my baby cabinet :)
yup...i've put all the clothes inside...4 laci langsung penuh..soalnya aku organize: 1st drawer tempat handunk, kain2, blanket
2nd: utk baju2 0-3months
3rd: utk baju2 3 months above plus all the bibs, hats etc
4th: bed sheet, mattrass ptotector, etc
the good thing about this cabinet's double cuma buat taruh baju aja tapi bisa dijadiin tempat mandi baby
ada semacam teralis yg bisa digeser-geser...buat taruh bath tub
this is how it looks like with the bath tub
nah ini selangnya buat empty the water after bathing the baby
sedia ember aja buat buang airnya.
this is a baby it from indo (around 300ribu - di sgp bisa $100an)... I need this coz after may, I will be taking care the baby kalo lagi di dapur, bisa denger baby nangis lewat monitor..
buat yang tertarik untuk beli this can go to baby kingdom (83, kaki bukit ave 1-near bedok area-daerah industrial gitu).
harganya agak mahal sih.. $395 (my mom bought it hehe...otherwise, it's too expensive for me too haha). warnanya ada macem2 kok..but i cant remember ada warna apa aja...i choose white coz it suits my baby cot color which is white too..and i just simply love white :) but u really have to maintain kalo mau warnanya ga cepet kotor..
I got capella stroller too (S228-aqua/turqoise color) for $255 - yg ini dapet diskon..harga aslinya i think around 500, trus di dept store sale $269..but i got it at baby kingdom for it's worth to buy :)
i like this stroller karena dorongan strollernya bisa dipindah ke depan/ baby can face me..stroller2 lain kebanyakan ngga bisa..unless yg roda tiga which is expensive..
another thing..roda strollernya quite strong and bisa muter 180 derajat.
foto strollernya belom dipasang..soalnya masih dalam kardus..ngga plan utk dibuka dulu krn dipakenya masih nunggu baby 1 bulan - kalo pas mau jalan2 keluar...jd drpd berdebu, lbh baik ngga dikeluarin dulu kan.
1 comment:
novi...bagus banget de cabinetnya n lucu skali tu radio tlponnya hehe..i am glad that you and your baby are fine..wishing you all the blessing from heaven during your labour and mungkin tangan bayimu yg naek ke atas itu lg praise and worship kali di dalem perut hehe,,,
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