lahir...aminnnn....
labour pain?? wwwaaaaa.....dalam nama Yesusss...I have a smooth and quick delivery, jadi gak terlalu lama rasain sakit!!!
hehehe jadi so far...gini deh preparation mentalku..
preparation yang laen2....hmmm hari ini uda bersihin seluruh rumah..I want my house to be clean when baby arrives...uda pasang sprei baby...cuci mainannya..hospital bag is ready...cosmetic bag is settled..camera n handy cam uda di charge...admission letter already put in my bag....apalagi ya....kayaknya banyak banget....berusaha inget smuanya dan gak ada yg ketinggalan...
physical preparation? tiap hari jalan...malah terakhir2 ini banyak bgt jalan sampe capek bgt..esp kemaren pas di baby fair TAKA..
kalo pas ga ada rencana keluar rumah, hubby ngajakin jalan2 di taman for 20 minutes...
trus 2x seminggu uda minum chicken essence biar stamina kuat
minum air coconut teratur biar baby bersih...
minum kacang ijo biar ASI lancar...
sesekali minum susu kacang (ga gitu suka sih..)
selama 8 bulan makan bird nest..walau gak teratur hahaha males bgt soalnya...tp better drpd nggak kan..i hope baby-ku beneran putih nih..kalo ngga aku bisa diomelin my mom yg uda invest bird nest mahal2 hahaha...
hehehe..so what do you think? am I well prepared???
I have been preparing my mental these days...:
I know breastfeed itu struggling bangettt
I know most women go thru post natal blues
I know giving birth is soooo soooo painful
I know taking care of baby is tiring
I know I will have less sleep, more works to do...
I know it's not easy being parents
I know our expenses will boosts...
I know I will spend less time with my friends
there were times when I think about these...I got so terrified, I even cried - got so emotional sampe tak pikir belom melahirkan kok uda feeling blue!!
Tapi puji Tuhan...He's a faithful God who never leaves us....pas baca renungan shekinah ada beberapa kali ditekankan kalo persekutuan sama Tuhan itu penting..krn di situ letak kekuatan kita n harapan kita diperbarui...
aku jadi kuat lagi deh....I believe God never leaves me..He will strengthen me and I know I can do it...
sekarang tiap kali keinget yg negative, pasti tengking....
walaupun ada yg bilang pasti ngalami post natal blues...aku percaya aku gak ngalamin!
struggling breastfeed----not me! God bless my ASI!!
tired taking care of baby? ya uda gpp..i know bakal tired...tapi ngga mau stress n marah2...!!!
expenses doubled, tripled dan berapapun juga...God is my provider...selama itu kebutuhan pasti tercukupi...dan lagi....my baby is a blessing...berkat Tuhan pasti lbh banyak pas baby ini lahir...aminnnn....
labour pain?? wwwaaaaa.....dalam nama Yesusss...I have a smooth and quick delivery, jadi gak terlalu lama rasain sakit!!!
hehehe jadi so far...gini deh preparation mentalku..
preparation yang laen2....hmmm hari ini uda bersihin seluruh rumah..I want my house to be clean when baby arrives...uda pasang sprei baby...cuci mainannya..hospital bag is ready...cosmetic bag is settled..camera n handy cam uda di charge...admission letter already put in my bag....apalagi ya....kayaknya banyak banget....berusaha inget smuanya dan gak ada yg ketinggalan...
physical preparation? tiap hari jalan...malah terakhir2 ini banyak bgt jalan sampe capek bgt..esp kemaren pas di baby fair TAKA..
kalo pas ga ada rencana keluar rumah, hubby ngajakin jalan2 di taman for 20 minutes...
trus 2x seminggu uda minum chicken essence biar stamina kuat
minum air coconut teratur biar baby bersih...
minum kacang ijo biar ASI lancar...
sesekali minum susu kacang (ga gitu suka sih..)
selama 8 bulan makan bird nest..walau gak teratur hahaha males bgt soalnya...tp better drpd nggak kan..i hope baby-ku beneran putih nih..kalo ngga aku bisa diomelin my mom yg uda invest bird nest mahal2 hahaha...
hehehe..so what do you think? am I well prepared???
visiting baby jordan
visiting baby jordan really makes me feel so mixed up hehe..alias campur aduk..
