Wednesday, June 17, 2009

my 2nd day

My second day was better.
learning from yesterday lesson...krn too much carrying caleb, we both were exhausted. So dapet hikmat nih hehe...pas caleb awake n maen2, aku ga mau terlalu sering gendong dia..jadi aku ajak maen di playmat..kalo bosen aku latih dia flip dia bisa loh..with my assistance sih..jadi aku miringin badannya dikit and he did the turning hehe..i was so happy...trus kalo dah bosen lg..i just sit down with him (he's on my lap) and then i open a strory book and read him...and then sing with him or just simply lie on bed and talk to him...jadi cuma gendong dia pas dia mau bobo aja..

sempet coba put him down on bed while he's asleep..well, cuma bertahan 20 lumayan banget!!! hehe hasilnya....bisa post blog deh hehehe...

again last night after his dream feed at 9.30pm he slept through til 4am..and then drink his milk and sleep again til 7.45am.

2nd day masih keinget enaknya ada suster...masih sedikit sedih...tapi ngga sampe kayak kemaren lah sedihnya...

jiayou on 3rd day! hopefully by 1 week, I am already very used to this new role!

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