Caleb is sleeping now..finally can put him down..phew... for today: it was good! :)
still using my yesterday technique --> do not do carrying job too much, save energy! hehe..
and also today I start training caleb to sleep on bed
first Nap... I carried him first for 15 mins then put him on stroller. Failed. he cried immediately.
then carry him again, and put him on couch...last for 10 mins and cried. decided to carry him again and then I sit down and put him on my lap. he slept well.
second Nap... I carried him for 15 mins and put him on bed. cried. pat him on his back and sing for 5 mins, the crying didn't stop. so I carried him again and sit down, he slept on my lap til he woke up for milk.
third Nap... decided before he got sleepy, i put him on bed and talk to him...when I saw him yawning, I turned his body to the side facing me. I slept beside him and put his head on my arm, and patted him on his back, sang to him. he cried. I preservered. I had to try, right? and the next 5 mins, he already closed his eyes and finally asleep on my arm. During his 1 hour nap, I didn't dare to move my arm or put his head down coz just a little movement from me, he would get surprised. And I noticed he so often jumped his hand and leg, I think he was dreaming. and whenever he did that, it always woke him up. I quickly patted him again. No wonder he woke up crying and his nap wouldn't last long everytime i put him down.
I know some people put their babies sleep on their tummies, they say that this way can make babies sleep better ,but i refused to do that. Every article I read says it's dangerous to put babies sleep on tummies coz it could cause sudden death to the babies. Most parents who do this must watch over theis babies when they're sleeping.
so what to do people? how to prevent this jumping on his sleep? my last technique was okay..but if i had to saty beside him all the time..that means I couldn't do other things while he's sleeping. Besides my hand really ached for holding his head too long..
I hope each day is a better day and caleb finally can settle himself to sleep.
anyway, I honestly enjoy my baby so much. he's getting more adorable each day...and he always melts my heart everytime he smiles to me :)
mummy loves you so much, Kay!
Novi, aku baru baca post kamu ini... Exactly the same situation I have with Alicia. Skrg masih suka gitu lho, mommy-nya kurang usaha kali ya. But thanks, after reading, I know it's not just me and that the habit can be changed :)
iya lis..hard work tuh tp yah worth it lah skrg dia bisa tidur ngga usah digendong..
memang butuh preserverence..
skrg aku ngga tau nih gmn mengatasi caleb yg suka bangun jam 3 pagi utk main hehehe...yah smoga ini cuma fase yg bakal berlalu (tp udah 2 bulan nih..dari dia 4 bulan..padahal bangun-nya bukan krn laper loh)
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