yup finally back from gynae check up..
everything's fine..
gynae took out the waterproof plaster..was worried it would hurt...tp tenryata stitchesnya ga sakit, yg sakit malah kulit sekitarnya yang ketarik pas plaster dibuka..
dr.adrian cut the edge of the stitches..done in a few secs only...
he gave me a cream to apply on the stitches..and asked me if I was still taking pain killer..I said no..
also..I was wondering too..if the wound will hurt if i'm taking bath...tapi pas sampe rumah, I check the wound..actually it's already dry...cuma ada bekas luka kayak titik2 kecil gitu..and waktu aku apply cream-nya juga ga sakit/perih2 kok..
Oh ya..I asked a few questions to dr adrian...
whether the swollen feet I have is normal..he said yes..and it will go away soon
asked him about applying body shaping cream as well..he said ok too..(yipee)
so I quickly went to metro..to clarins counter and bought body shaping cream + oil strengthening..will apply on my arms,thigh and tummy-above my stitches...hopefully will flatten my tummy soon...
actually, my mom wants me to use 'ramuan traditional'nya..which is kapur sirih dicampur jeruk nipis n minyak kayu putih trus dioles di tummy and dibebet pake stagen n gurita.
tapi aku takut pake kapur sirih..krn bisa gatel banget..aku takut merembes ke bagian stitchesnya. but my mom said kalo uda di apply ke tummy n tunggu bentar aja ntar ramuannya bisa kering baru dibungkus stagen..jd gak sampe merembes...hueee tp tetep ngeri lah..i better wait another 2 weeks br pake itu. tapi katanya uda terbukti kalo paku ramuan itu pasti cepet susut tuh bagian perut..slm 1-4minggu bisa susut (depends on how flabby ur tummy is after pregnancy).
hi novi, dewi lagi ni!
good to hear the check up went well. ternyata adrian woodworth ya :)
ndak apa pa deh :)
iya gue preggie with no. 2 ni.
no. 1 udah 1.5yo
take care ya!
wahh bagi2 tips dong soal ngurusin baby :)
yg ke 2 ini bakal normal ato caesar?
gynae kamu siapa?
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