Thursday, July 22, 2010

The helper is really here!!

yupp my new helper is here now!
it's so great to have her...she cleans house well, and cooks really nice food too!
OMG...I really put on weight because of eating too much in indo..and now with all the nice food she can we diet????

And Caleb with ibu (that's how we call the maid)??

Oh... Caleb..Caleb... what's wrong with you dear?
3 weeks ago you liked ibu so much and always waited for the time when ibu could bring you to playground..but now you cried like hell when ibu wants to bring you to playground.
this clinginess he brought from indo isn't over yet!! sigh..

whyyyy...whyyyy must it happen now when time it's getting near for me to go back to work next week!!!

he is so attached to me. all he wants is mommy. Nope..not daddy..even with daddy, he would scream 'mama..mama!!'



but good news and hope! I just read a blog saying that teething can cause clinginess.
phew... I do hope it's teething. He now has 15 teeth in total..with new 1 molar and 2 cuspids coming out. and I could see another 2 swollen gums.
I do remember that there were times when Caleb was also super clingy and cranky..that was a few weeks before he was having that 7 days fever and that was when his 1st molar cut through.
So's probably just teething.

OH dear Jesus..please let everything goes easy for both of us at the time I need to leave him at home for works.. *cross finger*

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