Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy mummy :)

akhirnya..apa yang didoakan setiap hari terjawab juga..gak nyadar lagi kalo uda dijawab until yesterday baru deh aku realize..iya caleb kok skrg bisa tidur tanpa pake acara nangis2 atau rewel dulu...enak banget...dlm bbrp menit bisa tidur..bener2 gak ada tangis2an..well, unless dia overtired..of course masih nangis...tapi kalo weekdays dan kita gak ke mana2..he plays and sleeps well..jadi gak sampe overtired and always falls asleep easily and peacefully..

Moreover...udah 3x ini we found him falling asleep on his own!!!
Thank God!
I know that most babies around 4-6months will have the skill to fall asleep on their own (without our help)..but when I read that..I told myself...ah kayanya not happening this soon lah..hopefully by 6 months..but far uda 3x terjadi..2x ketiduran di strollernya pas jalan2!! (how nice is that...mummy no need to carry 8kg along the way home! hehe)...and 1x ketiduran di ranjang for his 1st morning nap..

another development is..

the 2nd tooth has showed up!! yayy... and with that..the next night, caleb is sleeping through again..he only wakes up around 2.30am for milk..I gave him only 60ml..coz i know he's not that hungry anyway..paling cuma haus..

and TODAY...

he developed a new skill again!!!
last time he mastered flipping over from back to tummy..
sekarang..dia udah kayak roda aja nggelinding terusss... uda bisa tengkurap trus balik lagi sendiri...haizz mummy has to watch over him all the time nihhh..
and u know what..he's so cute..the 1st time he did roll on to his back..he was quite amazed himself and he smiled at he knows he has achieved something good! haha...*hugs u kay* lil boy ini skrg udah tambah pinter aja...
kalo minta gendong uda bisa kasi/angkat tangannya loh...lucu deh...
trus skrg dia lg gak suka ditinggal sendiri...jadi kalo aku ke dapur..dia maunya ikut...walau gak digendong gpp..asal dia masih bisa liat mummy-nya..

hmmm...apalagi yah...OHHH.... he now likes to play peek-a-boo..can laugh so loud! him more..... and more......... mummy's lil boy :)

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