Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Caleb's PD visit - 6m

tepat sehari sblm masuk 6 bulan, caleb vaksin lagi..the last shot for 6 in 1. sengaja pilih tgl 23 supaya ngga bertepatan dgn dia 6 bln..masak 6 bulan dikasi suntikan..kasian bener hehehe..

well..I got a surprise today.

PD checked his upper gum and found that caleb is actually teething again!
cepet banget ya...sampe PD nya jg berkomen blm genep 6 bln udah tumbuh hampir 4 gigi..
trus dia liat caleb jg uda bisa duduk tanpa support..again, dia comment termasuk fast krn biasanya umur segini blm bisa.. ^^ I am happy dgn pertumbuhannya... masing2 anak kan reach their own milestone at different time... caleb uda bisa pegang feet nya walau ngga dimasukin mulut.. younger babies than him mungkin udah ada yg bisa.. nah ya itu dia..tiap anak beda..jd ngga terlalu worried..I'm happy as long as caleb grows well..

so far dia belom develop any fever.
cuma tadi siang super cranky deh..ngga tau apa krn habis vaksin atau krn teething..

oh now he weighs 8.3kg and 70cm...head 42.5cm..

my questions to the PD this time is:
re: bowel movement
aku jelasin kalo caleb ada took antibiotics last 2 weeks and uda stop minggu lalu..tapi masih sering poop 2x sehari..apa itu krn reaksi antibiotic atau krn makanan-nya..krn dia start solids at the same day dgn start antibiotics..
PD-nya bilang antibioticnya kan udah stop..kalo masih poo 2x most likely krn dia blg ngga masalah..itu body-nya lg adjust sama long as not so watery gpp..caleb sih ngga watery..but he does poo 2x sehari (on and off...not everyday sih)

re: phlegm due to banana
PD checked but it's clear now..yippeee..

re: heat rashes on caleb's neck
apply fucicort cream and when it got better..can use calendula cream

re: allergy
in case there's any food allergy..we can give zyrtex (which I have it for runny nose stand by)

I decided to postpone pneuomoccocal til 1 yr old..since according to dr.kumar pneumoccocal is painful and if we take the jab between 6m-1yr , there will be 3 jabs..but if we take at 1 yr, there will only be 2 jabs..(plus 1 jab is $169 man..!!!)

hmmm...I do like dr lilian lim...she's more friendly and good with babies..I feel more convenient to ask questions to her than dr kumar..but both are good's just that dr lilian is super long queue and really not for urgent will have to wait for 5 hours to see her without appointment...

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