baby jordan lucu sekaleee....jadi kepengen cepet2 ngelahirin baby-ku sendiri...
tapi waktu jordan nangis (ada bbrp kali nangis terus..), wahh denger suaranya...hmm kalo tiap berapa jam nangis gitu, capek juga yah..dah mulai kebayang my life next week kayak apa hehe...
tapi waktu dia nangis, aku nebak2..kayanya kain swaddle-nya dia lagi ga enak tuh..rada kebuka...
eh bener..pas susternya dateng buat benerin swaddle cloth nya, dia lgs diem n bobo lg...
trus nangis kedua kali...lagi2 gara2 swaddle-nya...since aku n hubby pernah diajarin di childbirth class gmn cara swadlle baby..jadi kita rada2 ngerti gitu cara ngelipetnya gimana...and I'm glad my hubby ini masih inget caranya loh hehehe..
nangis yang ke 3 kalinya...aku tebak dia cm pengen disayang2 ato lg pengen digendong his mom..eh bener kan pas uda digendong ci jeanny, dia lgs diem..
hehehe...i think aku dah mulai ngerti deh...dulu ci ester pernah bilang lama2 kita bakal ngerti sendiri nangisnya baby itu krn apa..motherly instinc katanya...
i hope my motherly instinc is strong enough to understand my baby language :)
kmrn gak coba gendong?? maunya sihhh...aduhh tapi ngga ah..ngga enak sama ci jeanny n ko robby...masak anak orang tak buat percobaan hahaha...trus kalo ternyata aku gak bisa, kan malu diliat orang banyak hahaha...
so far..me n hubby always practise gendong baby pake NICI-alias boneka teddy bearku huahauhauahua....
i really really hope i can do it..to be a good mother :) bisa gendong,mandiin,feeding him etc.. ngga mau kalah sama hubby heuheue...u know..my mom bilang dari modelnya...my hubby kayaknya lebih bisa dan lebih telaten ngurus baby daripada aku...haaa whatever...tapi emang iya sih keliatannya...hahaha but anyway i'm gonna prove that I'm better than him..jiayou!!!^^
baby jordan lucu sekaleee....jadi kepengen cepet2 ngelahirin baby-ku sendiri...
tapi waktu jordan nangis (ada bbrp kali nangis terus..), wahh denger suaranya...hmm kalo tiap berapa jam nangis gitu, capek juga yah..dah mulai kebayang my life next week kayak apa hehe...
tapi waktu dia nangis, aku nebak2..kayanya kain swaddle-nya dia lagi ga enak tuh..rada kebuka...
eh bener..pas susternya dateng buat benerin swaddle cloth nya, dia lgs diem n bobo lg...
trus nangis kedua kali...lagi2 gara2 swaddle-nya...since aku n hubby pernah diajarin di childbirth class gmn cara swadlle baby..jadi kita rada2 ngerti gitu cara ngelipetnya gimana...and I'm glad my hubby ini masih inget caranya loh hehehe..
nangis yang ke 3 kalinya...aku tebak dia cm pengen disayang2 ato lg pengen digendong his mom..eh bener kan pas uda digendong ci jeanny, dia lgs diem..
hehehe...i think aku dah mulai ngerti deh...dulu ci ester pernah bilang lama2 kita bakal ngerti sendiri nangisnya baby itu krn apa..motherly instinc katanya...
i hope my motherly instinc is strong enough to understand my baby language :)
kmrn gak coba gendong?? maunya sihhh...aduhh tapi ngga ah..ngga enak sama ci jeanny n ko robby...masak anak orang tak buat percobaan hahaha...trus kalo ternyata aku gak bisa, kan malu diliat orang banyak hahaha...
so far..me n hubby always practise gendong baby pake NICI-alias boneka teddy bearku huahauhauahua....
i really really hope i can do it..to be a good mother :) bisa gendong,mandiin,feeding him etc.. ngga mau kalah sama hubby heuheue...u know..my mom bilang dari modelnya...my hubby kayaknya lebih bisa dan lebih telaten ngurus baby daripada aku...haaa whatever...tapi emang iya sih keliatannya...hahaha but anyway i'm gonna prove that I'm better than him..jiayou!!!^^
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Congrats to Robby & Jeanny
For the birth of Jordan Lee Andrianus :) 11-03-09
waaaaaaaa.........bikin ngiriiii...kapan ya akuuuu??? jadi gak sabarrr...
hope jordan and my baby can be best buddies hehehe...
