wowww...I've got alot of updates to share here...where should I start...well, don't have much time I'll try my best..
hmm..remember my previous post I wrote while I was still in Sgp?
1 minggu sebelom balik sby, caleb tiba2 rewel kalo minum susu...rewel banget pake nangis2 dulu dan acara bergulat kalo mau minum susu hehe..nah...ini berlanjut sampe di surabaya..sempet getting better for some time and then puncaknya hari minggu-selasa kmrn ini...wahhh parah banget..krn skrg dia uda bisa maenin tangannya..tiap kali dikasi botol, dia lgs push it away..kepalanya digeleng2 refusing the teat and spit out the milk..really struggling!!! sampe kmrn selasa.I really couldn't stand it and burst out crying..relaly worried that he would be like this for can I cope being alone with him in sgp later?
But just in time..when i came to my limit, both God and my son understood...and within one night, caleb was a total changed boy. Tiba2 aja dia minum susunya pinter banget..ngga pake acara bergulat lg...didn't spit out his milk anymore..realy drinks his milk peacefully until today (which is the 3rd day already..and I hope this is for good)..
i still don't know exactly what caused him to change...but here's my assumptions:
1. the prayer, of course!
2. since monday I stopped breastfeeding him..only gives him expressed breast milk on the bottle. coz i noticed caleb never refused being breasfed for the previous 2 weeks, he only refused bottle fed. so maybe after 2 days stopped breastfeeding him, he finally understood (or forgot about it hehe).
3. I try to feed him a little bit longer than his usual feed hour. kalo biasanya minum formula tiap 2.5 jam on the day, I make it 3 hourly. and maybe this works too..coz by that time he's really hungry so he just directly takes the bottle. a friend told me that babies may refuse the milk because he's not hungry yet.
well, all of the above assumptions..still don't know which one is the real solution (except no 1)...but at that point I was nearly desperate that I tried everything I know...well, anyway this case is solved. praise God. 3 weeks and 2 days people...i've been struggling for that long..phew..! you've heard i stopped breastfeeding. To my surprise, it was hard on me too (not just for caleb). Coz since week 5 I was finally able to find the perfect posisition to latch..which is sleeping caleb and me would face each other..and this way i can rest too. And usually he would take 45 mins to latch..and this time spent together was actually a moment of mother and child bonding. I finally AGREE that breastfeed promotes bonding to the child!!!
but at this point i really had no choice, that's why I decided to stop breastfeeding. It's sad...but I had too... I had to train my son here in sby..while at least I have people to help me here...back in sgp, it'll be harder... PLUS, I'm not the kind of mother who is keen with the idea of latching in public...I don't mind breastfeed, but at home..outside, he has to take bottles. but then I got this no choice, I have to choose either bottle feed, or, total breastfeed..and you know the answer...
And since I never latch anymore, of course my supply goes down i only pump twice a day..that's only for 2 feeds.. :(
Next update...
i never believed when people tell me that i have a big baby. Coz seeing jordan is much much a bigger baby than I think caleb is just normal size of a 2 month old baby. but you know what......after seeing Aurel (caleb's cousin who is just 2 weeks younger)..whoaa...caleb is BIG! Aurel is like half size of caleb! hahahaha....but anyway aurel is a being petite is cute too :)
I think caleb is now about 6kg..wahh gendong dia skrg uda berat left arm udah pegel2 dan sering kesemutan kalo gendong dia..
oh yah...skrg caleb uda 2 bulan uda bisa macem2...smakin banyak ngomong ber coo..coo..ria...truz uda bisa masukin tangan ke mulut, uda bisa pegang mainannya instead cuma ngeliatin doang..and he enjoys his bath so much!! i believe he will be a good swimmer some day hehe..
At last,
I'm coming back to sgp in 14 june! knapa dicepetin? karena...kangen daddy-nya of course hehe...dan...pikir2 di sby and sgp juga gak beda banyak lah..di sby my mom can only help at night between 6-9pm..coz she's working on the day. sama aja kan di sgp at that time my hubby juga uda pulang and bisa gantian jaga first i wanted to stay longer in sby coz there would be more helpers here..tapi sama aja lah...but I'm still abit scared juga sih haha...well, keep praying aja deh...God favours me and enables me! amen... :)
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