Sunday, June 13, 2010

Disciplining my lil boy

Over the past few weeks, it has been a tough struggle on us to go outing with Caleb.
He would act uncontrollable! He did this only when we go out.. at home he is one sweet boy.
well uncontrollable?
On the MRT.. he would refuse to sit on his stroller. he would scream and scream and scream until we get him out of it. if we didn't get him out, he could manage to get himself out of the seat belt and standing on the stroller!!! (tips: when u purchase a stroller, choose the one with the seatbelt which covers both shoulder, not just the waist area!).
If we get him out, do you think he will sit quietly on my lap? NO!
he wants to walk around the mrt. He again would scream if I didn't let him. If I carry him, he would wrestle me, arch his back..and Omg..he is one little strong boy (well, he is CALEB..meaning: a mighty warrior!), I hurt my wrist last week because of wrestling with him!
Definetely it's a 'make a scene' one everytime we are on MRT! people staring... maybe thinking "naughty boy" ... or "lucky my son is nothing like that" hee..honestly I'm not sure whether they really think that way..maybe it's just me being embarrased..but definetely this people are bothered by the noise that Caleb made!

And then when we get into our destination, he also wants to walk..alone! without holding my hand. He walks like a king who owns the street..definetely blocking people's way!
If we carry him, he again will cry and scream and wrestle us. sigh..

When we have our meals on the restaurant, he will only sit on his highchair..15 mins is the most..and he will make so much mess! he will take chopsticks, tissues, spoon and throw them everywhere on the floor! After 15 mins, he will cry in boredom and ask to walk around again.

These have of course ruined our outing..and we, the parents, couldn't enjoy what is called our hang out days..we had even started to feel so discouraged to go out again. This is when we realized we have to do something about it. And so we plan to do this: DISCIPLINE!

The plan is to make Caleb sit on stroller and behaves well whenever we are on the mrt and in whatever situation that requires him to sit properly. Of course, I thought to myself..this would not be easy. He would definetely cry and cry and cry...and we, the parents, need to stay firm and be consistent...meaning: we cant let him cry on day 1 and tomorrow we get him out from stroller..inconsistency will make it worse..coz he will think that his cry is a weapon to get what he wants. So for the whole last week we trained him every evening, we would go somewhere nearby home..whether to the park, grocery etc..but we make it that every evening we will go out just for the sake to train caleb. Surprisingly, he didn't cry or scream as much as on the mrt. to our surpise too..the training wasn't even as tough as we predicted. So we think..maybe because when he was on the stroller, we kept pushing the stroller and he got to see different view along the way that distarct him. but on the mrt, the stroller will not move and he has to sit there with the same view. I cant train him on MRT!!I just don't know how long I can stand the crying with people staring at me..people will think why the mommy never do something to make the child stop crying??

Unfortunately, yesterday we had a dinner invitation. My hubby had 2 meetings in a row in the afternoon so I had to leave with Caleb alone. Honestly, I had no plan how I would handle the situation if Caleb is making a scene again. So when I was about to leave the house, I said to caleb: Kay, we are going to have dinner outside. we are going to take mrt and I need you to sit well on your stroller until we reach to the restaurant. You cannot cry, scream etc. Sit until we reach there, okay.
you know what..I dont know whether he meant what he said, but he did say "okay". I have no idea whether he understood or he just anyhow say ok whenever I ask him 'ok?'.
On the way to MRT, I said in my heart "Jesus, I may have no control over this situation, but I believe You, God, take control of every situation that is out of my hands and so I believe You will take control of Caleb and I know You can change him"

It has been 2 days now, 2 outings so far..going and coming back home and at the restaurant.. Caleb behaves well. he sits. and stays sit until we reach to our destination. No screaming and crying or making any scene. And if he fuss abit.. I remind him he has to sit. And he just suddenly is satisfied with the raisins I give him as a snack a long the way at mrt.

I don't know if the discipline training over the past whole week really works well on him.. or the things I said to him, he understood and obeyed..but one thing I'm sure is..that God is in control. He has changed my he is one sweet boy not only at home but also outside.
Now everytime I'm going out, I will talk to him first about he has to sit and that he has to behave well...and of course I tell myself "God is in control, relax..!"

Sometimes we tend to forget how to surrender to God...
parenting is tough. disciplining our child is a tough job. as he gets older, there will be more discipline training for him. we often use many techinques, tips's not wrong to do that..but surrending to God, we allow Him to take control of every situation..He takes control of our child too.

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