Monday, May 10, 2010

the tantrums

I had read the baby whisperer again when Caleb was 10 months old..I was reading the toddler section. Realising that he would reach toddlerhood soon, I thought I should equip myself with some knowledge. So I came to know what it is called a tantrum phase, this is when your baby throws you a tantrum when he is angry or upset.

When I was in Jakarta, my nephew who at that time around 14 months had shown tantrums many times when I was there. He was arching his back and if you didn't catch him he could bang his head on the floor. I watched it and I was not surprised because I have read about it. I acted cool so that his mom did not need to feel embarassed. I knew it would happen to Caleb soon. This phase is just unavoidable.

Now Caleb is 13,5 months old and yes he is now finally in this phase. He would arch his back whenever he is upset and sometimes not only acrhing and crying but also screaming. Hmm..
But yes so far I just act cool..thank God I have read about it.

So I'm gonna write here some information I remember from reading the book, people's blogs and other resources about handling your child's tantrum:

1. Just act cool
a child can catch your emotions and if you are upset, he will be upset too. so be careful.
2. Remove him
let's say you're in supermarket and he's throwing tantrums that draw people's attention..get him out of there.
3. Talk to him
Tell him you understand that he is upset because .......
a child feels better when he is understood and tell him he needs to learn how to control his emotion too
4. Give him rewards when he has done well
5. if nothing works just let him finish his tantrums or just go home

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