Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Just the thought of it

what if next year aku kerja lagi ya? I mean kerja part time gitu...
the idea of it emang interesting..lumayan lah earn income lagi...since mulai next year aku udah ngga dapet income dari my student service lagi..
hubby bilang kalo aku start kerja lagi, dia mau hire maid juga..
aduh tapi mikirin itu kok jadi malah banjir air mata ya...
the thought of ninggalin caleb..walau cuma a few hours...apalagi sama maid..rasanya berat bgt...
walau cuma 4-5 jam tapi menurutku I would have lost a very long hours in a day with caleb..
ngga rela..

abis discuss sama hubby...maunya peluk caleb terus jadinya..
really must treasure the time with him..

well anyway...masih taon depan kok rencananya..dan I might only do it when caleb is already 1 year old plus..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

summary on solid wk 3

schedule remains the same.
this week I introduce: Nestle rice cereal apple & cranberries, carrot, avocado, Heinz rusk, baby bites biscuit chicken flavour, and butternut squash

caleb loves avocado, butternut squash, apple and cranberry cereal, heinz rusk and baby bites biscuit.

but here's the thing about his eating pattern..
he prefers to have different meals every day..the first day i tried on avocado, he liked it so much but the next day I gave him again, he didn't eat so well..
so is all his cereals..he like it all..but when I give him 2 days in a row, he refused to finish it..

and I notice that he likes food that is not so much different taste from his milk hahaha...
he can take avocado, pumpkin etc..but he doesn't take banana or carrot well..maybe because of the very sweet flavor.

Oh..i tried the sweet potato again..he just doesn't like it!

and I got a feeling he has indo taste...i think he will like bubur tim ayam, etc.. ^^
will try to give him while we're in indo later..(sekalian mommy-nya belajar cara masaknya dari suster di indo!)

Last friday, when the 1st time i gave him avocado..was actually the day he made me so happy..because he was eating well and drink his milk well..he finished the whole meal and also his milk! after that I swear he was heavier than 3 days ago when we weighed him at the clinic..
I bet he is at least 8.5kg now!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Caleb's laughter

after we took this recording, we watched the video together...and caleb couldnt stop laughing again haha..this video really made my day..for days, caleb had been a bit fussy due to his teething..I'm really happy to see his giggles again :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Caleb's PD visit - 6m

tepat sehari sblm masuk 6 bulan, caleb vaksin lagi..the last shot for 6 in 1. sengaja pilih tgl 23 supaya ngga bertepatan dgn dia 6 bln..masak 6 bulan dikasi suntikan..kasian bener hehehe..

well..I got a surprise today.

PD checked his upper gum and found that caleb is actually teething again!
cepet banget ya...sampe PD nya jg berkomen blm genep 6 bln udah tumbuh hampir 4 gigi..
trus dia liat caleb jg uda bisa duduk tanpa support..again, dia comment termasuk fast krn biasanya umur segini blm bisa.. ^^ I am happy dgn pertumbuhannya... masing2 anak kan reach their own milestone at different time... caleb uda bisa pegang feet nya walau ngga dimasukin mulut.. younger babies than him mungkin udah ada yg bisa.. nah ya itu dia..tiap anak beda..jd ngga terlalu worried..I'm happy as long as caleb grows well..

so far dia belom develop any fever.
cuma tadi siang super cranky deh..ngga tau apa krn habis vaksin atau krn teething..

oh now he weighs 8.3kg and 70cm...head 42.5cm..

my questions to the PD this time is:
re: bowel movement
aku jelasin kalo caleb ada took antibiotics last 2 weeks and uda stop minggu lalu..tapi masih sering poop 2x sehari..apa itu krn reaksi antibiotic atau krn makanan-nya..krn dia start solids at the same day dgn start antibiotics..
PD-nya bilang antibioticnya kan udah stop..kalo masih poo 2x most likely krn dia blg ngga masalah..itu body-nya lg adjust sama long as not so watery gpp..caleb sih ngga watery..but he does poo 2x sehari (on and off...not everyday sih)

re: phlegm due to banana
PD checked but it's clear now..yippeee..

re: heat rashes on caleb's neck
apply fucicort cream and when it got better..can use calendula cream

re: allergy
in case there's any food allergy..we can give zyrtex (which I have it for runny nose stand by)

I decided to postpone pneuomoccocal til 1 yr old..since according to dr.kumar pneumoccocal is painful and if we take the jab between 6m-1yr , there will be 3 jabs..but if we take at 1 yr, there will only be 2 jabs..(plus 1 jab is $169 man..!!!)

hmmm...I do like dr lilian lim...she's more friendly and good with babies..I feel more convenient to ask questions to her than dr kumar..but both are good's just that dr lilian is super long queue and really not for urgent will have to wait for 5 hours to see her without appointment...

