Sunday, July 12, 2009

Going to church is both a challenge and sacrifice

I am so happy with his babywise blog I found the other day! Because she has exactly the same thought as me about going to church.

You church service is from 10-12..and we have to leave home by 9am and come back home the earliest by 1.30pm (mostly will reach at 2pm anyway). That means caleb will miss 2 naps! 2 naps for him is alot!!! and then with alot of people coming to see and play with caleb..that makes him become over when we reach home, not only he's exhausted but also over stimulated..can u imagine how cranky he is? I always have my struggle on sunday night...putting him to sleep on sunday night is always difficult.
That's why I got so pissed off with a friend who woke caleb in his sleep on last last sunday!!! Grrr....masih sebel banget kalo inget udah nidurinnya susah..gendong slm 45 mins, eh baru gw taruh di kereta (strollernya gw tutup loh padahal!!!), pas nyampe gereja ada juga yang maen nyelonong ngagetin caleb - padahal keretanya ditutup loh!! suebeeelll buangetttt.... dan gara2 itu, caleb jd cranky...dan jadwalnya ngaco...akibatnya aku ngga bisa denger sermon..krn caleb rewel, ngantuk!! --> yakkk ini marah2 jadi pake indo deh nulisnya hahaha...

anyway..about this babywise blog..she gives many suggestions about going to church with baby.
and so I follow her...this morning, I wake caleb earlier (7am) so by 8.45 he'll be sleepy and he takes his 1st nap earlier than usual. the plan worked. he slept for 45 mins before going to church. At least he had his morning nap! It's so important not to miss the 1st nap. we took cab to church (hubby sacrificed money to save caleb's nap). so when we arrive in chruch, we enjoy the praise and worship. by 11.30 caleb was sleepy again and ready for his 2nd hubby put him to sleep outside..well, this is a sacrifice too..coz one of us has to miss half of the sermon.
the plan worked well...caleb was not as cranky as all the other sundays..coz he had his nap (Although only 45 mins of each nap). But even IF he is cranky after all the plan that we work through and finally I have to face him being cranky..that's just my sacrifice right..

so let all these sacrifice I make is for the glory of God :)

anyway, check this out for info about going to church with baby:

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