I really cracked my head doing alot of research to solve this sudden habitual night waking.
this morning..I decided to go back to CIO (cry it out method) since I couldn't find anything else that seems to be the solution. Actually there's another way: PU/PD (pick up/put down) by tracy hogg.
what is PU/PD?
it is a technique to teach baby to fall asleep on their own, extend longer nap, fall back to sleep if they wake up in the middle of their sleep WITHOUT leaving the baby alone. cara ini emang lbh manusiawi yah...so..when the baby cries, you pick him up to calm him..once he is calmed, put him down..if he cries againm pick him and so on..it could go on and on from 20 pick ups til 100 pick ups!!
But I still decided to use CIO as it proves to be effective for so many people. but I know CIO sepertinya ngga manusiawi..tega amattt sama babynya..well, ngga juga lohh...CIO berat juga buat mummy-nya..coz it drains mothers emotions too..she can cry along with the baby!
I have a friend from singapore motherhood forum who used this technique since her baby came home from hospital, and her baby now sleeps well and can fall asleep on her own too!! I admire her!! but anyway, i know many indonesian mothers are against this. Adat timur masih ngga terbiasa pake cara orang bule gini..maklum di indo bisa pake pembantu/suster. The good thing is..at home cuma ada me n hubby..kalo ada my in laws, mungkin sampe skrg aku masih end up gendongin caleb mulu utk nidurin dia..
Anyway...for his 2nd nap, I tried CIO again. I also made up my mind later at night I'll be using this too if caleb suddenly wakes up (not for hunger). well, this time it lasted for total 45 mins with 4x check in. and those 45 mins..he was still crying out loud..and again I gave up! I went in and comforted him til he was asleep.
During this 1 hour nap, I just felt like I want to pray. and I really asked His wisdom so I would know what to do. I just want caleb to have enough sleep and milk so that he grows well.
And this is what I have in my heart during the prayer...that I should just let it all fall naturally in its time..caleb will fall asleep on his own when he is ready..he will eventually get there...and that word: NATURALLY...stucks in my heart. but i feel peace. so I dropped the CIO idea for tonight.
I believe there's power in a mother's prayer..and let God alone works... so I wont rely on any techniques!
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