Semalem ngerasa agak sakit2 kayak cramp di bagian perut bawah..rasa sakitnya mirip2 kayak mau mens gitu... sebenernya last week juga merasa kayak gini makanya aku sempet yakin kalo gak mungkin pregnant krn kok ada gejala mau mens..
So tadi pagi aku langsung check ke website2 mengenai symptoms cramping ini apakah normal ato nggak...berikut hasil research aye:
Causes of Cramping During Your First Trimester
1. Implantation cramping - Some women will experience cramping upon implantation. Implantation usually occurs 8-10 days after ovulation. You should not experience implantation cramping after a positive pregnancy test, however many a woman has experienced cramping only to find that she is indeed pregnant shortly there after.
2. Stretching uterus - As your body prepares for it's new baby your uterus will stretch and expand. The ligaments that support the uterus will stretch and with this stretching may cause mild cramps.
3. Miscarriage - Cramping during early pregnancy, especially accompanied by spotting or bleeding, is a warning sign of a possible miscarriage.
4. Ectopic pregnancy - Ectopic pregnancy is a serious condition and requires immediate medical attention. Signs of an ectopic pregnancy include cramping and abdominal pain (particularly on one side), spotting, or bleeding.
5. Other causes of cramping during early pregnancy - constipation or gas pains. Pregnant women often have problems with constipation. This can lead to uncomfortable cramping as well
So i think punyaku itu cause no.2.
Anyway, asal nggak ada bleeding or spotting should be normal and fine.
I've checked with ci jeanny..she experienced the same..
in that case, aku jadi tenang lah..kayaknya gak perlu buru2 ke dokter :)
May God bless my whole pregnancy!
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