Friday, February 27, 2009

God is good

wowww...been almost 2 weeks that i havent update this blog...2 busy weeks...
last week my aunt and uncle were here for medical check I went to accompany them at hospital, and then for shopping and eating :)
and this week...
here's the story:

bulan lalu waktu my mom di sgp for christmas holiday, dia pergi check up di Mt.E and was told that ada batu empedu di saluran pencernaannya... according to doctor, most ppl memang ada batunya di empedu, it's just that we never know..and anyway it's not dangerous..and batunya bisa pass to urine by itself. tapi yang dangerous kalo batu-nya itu keluar and nyumbet saluran yang lain..that can cause pain and even infection. dan kalo di saluran itu harus segera di ERCP - semacem operasi gitu tp bukan bedah...kayak dimasukin alat dari mulut trus saluran yg kesumbet itu dibesarin n batunya dihancurin..and this kind of operation perlu nginep semalem di hospital. Well, since at that time my mom wasn't in pain, she decided to do the ERCP later...
Apparently, last week she felt pain..that's when she decided to do ERCP in March waktu dia visit aku when the baby is born.
when i heard that news...i was like..oh my...not in march...aku takut banget krn maret smua bakal sibuk kan pas baby uda lahir..and aku juga pasti capek, ga mungkin nemenin ke hospital..and if I'm breastfeeding, definetely gak boleh byk pikiran or stress krn bisa pengaruh ke ASI..
and so my mom decided to come before my due date...maybe a week before that to do the ERCP..hmm well, it doesnt solve the problem too!! kalo aku tiba2 maju due-nya gimana...bersamaan ama ERCP-nya risky....
but I decided to keep quiet..coz if i voice out my opinion, i'm afraid my mom bakal lbh stress lagi..
and so I just pray and leave it to God..coz i know He has planned everything for me..the best time for everything...

the day after, my mom sms me and said that she would come on monday...dunno what makes her change her mind..but I'm least kalo dateng skrg, aku masih bisa nemenin..
God is so good...I know that when I surrender to God, everything will be allright...

so...sebelom ERCP, my mom wants to check once again if there's really a stone there..well,just to make sure..sebenernya sama dokter yg di Mt.E begitu dateng langsung disuruh appointment utk ERCP..but my mom decided to have it done in NUH since it's cheaper too..dan dokter yang di NUH mau liat lagi hasil scan-nya..kalo emang ada batu di saluran that means lgs continue the procedure to ERCP.
so wednesday evening as scheduled we went to endoscopy center at NUH to check the stone..
after 2 hours waiting - reading novel (hehe skrg kecanduan baca novel loh..thanks joyce uda minjemin!), the nurse called my name and told me I can see my mom...she told me that there is no need for ERCP as there is no stone's just gone..Praise God! :)
for the past few days, emang my mom selalu tengking batu-nya spy hilang..and it did go away!
what a miracle :)

dokternya sih bilang kalo next time ada batu lagi, lbh baik empedunya diambil,instead of ERCP. krn ERCP cm solve sebentar dan gak menjamin bakal gak ada batu lagi yg keluar ke saluran. and dia bilang People can survive living without empedu.
yah tapi mamiku sih ga mau diambil empedunya..she believes that God has given a complete set of organs in our body, so she will keep praying that there'll be no more stone.
hehe ya..i believe too..apapun yang kita minta dgn penuh kepercayaan, kita akan menerimanya kan...

God is so good...
we're so blessed :)

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