Monday, June 15, 2009

Singapore, we're coming back!

wow...finally Singapore! Can't believe it!!!!
our trip this time..hmm apa yah...bisa dibilang abit traumatic for me hehehe...
soalnya pas di pesawat, although caleb was perfectly fine during take off, but again-like last time, he was crying through the landing. and this time his cry was really REALLY BAD. His face sampe merah banget hampir kebiruan..I was so panic..but the steward said crying is good for the baby because it will reduce the air pressure on his ears..tapi ngga tega liat mukanya sampe kebiruan gitu..never seen him crying like that before! sampe mummy-nya ikutan netes air mata deh liat caleb gitu...ngga tega banget...but anyway, it has passed. it's over and we're home already.
Alhtough it's a bit traumatic for me...but I still want to go back indo again next time..

At home..we know that we've alot of things to do..from unpacking the luggages til set up caleb's diaper station and the bed..coz we left it for a month..must be dusty!
so while I put caleb to sleep..hubby did some of the works..and then while he finished, he took his turn to carry caleb and i did the rest of the job.
by the time it was was 10PM..we both very tired..praise God caleb slept through the night.. he only woke up once for milk at 4.30am and then slept again til 8am...padahal biasanya dia bangun every 4 hour pas di indo..n jam 6an always awake...praise God..

next..begins my first day...

to be continued..

1 comment:

PRIMA said...

welcome back! :)