Congrats ^^
waaaaaaaa.........bikin ngiriiii...kapan ya akuuuu??? jadi gak sabarrr...
hope jordan and my baby can be best buddies hehehe...
Congrats ^^
Monday, March 9, 2009
gastric and swollen ankle
today woke up feeling so hungry..
after having breakfast..felt uneasy..tummy upset..and soon..gastric came! :(
padahal uda bbrp bulan ngga minum mylanta, akhirnya harus minum lagi hari ini..
but after lunch, gastric fades away..thank God..
next is..my ankle!
OMG...swollen again..n i think today is the worst one..
but it's only my right ankle..left one is okay..
must be water retention! coz when i press it, i can see my thumb mark on my ankle..
yesterday i mentioned this to my gynae..he seemed abit worried..but after checking my blood pressure, he said it's normal..so no worries
but i know I must reduce my chocolate consumption..anything sweet and ice should be eliminated this week ( so sad...these two are my fave food during pregnant!)
after having breakfast..felt uneasy..tummy upset..and soon..gastric came! :(
padahal uda bbrp bulan ngga minum mylanta, akhirnya harus minum lagi hari ini..
but after lunch, gastric fades away..thank God..
next is..my ankle!
OMG...swollen again..n i think today is the worst one..
but it's only my right ankle..left one is okay..
must be water retention! coz when i press it, i can see my thumb mark on my ankle..
yesterday i mentioned this to my gynae..he seemed abit worried..but after checking my blood pressure, he said it's normal..so no worries
but i know I must reduce my chocolate consumption..anything sweet and ice should be eliminated this week ( so sad...these two are my fave food during pregnant!)
week 38
a few updates on my wk38 check up
* blood pressure is normal
* baby head is below - ENGAGED position!! (finally...)
tapi emang uda ada feeling kalo uda engaged..soalnya kmrn pas jalan (kmrn byk banget jalan), i feel like sharp pain on my lower part of tummy..cuma 1 sec aja tp happened a few times...i know itu bukan contraction..krn sakit kontraksi kan kyk sakit mens ato mules..ini pain yg tajem2 gitu...kayaknya kepala baby tambah turun..tambah deket ke daerah V...well, thats just my prediction sih...i forgot to ask my gynae today since today no more pain..
* baby weight is...3.2KG
(OMG...!! 3.2????? last week was only 2.8..jadi dia naek 400 gram dlm 1 minggu..yg benerrr..biasanya naek sebanyak itu dalam jarak 1 bulan lohhh...apa gara2 kmrn makan buanyak bgt pas anniversary ya??? and jumat makan duren lagi....)
ngeri aja sih kalo beratnya nambah terus...susah ngeluarinnya nanti...i hope by birth, he wont exceed 3.5kg..hmm still have 2 more weeks to go...
oh ya ada cerita...kmrn ada yang nanyain..if I'm having twins!! TWINS....???!!!! coz she saw my tummy soooo bigggg.... wahh ini uda orang ke 2 loh yang nyangka aku hamil anak kembar...wahh yg bener ajjjaa..masak segede itu sih yaa...
tp erinna bilang sih kalo perutku kok lbh gede dari bbrp minggu yg lalu...
wadowwww......no wonder nowadays i feel people always stare at my tummy...kayak gak pernah liat org hamil aja..
cerita ke 2... again pas pastor kotbah..baby geraakkkk mulu....setiap minggu kyk gitu deh...begitu pastor take over the mike, kayaknya baby ini ngenalin suara pastor gitu...
i told pastor about it..he just laughed and said 'mungkin urapannya gede kali..'
hehe..well..i dunno..but that's a bit strange rite :)
he is always so active on sunday..sampe slese kebaktian...pas di food court dia masih gerak loh..
ci nawa yg iseng2 pegang perutku sampe kaget bgt coz she can also felt my baby's kick haha...
well..gitu deh update hari ini....
