Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caleb wants me.......


whenever he sees me, or when I hold him..he will open his mouth and pointing at my boobs..haaa...padahal dia baru minum loh...he's full...dan kalo suster yg gendong, dia ngga minta..tapi kalo aku yang gendong dia langsung tau..."oohh she's my milk producer" hehehe...
smart boy..he knows me well that I'm the one who gives him milk!

oh ya..belakangan dia suka digendong sambil jalan-jalan..kalo kita yg gendong cuma duduk ato berdiri di tempat..dia bakal protes...but once we move and keep walking...dia bakal tenang and pelan2 tidur...hehehe I think because waktu hamil aku seringgg banget jalan..hampir tiap hari kan keluar rumah..jalan ke orchard...kalo ngga aktif bersih2 he's used to the movement..

loves him more and more ^^

P.S. talking about walking alot during pregnancy, I come up in another conclusion...bahwa banyak jalan pas hamil ternyata nggak selalu bisa memperlancar labour...buktinya aku ini..uda banyak jalan dan gerak eh tetep aja slow dilation...end up c-sect...jadi yah tergantung orangnya lahh...

1 comment:

Owner of Two Apples said...

Memang tergantung orang. Aku banyak berenang dan jalan lagi. Masih tetap c-sect.