alot of people have been asking me 'how's motherhood?'
well, I don't really know how to answer this question or find the right words for it...
maybe you guys need to ask me again next month this is really something new for me..i mean I haven't even hit 2 weeks yet..
but this is some pictures to describe how..
hmm my life is pretty much like this everyday...
night time after midnite will be just me, hubby and baby in the room...trying to put baby to sleep...and then we will wake up 2-4 hourly (Depends on caleb's feeding time)..while hubby feeds him, I will do my pumping job...
morning..I've to wake up sometimes as early as 5AM or 7 and if we're lucky at 8AM. and then pump again...
from 10AM onwards til 11PM it's breast job...every 1-2hourly..
sela2 waktu itu...sometimes I take nap...other time..I do sterilizing the bottles, warming my breast milk using AVENT...changing my baby diaper...carry him...put him to sleep...bath him..
so everyday is about baby and baby...
my only escape is this blog and FB where I get to socialize and keep in touch with outsiders...
so it's pretty much a routine.
am I happy? yes...have I adjusted well to my new life? honestly, not it's difficult to answer your question whether I enjoy motherhood :)
I realize we always want something after another and never be satisfied with what we have...padahal segala sesuatu ada season-nya yang shrsnya kita nikmati kan...
waktu belom hamil..pengen bgt bisa hamil..uda gak sabar tiap bulan ngetes positive apa gak...
begitu uda hamil kena morning sickness...rasanya menderita bangettt..pengen cepet2 9 bln n anak lahir...pas uda lahir pergumulan baru...sleepless nights, tiring days come..and we wish our baby grow faster...and then when he grows, we start thinking 'OMG we need to prepare his school fee" and so on and so on...
right now..I really wish my baby grows faster..reaching 1 month old..when he can smile and laugh..he'll be so cute..and then cant wait when he can sleep better at night...and wish he can walk and talk...hehehe I'm thinking pas dia uda seumur jethro or kayla..he'll be so cute..easier to take care hehehe...
and I've a dream...been praying to God..someday or next year..we will be moving to a condo with full facility..just nice when he reaches 1 yr old, i can take him for a a nice swimming pool..i got the feeling he enjoys swimming coz now he seems to enjoy his bath time already...
and my hubby can use the gym facility...what a dream.. :)
let it be a dream come true...
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