* blood pressure is normal
* baby head is below - ENGAGED position!! (finally...)
tapi emang uda ada feeling kalo uda engaged..soalnya kmrn pas jalan (kmrn byk banget jalan), i feel like sharp pain on my lower part of tummy..cuma 1 sec aja tp happened a few times...i know itu bukan contraction..krn sakit kontraksi kan kyk sakit mens ato mules..ini pain yg tajem2 gitu...kayaknya kepala baby tambah turun..tambah deket ke daerah V...well, thats just my prediction sih...i forgot to ask my gynae today since today no more pain..
* baby weight is...3.2KG
(OMG...!! 3.2????? last week was only 2.8..jadi dia naek 400 gram dlm 1 minggu..yg benerrr..biasanya naek sebanyak itu dalam jarak 1 bulan lohhh...apa gara2 kmrn makan buanyak bgt pas anniversary ya??? and jumat makan duren lagi....)
ngeri aja sih kalo beratnya nambah terus...susah ngeluarinnya nanti...i hope by birth, he wont exceed 3.5kg..hmm still have 2 more weeks to go...
oh ya ada cerita...kmrn ada yang nanyain..if I'm having twins!! TWINS....???!!!! coz she saw my tummy soooo bigggg.... wahh ini uda orang ke 2 loh yang nyangka aku hamil anak kembar...wahh yg bener ajjjaa..masak segede itu sih yaa...
tp erinna bilang sih kalo perutku kok lbh gede dari bbrp minggu yg lalu...
wadowwww......no wonder nowadays i feel people always stare at my tummy...kayak gak pernah liat org hamil aja..
cerita ke 2... again pas pastor kotbah..baby geraakkkk mulu....setiap minggu kyk gitu deh...begitu pastor take over the mike, kayaknya baby ini ngenalin suara pastor gitu...
i told pastor about it..he just laughed and said 'mungkin urapannya gede kali..'
hehe..well..i dunno..but that's a bit strange rite :)
he is always so active on sunday..sampe slese kebaktian...pas di food court dia masih gerak loh..
ci nawa yg iseng2 pegang perutku sampe kaget bgt coz she can also felt my baby's kick haha...
well..gitu deh update hari ini....
1st anniversary
Finally, we are here..1 year journey :)
rasanya gimana ya? .... bener2 bersyukur aja sama Tuhan...I feel so blessed...aku merasa Tuhan emang memberkati our marriage...He has blessed me with a wonderful husband... :)
ngga rugi deh nunggu lama buat PH satu ini hehehehe...i got what I had been praying for..
ngga rugi kalo dulu jomblo lama buat nunggu the right one..
ngga rugi kalo dulu didoain sama cik sien supaya gak ada yg deketin aku kalo bukan PH ku.. ^^ padahal dulu sempet kesel banget kok doanya begitu...soalnya jd sempet kesepian bangettt hehehe
yah walau setaon ini banyak tantangan..tapi aku bersyukur tantangan itu bisa dilewatin ber2...he's really a good husband, a partner and a best friend to me..
kesan2 slm setaon ini...hmmm I enjoy my marriage life...it's a new life for me but i love it!
walau banyak org bilang taon2 pertama perlu banyak penyesuaian...bakal sering nemuin ketidakcocokan dll...tapi kita malah merasa setelah married, malah jadi jarang berantem...masih sangat lebih sering waktu pacaran dulu hehe..mungkin penyesuaiannya pas masa pacaran yah..
we enjoy being just the 2 of us..at home..that's the reason kita belom mau sewain kamar kita (though udah ada rencana dari dulu..cuma ngga pernah jadi)...
my prayer is..supaya hari2 ke depan..both of us jadi tmbh bersatu..sehati,sepikir :) ...walau ada tantangan baru -- our baby :) kita sama2 ngga tau gimana parenting itu..but we promise ourselves bakal jaga hubungan yang setaon kemaren ini udah baik..ngga mau keadaan berubah...maunya improve dong...^^ (inget nasehat pastor pas counselling dulu..bahwa pasangan kita hrs tetep jadi prioritas, bukan anak...soalnya anak cm tinggal sama kita sampe dia married, stlh itu masa2 tua kita spend with our spouse..krn itu jaga hubungan suami-istri itu penting!)
anyway...I got a nice flower today..and we had a nice dinner at marche..our fave is ROSTI!! :)
I've been craving for marche dari dulu..akhirnya kesampean juga...
dan seharian makan terus jadi kuenyangg bangettt....had fried rice for lunch (enak loh..fried rice nya thailand stall di meridien) trus lanjut waffle-nya max brenner baru malemnya dinner di marche...
well..thank you for today, honey....
happy anniversary :)
(we have the best gift for our 1st anniversary: our baby!!)