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Caleb and Chloe

Hubby and I really love this girl named chloe. and we're really eyeing her for caleb ^^


remember caleb's ear infection?
the doctor gave him antibiotics and for about 2 weeks he had been having a more frequent bowel movement. he could pass motion 2x/day..right after his milk.
I was a bit worried if this considered diarrhea.
the thing is..the day he started on antibiotics was the same day he started on solids.
But strange..because I only started with rice cereal which should not cause any allergy.
I did some research on the internet and I found out that antibiotics did cause diarrhea and the side effect will continue even after the antibiotics are stopped. the effect could go on for 2-3 weeks.

I remember after my c-sect, I took antibiotics..and I did have a very watery motion for 3 weeks.

well..I'm glad it is not caused by the solids.

Caleb's 2nd week weaning schedule

Week 2
day 8: 1/2 aloha banana
(don't buy this kind of banana for baby because it's more heaty. kalo di indo beli pisang kepok/raja. di sgp katanya beli di pasar buah merk ang bak chio)

day 9: 1/2 aloha banana + milna biscuit
(he loves eating biscuit! he will hold it with his lil hand and chew it..til it becomes small then it fell because he couldn't really hold it anymore..he cried when the biscuit dropped!)

day 10
: 8AM 1/2 aloha banana + 10AM milna biscuit + 1.30PM 1 tbsp Heinz rice cereal + 60ml water
(I don't know why I just had a sudden urge to go back to Heinz. Maybe because I read that if baby refused one food, try again a few days/weeks later..because he might change his mind! and to my surprise...he took it well! he even finished it...with minor mess!!)
(around midnight, caleb got phlegm. I asked around and did some research..whether it was caused by the biscuit or the banana..and it turned out to be banana!)

day 11
: 8AM 1/2 Oz apple (did not like it) + 10AM biscuit + 1.30PM Heinz rice cereal + 40ml water
(I give a thicker consistency to the cereal..he took it well too..again with minor mess!)

day 12
: 1.30PM 1 tbsp barley cereal (healthy times) + 30ml milk
(caleb loves it! he's getting better and better at eating his solids. oh btw, I stopped the biscuit and fruit today..see if the phlegm got better without eating fruits and biscuit)

day 13
: 10AM 1oz pear + 1PM 1tbsp Barley cereal + 30ml milk
(he loves my homemade pear puree..I decided to give pear coz I think it's cooling and shouldn't cause any worse to the phlegm)

day 14
: 8AM 1tbsp heinz rice cereal + pear puree + water + 1PM 1tbsp Heinz Rice Cereal + 5PM 1/2 pz sweet potato (didn't like it).

I know my schedule is a bit messy. But as Caleb now gets the hang of eating solids with thicker consistency..I decided to set a schedule:

7AM : Milk
8AM: breakfast
11AM: Milk
1PM: lunch
3PM: Milk
5PM: dinner
6.30PM: Milk
10.30PM: Milk

Once caleb started eating 3x a day very well..I plan to drop the dream feed at 10.30PM and see how whether he can make it til morning without demanding for milk.
now he still takes a dream feed and he still wakes up at night...not for milk, but for playing!!! I guess this is just a phase..which I hope to be over soon..

4 day rule

when you start on solids, you may follow this 4 day rule (or at least 3 days).
what I mean is... introduce one new food for 4 days in a row to detect if a baby has any allergy reaction towards the food.
If within this period, he develops any rashes, vomitting, diarrhea, runny nose, etc..most likely he is allergic to the food.
this rules takes alot of a mother's patience. Because we, mothers, will want to try as many kind as food to the baby..we are just too excited..that I, myself, don't really follow strictly least for the food that I think has a low risk allergy.

My friend has a new theory. sometimes, too much of something is not good either. If we give one kind of food too often, this will create a problem too. Just like adults..for example, we may not allergic to durians..but when we eat too often and too many..we'll get heaty/sorethroat.
I have to agree on her theory too. Caleb had eaten bananas 3 days in a row..and on the 3rd night, he had phlegm! I'm not sure it means that he's allergic to banana. It's more that this is a minor effect of eating the wrong banana (I bought aloha banana, which should not be given to baby should I know..??) but I'm also curious..maybe if i dont follow 3-4 day rule, he wouldn't even have any phlegm now :(

Monday, September 14, 2009

what's happening this week..

