hari ini jadwal vaksin-nya caleb..can't wait for that karena selaen pengen check berat badannya, juga ada banyak questions yg mau ditanyain ke PD.
well, okay...update for caleb..3 months old weight 6.8kg (doctor commented that he is slightly overweight, but still okay), height 61cm (nurse said roughly around there, coz caleb was moving alot when she took the measurement - hubby said must be more than 61 coz he just measured yesterday, he said it was 67 ---kok beda banyak ya? mana yg bener??)
Caleb was not in a very good mood during this PD visit coz just around his nap time and he was sleepy. He was already 'mewek' before he entered the doctor's room. Pas di-cus dia gak nangis emang, cuma mewek2 doang...hehehe..I'm still proud of him!
oh ya..ini questions2ku ke PD:
I asked about when to give solid food..she said 6 months is the best time, but some people already give at 4 motnhs, but she recommended to wait at least til 5 months +
I told PD that these 3 days caleb sometimes did not finish his milk like usual, and she said not to worry coz around this age babies drink less, coz they are not so hungry as they were younger before.
I also asked about the red spots/dots on caleb's forehead, PD said it's blood vessels and will dissapear when he reaches 1 year old.
PD asked if the last injection, caleb developed any fever. I said yes,mild fever only. and she said that this time probably will too.
So I went home and paid attention to him.
He wasn't tired as before, in fact, he was very active and enjoyed his tummy excerise mat so much today. And until now - 11PM his temperature is still 36.8C.
He is getting more and more adorable each day!
I love him so much.
he is now super cute..loves to talk and when he hasn't finished talking to me, and I had something to do, he once shouted as if he called me back to attend to him..and when I was back to him, he was smiling so wide!! :)
Oh and these 2 days...he loves sleeping on my bed beside me more than sleeping on his own cot! *gawat nih* everytime he woke up crying on his cot, I put him on my bed beside me, and he just directly falls asleep again. I don't mind this..as I love his presence beside me too but I have to admit that on the other hand, 3 people on 1 queen size bed is super squeezy (with my giant hubby, of course we have to squeeze ohohoho)
another update...my mind now is filled with researching any kind of baby food recipees as caleb will start his solid food in 2-3 months later!! and I suddenly feel not so confident about my cooking skill (i never cook baby porridge before!!). Also, confused how I shoud proccess the food..just mix all with blender..use slow cooker? does everything has to be sterilized (all the utensils and bowls)? experienced mummies please advise...Dewi???
I love him so much.
he is now super cute..loves to talk and when he hasn't finished talking to me, and I had something to do, he once shouted as if he called me back to attend to him..and when I was back to him, he was smiling so wide!! :)
Oh and these 2 days...he loves sleeping on my bed beside me more than sleeping on his own cot! *gawat nih* everytime he woke up crying on his cot, I put him on my bed beside me, and he just directly falls asleep again. I don't mind this..as I love his presence beside me too but I have to admit that on the other hand, 3 people on 1 queen size bed is super squeezy (with my giant hubby, of course we have to squeeze ohohoho)
another update...my mind now is filled with researching any kind of baby food recipees as caleb will start his solid food in 2-3 months later!! and I suddenly feel not so confident about my cooking skill (i never cook baby porridge before!!). Also, confused how I shoud proccess the food..just mix all with blender..use slow cooker? does everything has to be sterilized (all the utensils and bowls)? experienced mummies please advise...Dewi???
Novi.. sorry bgt udah lama ga dateng ke blog elu.. ternyata manggil2 nama gue di sini ya.. hehhee
novi bole liat archive lama gue ttg introducing solid food. tenang aja.. ga usah stress ya.. feeding is fun :)
coba liat2 link ini - ada 2 pages ya, hope it helps :)
finally you replied to this one!
sure..I'll take a look :)
so coming near to your due date ya?
I pray everything goes smoothly!
jadi ambil one/2 bedded rm?
novi, kali ini gue ngambil 4-bedded hahhaa.. bener2 downgrade ni! hehe thanks for the prayers :)
yg 4 bedded kan bisa minta gynae upgrade ke 2 bedded but u still pay for 4 bedded room charge? ask your gynae about it :) lumayan loh...
btw, tgl brp due-nya? oh anyway, do you mind to share me your address? if I happen to browse through something interesting from BP, I'll send a gift for Bosco :)
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