Finally, we are here..1 year journey :)
rasanya gimana ya? .... bener2 bersyukur aja sama Tuhan...I feel so blessed...aku merasa Tuhan emang memberkati our marriage...He has blessed me with a wonderful husband... :)
ngga rugi deh nunggu lama buat PH satu ini hehehehe...i got what I had been praying for..
ngga rugi kalo dulu jomblo lama buat nunggu the right one..
ngga rugi kalo dulu didoain sama cik sien supaya gak ada yg deketin aku kalo bukan PH ku.. ^^ padahal dulu sempet kesel banget kok doanya begitu...soalnya jd sempet kesepian bangettt hehehe
yah walau setaon ini banyak tantangan..tapi aku bersyukur tantangan itu bisa dilewatin ber2...he's really a good husband, a partner and a best friend to me..
kesan2 slm setaon ini...hmmm I enjoy my marriage life...it's a new life for me but i love it!
walau banyak org bilang taon2 pertama perlu banyak penyesuaian...bakal sering nemuin ketidakcocokan dll...tapi kita malah merasa setelah married, malah jadi jarang berantem...masih sangat lebih sering waktu pacaran dulu hehe..mungkin penyesuaiannya pas masa pacaran yah..
we enjoy being just the 2 of us..at home..that's the reason kita belom mau sewain kamar kita (though udah ada rencana dari dulu..cuma ngga pernah jadi)...
my prayer is..supaya hari2 ke depan..both of us jadi tmbh bersatu..sehati,sepikir :) ...walau ada tantangan baru -- our baby :) kita sama2 ngga tau gimana parenting itu..but we promise ourselves bakal jaga hubungan yang setaon kemaren ini udah baik..ngga mau keadaan berubah...maunya improve dong...^^ (inget nasehat pastor pas counselling dulu..bahwa pasangan kita hrs tetep jadi prioritas, bukan anak...soalnya anak cm tinggal sama kita sampe dia married, stlh itu masa2 tua kita spend with our spouse..krn itu jaga hubungan suami-istri itu penting!)
anyway...I got a nice flower today..and we had a nice dinner at marche..our fave is ROSTI!! :)
I've been craving for marche dari dulu..akhirnya kesampean juga...
dan seharian makan terus jadi kuenyangg bangettt....had fried rice for lunch (enak loh..fried rice nya thailand stall di meridien) trus lanjut waffle-nya max brenner baru malemnya dinner di marche...
well..thank you for today, honey....
happy anniversary :)
(we have the best gift for our 1st anniversary: our baby!!)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
tiga hari ini mimpi-nya aneh banget...seakan mimpinya itu real bangett...
mimpi pertama...tiba-tiba ci lina ngabarin kalo trip ke israel is ON again..berangkat tgl 15-26 maret dan ini gak bisa di cancel lg since yg lalu uda postpone..wahh aku kaget banget..soalnya itu kan tgl menjelang EDD-ku..masak aku ditinggal suami sendirian...huaaa...
trus aku coba ngomong ke ci lina bisa gak diatur lg waktunya...trus ci lina bilang oh ya uda utk santo aku coba minta tiket return nya tgl 20 maret (dalam hati: haa 20 maret...ngga ngefek sihh tetep aja deg2an..)...trus setelah ci lina make calls...in the end malah jadinya tgl 20 n 26 gak ada tiket..jd smua hrs balik sgp tgl 27 (malah lbh telatttt)...
trus aku jadi panik banget deh di mimpi... :( pokoknya tidurku jd gelisah bgt seingetku...
mimpi ke-2...kemaren siang pas take a nap..sblm tidur emang ada telp, my dad lg di supermarket...dia tanya mau titip apa aja buat dibawa ke sgp..
