Sunday, September 12, 2010

when is the 2nd one coming?

I have alot of people asking me this question. Maybe they see Caleb is bigger now, they wonder if I plan to have #2.

The answer is....



it will only happen when Caleb is about 3.5 years..then I will start to plan for #2.


OMG...I love this stage so much! I love Caleb being 1.5 year old..he just has too many cute actions and words. I don't know if other toddlers at this age really give you a colorful life full of joy and laughter like Caleb does, but Caleb is one wonderful person of mine and I really want to enjoy him so much and I'm not willing to share my attention and love to another baby right now.
I do pray and tell God about it, but of course if by all means He still wants to trust me another baby sooner than I expect..I will love her (hopefully it's a girl!) too, of course!

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