Thursday, July 9, 2009

New Sleeping Challenge!

Parenting is challenging! there's always new challenge...wahh really being a mother is not easy..I wish to fully focus on caleb, I wish I don't need to work but still earning money haha.. Now with my job starting already, I get so tired sometimes..mostly capek pikiran berujung capek badan hehe..

well, back to the topic..
iya nih duhh masalah sleeping kok datang silih berganti..
dulu masalah ngga mau ditaruh di ranjang, minta gendong mulu - case solved!
trus..masalah ngga bisa ketiduran, selalu nangis kayak orang berantem sebelom bobo - now has improved alot!
dan sekarang........ hux my caleb yg bisa sleep through the night sampe pagi..tiba2 3 hari ini kok bangun tiap jam 2-3 pagi..pertama aku kira habitual waking, hari pertama aku kasi paci sukses, bertahan sampe jam hari ke 2 n ke 3 kok gak sukses ya...itu paci-nya diemut bentar trus di spit out..dan masih gelisah terus...akhirnya aku kasih minum susu, tapi juga ngga habis.
wahh pusing dehh..krn gara2 ini, jadi merubah jam minum dan nap-nya yg sudah dibuat rutin kmrn2 ini..
After doing some research from tracy hogg book, it said that baby who had been sleeping through the night is possible to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night..if not because of growth spurt, then it is due to the transition from 3 months to 4 months old. As babies below 4 months old has a 3 hourly routine (feed every 3 hour) and 4 months above has 4 hourly. Naps also change. at 4 months, babies nap 2-3x only, while below 4 months nap for 3-4x. So all this changes and transition cause disruption to baby sleep pattern.
And it seems that there's not much that I can do..except to wait that this phase will be over soon and caleb can sleep thru again..

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