Saturday, April 4, 2009


I miss couplehood!!

today when hubby was about to leave for gen next..he kissed me goodbye n hugged me...
feeling like I wanted to burst crying... I realize i miss couplehood too...
when it's just me n hubby...
not that I regret get it wrong...
haizz most probably just another post natal blues hit me..

ci lina kmrn ini jg tanya ke hubby kapan aku bisa diajak pergi2 lagi...
dalam hati..kyknya gak bakal lg's so tiring to bring baby outside..
pengalaman 3x keluar ama baby (ke PD 2x and ke KBRI)..persiapannya aja butuh waktu lama..hrs organize his travel bag..make sure gak ada yg ketinggalan..prepare susu, botolnya..air panasnya, diapers,etc etc...tiap kali abis keluar pasti sampe rumah capek bukan main...

but I think it's not so wise to answer ci lina's question by now...
coz caleb is still considered newborn baby...and I'm a new mother...
probably in the next month or a few months later...caleb grows up and easier to take care than now..and I'm already used to being a body is used to the new sleeping pattern and all baby things...
by that time, I may be ready to go out and have fun while I bring my baby with me too...

let's stay positive! :)


PRIMA said...

hi novi. kedengarannya feeling kamu ini post-natal blues. don't worry too much ya. emang mesti stay positive terus :)

you'll adjust to caleb's schedule and needs soon enough. and going out is a breeze! :D

enjoy the time with baby, kids grow too fast!! i always miss the gummy smile and the scent of a newborn baby. hiaks! :)

Novi said...

sampe kpn ya post natal blues ini bisa nyerang2?
hehe..jujur aja paling takut kalo ntar suster uda balik indo..and kerjaan uda mulai...emang kerjaanku flexible, bisa dikerjain di rumah..cuma kepikiran aja bisa apa ngga sambil ngurus baby...

PRIMA said...

don't worry. you'll be fine!

biasanya makin sibuk makin ga bakal mikirin yang ngga ngga kan?

btw, bacain blog elu reminds me a lot on the post-preggie days hehe, sering2 ngepost ya!

take care!

Novi said...

kamu ada tulis di blog cerita2 pas bulan2 awal sama chloe?
harusnya aku yang baca postings km..jadi bisa belajar dari yang udah expert hehe...