Hi readers..
you may have read my monday incident posting..about caleb's ear infection..
some friends have asked me how he's doing now..
Oh after the antibiotics given..he is well til today he's never cried like that anymore.
and in fact, he has been a very wonderful baby this whole week.
he behaves very well..he's happy and cheerful..he let me do my household chores while he's playing alone on his mat/bed..

This week..he likes to giggle and smile alot...

This week..he seems to want to play and play and play..he refused to take his nap longer.
on wednesday he only took 30 mins nap!!!
I'm confused whether to let him wake or try to put him to sleep again.
Tracy Hogg said babies at his age still need to take a nap 3x a day..2 hours on the first and second nap and 30 mins of catnap in late afternoon..
But other mummy advised me that as babies grow up, they don't need as much sleep as when they were younger..
this is difficult to decide.
because caleb is always having transition issues in his sleep. during his sleep cycle, he always need us to pat him back to sleep. Before we will always able to help him back to sleep..but this week is super difficult..because he seems to want to his drive to wake is stronger than his drive to sleep! during the transition it is important for a child to win his drive to sleep..
We did let him sleep for 30 mins only and let him play..on that day he took 4x naps (usual is 3x only) and still ended exhausted at bedtime...
so i haven't really decided on this nap issues.

milk intake
since taking solids, his milk intake dropped so much.
I knew it was going to happen. It is normal. But I didn't expect it to be this much.
he never finished his 180ml milk on feed 1, 2 and 3. but luckily he still finished his feed before sleep and his dream feed. there were days he only took 50-60ml only!!!

Night sleep
since solids too..he doesn't ask for milk at night. but he still woke up around 3 or 4 AM..i think this is just waking up for a habit. But Last night he didn't wake up anymore til morning. I guess solids really help to full his little tummy..

Caleb's 1st week weaning schedule

week 1
day 1: 1/2 tsp Heinz rice cereal organic + 30ml water @ 1PM
day 2: 1/2 tsp Heinz R.C. organic + 30ml water @ 1PM
1/2 tsp Nestle Rice cereal + 30ml water @ 5.30PM
day 3: 1/2 tsp Nestle R.C. + 30 ml water @1PM
1 tsp Nestle R.C. + 40 ml water @5.30PM
day 4: 2tsp Nestle R.C. + 40ml water @1PM
30ml apple juice @5.30PM (refused)
day 5: 1tbsp Nestle R.C. + 30ml water @ 1PM
1/2 Oz sweet potato + water @5.30PM
day 6: 1tbsp Nestle R.C + 30 ml water @1PM
1/2 Oz sweet potato + 30ml milk @5.30PM (refused)
day 7: 1tbsp Nestle R.C. + 30ml water
1/2 oz sweet potato + water (refused)
both feed at 5.30PM

and milk feeding stays at the same time:
6.30 AM milk
11 AM Milk
1PM cereal
3PM milk
5.30PM puree/cereal
6.30PM milk
11PM milk


as you see I start with Heinz and then switch to Nestle.
I personally love Heinz because it's organic and no additional sugar. But too bad caleb didn't like it when it mixed with milk. So I switched to Nestle. I love nestle because it smells good :) and the cereal powder already contains milk powder so I only need to add some water which saves my time too. What I didn't like is because it contains additional sugar. It does taste sweet.

At day 6 Caleb started to fuss when eating his cereals. I'm not sure whether he's bored with the taste..or because I made the cereal with less water and it tasted weird on his tounge, or maybe it tasted sweeter because less water.

