Friday, December 3, 2010

When everything doesnt work out...

When everything you've tried doesn't work, pray!

When Caleb did not sleep well for nights for no reason. No sign of teething, no sickness. Changed his diaper to a clean one. Set the air con to the right temperature. I wonder and wonder why. Was it the nap? Was it too much? and so I did trial and error with the nap. And stilll it didn't work.
So I prayed.
and so he slept through again.

When Caleb was cranky for no reason I could find out. I prayed.
and he soon was back to his old self, charming.

When things go wrong, and you don't know why. You've done your research. You've tried everything you know. and it still doesn't work out. Remember to pray.
Mommies, you are not alone. God is with you. He understands your struggles, your concerns and most importantly He knows and understands your baby more than you. So let Him take control.


Marie said...

Thank you for sharing. I really needed to read this tonight and God used you to put peace in my heart.Thanks again from one mummy to another. God bless xox

Novi said...

thank you for your comment :)
it has motivated me to write more, knowing that God can use my posts to bless others.
I pray that whatever concerns that you have, God will take control and make a way :)