Monday, April 13, 2009

caleb 1st outing to the mall..

finally got a chance to go out today..yayy happy...!!!
hehe..walau ngga lama sih..just 1.5 hour grocery trip to the mall...but I decided to go out and bring caleb (with nanny, of course..belom berani sendiri).
sebenernya masa-masa confinement belom slese...I'm not supposed to go out yet..and my hubby mestinya bisa bantu beliin..but he's working and I need the outing badly..kalo ngga bisa frustasi karena kebosenan yang melanda heuehuheue...

hmmm how's the trip?
at first..krn too much worries that caleb would be cranky, I decided to feed him before we went out..fed him another extra 10ml of milk than usual...which resulting that he threw out once we stepped out from the door! so got to change his mitten again yg basah kena muntahnya... and praying so hard that it didn't mean that it was a bad start to do outing today..
and finally, we are ready...

it turned out he was sleeping the whole outing trip..wasn't cranky at all...and it was fun for me :)

hueee tapi nyampe rumah langsung berasa capekkk bangett..aneh ya..padahal baru keluar rumah sebentar doang..and pergi ke mall terdekat lagi!... mungkin karena terbiasa di rumah terus 3 minggu..keluar sebentar jadi capek..untung sempet tidur siang sejam sebelom bersibuk2 ria lagi sama caleb..

tomorrow is another outing ICA hehe..buat ngurus PR -nya caleb. Hopefully, smua lancar, ngga antri..and nge pas banget ama schedule-nya caleb (meaning: jadwal mandi, minum susu and tidur nya pas banget ama waktu ke ICA besok) phew...*praying*

update u again about ICA tomorrow ok.. :)

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