He also refused to eat anything mixed with milk. he took his sweet potato well when mixed with water but the next day he refused it when mixed with milk.

some mummies suggested me to change the cereal flavour. Maybe caleb is bored with just plain rice cereal.
and a friend gave a good advice on weaning. Never get stressed.
when mummy is stressed, baby can feel the tension and resulting in his being fussy over his meal or even refuses to eat.
I do admit that I was so excited and also nervous when feeding caleb. Also, when he didn't take it as well as what I expected..I did get disappointed...which is wrong. I shouldn't pressurize on him.
as you see my schedule..on day 2 I already feed him twice because I think the more I feed him, the more he gets used to eating and chewing.
But I think that was starting today I go back to 1x feeding and try to be more relax. If he refused, I won't force. I tried banana today..I did give him cereal too..but he locked his lips tight tight so I didn't force and throw away everything. Never mind. I won't force this time.
he will be a good eater! I know it..!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

starting solid

I have decided to try on solids with caleb this monday.
We started with Heinz rice cereal organic. Well, He didn't take it well. He shut his lips tightly and after I managed to put the cereal on his tounge, he cried. But I figured that the cereal was too thick. It should be as diluted as milk. So I decided I will try again the next day.

So today I tried again with more water. Well, now mommy is happy because caleb finished it all!! yippeee..I know he's a good eater!

Oh btw, when I was at market place yesterday.. I was unexpectedly happy to see some varieties of Heinz cereals and biscuits there (which I did not find at other supermarkets). Decided to buy healthy times barley cereal, Heinz banana cereal, Heinz banana biscuit and healty times butternut squash jars. Really excited to feed caleb with all these yummy food..they look yummy to me that I also want to taste it hihihi..

the day I wish will never repeat again!

Monday is our outing day.
So this monday we decided to go to taka baby fair to buy some 6m+ toys for caleb and we made a plan to meet up with benny and BY after taka shopping.

At paragon, caleb fell asleep on hubby's I asked him to go first find some seat at coffee bean while I want to have a look at some baby food @ market place.
When I was paying my items at the cashie, I heard a baby's cry so loud..and oh sounded very familiar to was my BABY!!! I asked my hubby what happened and he had no idea. Caleb was sleeping and then he woke up crying and the cry got louder and louder and he just did not stop crying. I took over caleb and tried to comfort him and it didn't work out. He was still crying so loud..he was actually screaming! And I just knew he was in pain but I didn't know what caused the pain and where exactly he was feeling it.
we went to the diaper changing room and checked everything including his diaper area and found nothing suspicious. So I decided to just go up to 7th floor to see Dr.Kumar. Hubby and I were glad that we were just at the right place: Paragon - where caleb's doctor is just upstairs.

Unfortunately, Dr kumar had so many patients on that day and so the nurse sent us to see dr.Siva. We waited for 10-15 mins (couldn't remember exactly but it felt so long). Caleb was crying for 30 mins now.
Finally we got to see Dr.Siva and I briefly explained what happened. I mentioned too that he was perfectly fine before this and had no fever or vomit. He started to examine caleb. His bones, joints, tummy, lungs, diaper area..check his alertness...nothing's wrong. and then he checked his ears and that was when he diagnosed caleb with ear infection. He said that flu is often followed by ear infection and if we didn't bring caleb to see him that day, most probably the infection will get worse and will produce some fluid coming out from the ears.
He gave caleb some panadol to ease the pain and asked us to wait for 30 mins at the clinic. Usually after taking panadol, the pain would go away.
And so we waited for 30 mins and caleb still didn't stop crying at all. I never stopped saying in his ear "in Jesus name, you are healed" and tried not to panic myself.
After 30 mins, Dr.Siva called us in and he honestly told us that usually after panadol the pain will go away but how come caleb still cried...he once again examined his body to make sure there was no other cause beside the ear infection but he found nothing else so he was 95% sure it was ear infection.

So we went home by cab. By the time we were at home caleb had been crying for 2 hours. We prayed together and laid our hand on him. Dr.Siva called and asked how caleb was doing and when he heard that caleb was still crying, he told me if by tonight he didn't stop crying, I have to bring him to hospital to do some scans. I don't know how I remained calm but I just knew I have to be strong for caleb..Thank God for His strength and wisdom.

I decided to call dr.kumar and told him what happened. After all I remember he had warned us about this before. When we visited him last friday to check on caleb's flu, he told us that sometimes ear infection will happen when a child's having flu so we have to watch out if our son suddenly cried and screamed. Dr.kumar assured me that if it is really ear infection then the long crying is normal because it should be very painful. He told me to give the antibiotics although caleb had not taken his milk (he refused to drink).

Praise God after the antibiotics, caleb calmed down and finally able to fall asleep. and total time he was crying for almost 3 hours!!!
Around 10.30PM he woke up hungry but the good news was..he wasn't crying anymore. In fact, he gave his mummy a smile which I really want to just keep that forever!!
after his milk, I put him to sleep again - this time on my arm just right beside me...I think he needed the hug from his mummy :) mummy needed him too..

