Friday, August 7, 2009

the sleeping problem is hopefully settled

Well, I purposely did not want to write about this soon.
Caleb was actually sleeping through the night again since tuesday night.
I did not want to write on the blog after 1 successful day and then tomorrow end up he was back on the frequent waking again. So I observed. And so far it was 3 successful nights!!

we put him to sleep on his tummy. he seems to enjoy sleeping in that position more.
we did experience 1 successful night on sunday night but monday night he woke up again so often, but i think it was the teething that made him so uncomfy. But starting tuesday night til now he was back on track :)
what made me happy is because this problem is solved right before the maid was supposed to return to her employer! Just right 1 day before that. How wonderful is that...God is never late, right?

Praise Jesus who really is faithful! :)

Oh, I also came to read a blog posting (chronicles of babywise mom) about progress in spiral. And reading it really made me feel better. It says that sometimes we are walking in a spiral. we are progressing though sometimes we can be up and can be down, but still moving towards the success. let's say about sleeping through the night...our babies may have slept through the night very well, but he may have also suddenly woken up often again..but you know what...there will be time when he will be back on track again, and even better. so during those down moments, just be patient. anyway, there's always God who strengthens us through difficult times :)

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