trus pas tidur kok malah kebawa mimpi...tiba2 aja my parents uda dateng di sgp bawa smua titipanku...trus aku mikir..oh pantesan td my dad telp tanya mau titip apa (aneh ya di mimpi bisa inget kejadian sebelom tidur tadi)...trus mrk bilang emang sengaja dtg sekarang krn kayaknya dlm bbrp hari ini mau lahiran kan...(huee....pdhl blm ada tanda apa2)
mimpi ke-3.. (tadi malem)...yg ini gak gt inget ceritanya..pokoknya aku dah gendong baby gitu...hehehe...
i guess..krn EDD is getting near jd kebawa pikiran sampe mimpi ya..
semalem nongkrong sejam-an di kamar baby, buka2 buku2 manual sterilizer,bottle warmer n smua brg elektrik yg perlu dipelajari lg pemakaiannya...takutnya pas buru2 mau pake, ngga tau mesti gmn dulu hehe..this all new to me kan..
and dah 2 malem ini bobo di kamar baby ama hubby jg...walau blm ada baby, tp kalo masuk kamarnya berasa aromanya beda...hehe mungkin bau baju2 baby yg br dicuci..kan bau detergentnya lembut gt...^^
so...19 more days nih...countinggg...!!!
mimpi pertama...tiba-tiba ci lina ngabarin kalo trip ke israel is ON again..berangkat tgl 15-26 maret dan ini gak bisa di cancel lg since yg lalu uda postpone..wahh aku kaget banget..soalnya itu kan tgl menjelang EDD-ku..masak aku ditinggal suami sendirian...huaaa...
trus aku coba ngomong ke ci lina bisa gak diatur lg waktunya...trus ci lina bilang oh ya uda utk santo aku coba minta tiket return nya tgl 20 maret (dalam hati: haa 20 maret...ngga ngefek sihh tetep aja deg2an..)...trus setelah ci lina make calls...in the end malah jadinya tgl 20 n 26 gak ada tiket..jd smua hrs balik sgp tgl 27 (malah lbh telatttt)...
trus aku jadi panik banget deh di mimpi... :( pokoknya tidurku jd gelisah bgt seingetku...
mimpi ke-2...kemaren siang pas take a nap..sblm tidur emang ada telp, my dad lg di supermarket...dia tanya mau titip apa aja buat dibawa ke sgp..
trus pas tidur kok malah kebawa mimpi...tiba2 aja my parents uda dateng di sgp bawa smua titipanku...trus aku mikir..oh pantesan td my dad telp tanya mau titip apa (aneh ya di mimpi bisa inget kejadian sebelom tidur tadi)...trus mrk bilang emang sengaja dtg sekarang krn kayaknya dlm bbrp hari ini mau lahiran kan...(huee....pdhl blm ada tanda apa2)
mimpi ke-3.. (tadi malem)...yg ini gak gt inget ceritanya..pokoknya aku dah gendong baby gitu...hehehe...
i guess..krn EDD is getting near jd kebawa pikiran sampe mimpi ya..
semalem nongkrong sejam-an di kamar baby, buka2 buku2 manual sterilizer,bottle warmer n smua brg elektrik yg perlu dipelajari lg pemakaiannya...takutnya pas buru2 mau pake, ngga tau mesti gmn dulu hehe..this all new to me kan..
and dah 2 malem ini bobo di kamar baby ama hubby jg...walau blm ada baby, tp kalo masuk kamarnya berasa aromanya beda...hehe mungkin bau baju2 baby yg br dicuci..kan bau detergentnya lembut gt...^^
so...19 more days nih...countinggg...!!!
what will I miss....???
another exactly 20 days to my EDD...
I realize this is the time to treasure...coz when baby comes, I'll get busy and will be missing a few things during my preggie life...
SO here's the lists of things I'm gonna miss...
1. taking a good nap
2. sleep thru the nite (thank God i never have sleeping problem during pregnancy!)
3. take my time cleaning the house or do other houseworks without rushing
4. surfing the net for hours, FB-ing, Playing pet society
5. going out with hubby/friends on weekdays (used to do it 3-4 times a week)
6. watching movies!!!! ---> impossible to bring baby inside cinema...kalo dinner masih mungkin utk dibawa but not watching movie rite..
7. No worries if i end up eating alot in a day..or having supper though I just had my dinner..
8. my reading time (novels,books,magz...)
9. blogging anytime I feel like writing..
