Sunday, February 8, 2009

my singer ministry

finally today is the last duty as a next schedule should be around may or june..
It's kinda sad...couldnt help to cry during the 1st worship song..
dont know what's gonna happen and how much changes in my ministry after the baby is born.. :(
that's why buat yang belom married/berkeluarga/punya anak..manfaatkan waktu sebaik2nya yah...

baby is so cute today..
during the sound check, danil kan gebuk2 drum (pas aku berdiri deket banget ama drum)...and I got the feeling my baby will kick me after I was counting 1..2...and yess he did kick wake him up!!!
during service was even was making alot of moves..sampe ga focus sama nyanyinya...hehe kelupaan ni nyanyi sampe lirik mana hueheue...trus ada bbrp kali aku tutupin tummy pake tangan..soalnya malu kalo ada yg liat perutku goyang2 sendiri hehe...

dan pas kotbah lagi..tambah parah geraknya..sama kayak last week, non stop and very extreme...goyang kanan n kiri..dan ada sesekali sakit loh..kayak dia grab something inside..maybe he grab the umblical cord/placenta..???
my hubby sempet ngerekam pake hp..dan bener2 keliatan perutku goyang2 sendiri..hihihihi....this whole day he makes lotsa moves..(til now) ^^
I really hope his head is already engaged down!

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