Friday, February 27, 2009

very dissappointed!

sedih ya punya temen yang uda dianggap deket slm bertaon2 tapi ini orang bener2 mengecewakan..sampe kayaknya aku ngga bisa respect lagi..
soalnya bukan yang pertama ato kedua kalinya dia buat hal yang sama...
kalo dulu walaupun he did many horrible things, aku ngga pernah judge dia and still be his friend..
tapi skrg setelah sekian kalinya..wahh kayanya orang juga punya batas yah...apalagi yang dia lakuin itu hurting my other good friend too.. (i hope i can tell the true story here..but i know it's not appropriate).

for so long i often wonder..kenapa sih aku jd annoyed banget tiap kali ada orang ini or if someone mentioned his name...kan bukan aku yang disakitin, tp kok yang jengkel aku...jengkelnya itu jengkel banget first, i thought i was just angry for what he did to my friend...
tapi lama-lama..i realized benernya bukan marah sih..tapi lebih ke perasaan sedih...coz it's like this person has been so dissappointing..and i feel like i cant stand it anymore and i'm losing him as a friend..ya..i just lost a good friend :(
last nite i even told my baby..supaya ntar dia be a good man, has a good character and respect other ppl feelings..dont play around with a girl's feeling...well, i'm glad his daddy has set a good example :)
I even plan to 'lecture' our family close friends yg cowok2 itu (u know who u are)..supaya mereka ngga ngelakuin hal yang sama...i just dont want to lose anymore friends..coz as they'll be hanging around with our family, i want them to have set a good example for my kid too hehehe...i've been telling my baby about our friends...he already knows the name of uncle pat, uncle benben, auntie lina, uncle hardiman, auntie maria, auntie lala n erinna...hehehe... hope when he's born, he's already familiar with their names.. :)

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