Today he also woke up with a smile and thoughout the day he didn't cry. Praise God.
Dr. Siva called again this morning to check on caleb and he was glad that caleb was okay.
I was impressed that he called us twice to check on caleb. How attentive and caring!
Ci lina also commented that Dr.Siva is as good as Dr. Kumar too though she still prefers Dr.Kumar.

hubby and me really thank God that he led us to choose paragon for our outing place. We couldn't imagine if we were at home or somewhere else. We were sure by the time we reached the clinic, it surely had already closed.

Anyway, I really wish yesterday will just be a history that will never repeat.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

another teething symptoms?

Oh my... caleb has been cranky for the whole week..and has been even more cranky than usual these few days..

pertamanya ngga curiga apa2..kita pikir ini cuma fase-nya rewel aja..atau krn pileknya dia ini..
wah tapi he has mastered screaming alot! he can scream in excitement..he also screams in boredom..and he cries so LOUD now..and he cries at very little thing..he cries when he couldn't reach his toy..he cries when he fails to crawl..he cries when we put him down..he cries when we carry him!! OMG...

about the screaming..
menurut ci umur segini emang uda pinter teriak2..krn lagi belajar ngomong..lama2 teriakannya itu bisa berubah jadi kata kata: etc... (which is true! I just browsed through about 5 months old development and found out about this as exactly as what ci lina has told of my curiousity is answered. and the website explains that baby at this age is exploring different noise at various octave- check

Now about the cry...
I was quite upset about this..worried if I actually have a grumpy baby..but I keep reminding myself that God has blessed me with such a blessed baby..anyway, before this period, caleb was a very content and cheerful baby (huuuhuhuhu i miss that moments). I was even more sad listening to people commenting on caleb today "eh..why caleb's so grumpy today?" :( :(
but despite of being grumpy, he still managed to smile to a few people ^^

But later in the evening I suddenly had an urge to ask my brother (who is a dentist) and my sis in law. I asked them if it is possible that the next upper teeth will show just a month after the lower teeth showed up. and they said YES, in fact they will come out soon after the lower part grew. OHhhhh..that explains alot of the crankiness!!! That is why caleb is so cranky and uneasy..he is teething!!!! OMg OMg... hehehehe..I am so relievedddd....I know my son is not a naturally a grumpy baby!!! it's just teething..and so I know this period will not last forever...thank God!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Caleb's first flu

On saturday night after the launching..Caleb cried a few times during his sleep..
I knew it wasn't another teething symptom..
then I quickly noticed that his breathing was not as having a blocked nose..

so I woke hubby..fed caleb running nose medicine (luckily I got stock of flu, cough and fever medicine). He didnt have any fever though..thank God.
but I was worried if the flu was actually the H1N1 virus?? Oh nooo.... I shouldn't be so careless letting a friend carried him when in church then..coz this friend's son just recovered from could I be so careless.... :( :(

but by morning...I remembered that during the baby gathering on last thursday, chloe was having a running nose..which we (fiona and me) suspected that it was just a reaction to solid food...coz chloe just started on puree..
but anyway I sms fiona and asked her how chloe was..was she having any flu after that day..and she said YES! OHHH I was so relieved and least I knew it was not H1N1 haha..praise God..

(dan ternyata all the other 2 babies..cheng cheng and audrey juga tertular chloe...)
(fiona pls don't feel sorry or feel bad to's allright..babies will get flu too someday..and our babies are strong babies!)

besides the medicine i gave...I also bought pigeon nose suck on the nose...

today is the 3rd day..and caleb is getting better..he sleeps well since last night..I believe he will recover any time soon.. :)

My favourite expression

hihi..decided to write an archive on my caleb's favourite expression..

I love his face expression when:
1. I feed him milk..he will lie on me and his eyes set on my face..his one hand will try to reach and grab my finger :)
2. he just wakes up from a good long nap (2 hour)..wake up happily..and when he sees me, he smiles (oooohhh he's so cute)
3. when he lies his back on me while sitting and playing with his teethers..and suddenly he turns his head to look at me..and sometimes he smiles sweet..!!!
4. after his play on bed time..I will let him lie down and ask him grab my fingers tightly with both hands..and I will pull him to sit..he always always smiles :)
Or rolling time..will let him roll and roll til he reaches near me and smiles^^
5. when I tickle his armpits or tummy..he giggles..cute!