Friday, November 12, 2010

The nicest milestone

I remember when caleb was a baby, I always excitedly wait for the next milestone. For him to get his head strong enough to do tummy time, for him to sit on hiw own, for him to crawl, cruise and so on.

But friends, I have come to my 19th month of having Caleb..I tell you...
the most joyful and fun milestone to us are:
1. When Caleb took his first step.
Babies have different milestones. Some can crawl first than the others, some can cruise first and so on... but if he walks earlier, he becomes independent earlier than others.
I am grateful Caleb's first steps was quite early: 12th month. And so he mastered walking and running earlier than most others. So saving my energy..I don't need to carry him everywhere on a longer period, considering that he'd get heavier.

2. When Caleb starts to talk!!!
this is amazing! when he starts to understand whatever you say and start communicating with's just easier and more fun. It's so funny to hear his replies to your questions :D

I love these 2 milestones and grateful that Caleb masters this earlier. :)

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