Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's december!!

Yes it is december! Our fave month of the year. And I can't believe how fast the time flies. This time last year I thought in another 3 months time, Caleb would be 1 year old and that was fast. Now, in another 3 months, he'll be 2 years old. and I even feel that the time flies even faster than last year. I can't believe I will have to think for Caleb's birthday this soon...how we're going to celebrate it, the presents, the cake, etc. It feels like just a few moments ago we celebrated it. Moreover, we enjoy this year so much. As I told you I love this stage, compared to his baby life. We all enjoy him so much that we don't want it to pass soon..and pray that if he has to arrive at another stage of life, which means being a 2 year old toddler, bless that year so it'll be even more blissful and enjoyable!

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