10. going to gen next,church,works without any difficulties..(no strollers to push, no baby's bag to carry, no need to think of how much milk i should prepare, or...can i leave the baby alone with hubby if i need to do my work?)
heee.....so these are the lists...(so far) that I can think about...yeaa so i'm gonna miss these things..but I know it's not forever...there'll be a time when I can enjoy these moments back..but for now...let's enjoy the days while waiting for another excitement and challenge that soon will come in my life :)
I realize this is the time to treasure...coz when baby comes, I'll get busy and will be missing a few things during my preggie life...
SO here's the lists of things I'm gonna miss...
1. taking a good nap
2. sleep thru the nite (thank God i never have sleeping problem during pregnancy!)
3. take my time cleaning the house or do other houseworks without rushing
4. surfing the net for hours, FB-ing, Playing pet society
5. going out with hubby/friends on weekdays (used to do it 3-4 times a week)
6. watching movies!!!! ---> impossible to bring baby inside cinema...kalo dinner masih mungkin utk dibawa but not watching movie rite..
7. No worries if i end up eating alot in a day..or having supper though I just had my dinner..
8. my reading time (novels,books,magz...)
9. blogging anytime I feel like writing..
10. going to gen next,church,works without any difficulties..(no strollers to push, no baby's bag to carry, no need to think of how much milk i should prepare, or...can i leave the baby alone with hubby if i need to do my work?)
heee.....so these are the lists...(so far) that I can think about...yeaa so i'm gonna miss these things..but I know it's not forever...there'll be a time when I can enjoy these moments back..but for now...let's enjoy the days while waiting for another excitement and challenge that soon will come in my life :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
the official week: week 37
this is the official week - my week 37 - called official because even if my EDD is still the next 3 weeks, but if i happen to give birth by this week onwards..it wont be considered as premature.
summary of gynae check up today:
1. baby head is below, tho not engaged yet
2. baby weight is 2.88kg which is good and normal
3. my due date is 24th March based on detailed scan on my week 20 (so it's not 25th, that was the date dr adrian gave me on my 1st check up..but it seems that he follows the detailed scan at Thomson)
4. Dr.adrian already passed me an admission letter (without this letter, hospital wont accept me). He said that in case my water broke, quickly come to hospital.
5. complained about stretchmarks that lately been showing below my belly...ci jeanny n ci esther said it's normal to show up during 7th month onwards...it'll be gone after giving birth..(kata mereka sih strechmarks yg susah hilang itu yg muncul sejak bulan2 awal kehamilan..kalo yg muncul pas bulan akhir sih bisa hilang..coz itu muncul krn kulit kita uda ketarik sampe maximum due to baby growth inside tummy)..but my complaint is becoz the SM getting itchy..very itchy, in fact!! so doctor gave me some cream to apply (to my surprise, he gave it for free..yayy!!hehe)
6. already paid for gynae's delivery fee...wuiihhh bener2 terasa kalo anytime from now i can give birth hehe...bentar lagi nihhh....penasaran bgt, bakal maju gak ya date-nya...who knows i might give birth next week??or next 2 weeks??? ^^
summary of gynae check up today:
1. baby head is below, tho not engaged yet
2. baby weight is 2.88kg which is good and normal
3. my due date is 24th March based on detailed scan on my week 20 (so it's not 25th, that was the date dr adrian gave me on my 1st check up..but it seems that he follows the detailed scan at Thomson)
4. Dr.adrian already passed me an admission letter (without this letter, hospital wont accept me). He said that in case my water broke, quickly come to hospital.
5. complained about stretchmarks that lately been showing below my belly...ci jeanny n ci esther said it's normal to show up during 7th month onwards...it'll be gone after giving birth..(kata mereka sih strechmarks yg susah hilang itu yg muncul sejak bulan2 awal kehamilan..kalo yg muncul pas bulan akhir sih bisa hilang..coz itu muncul krn kulit kita uda ketarik sampe maximum due to baby growth inside tummy)..but my complaint is becoz the SM getting itchy..very itchy, in fact!! so doctor gave me some cream to apply (to my surprise, he gave it for free..yayy!!hehe)
6. already paid for gynae's delivery fee...wuiihhh bener2 terasa kalo anytime from now i can give birth hehe...bentar lagi nihhh....penasaran bgt, bakal maju gak ya date-nya...who knows i might give birth next week??or next 2 weeks??? ^^
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