Wednesday, May 6, 2009

caleb's update on 6 week old

I'm so proud of caleb today.
He was scheduled for his 2nd jabs today..before that we told him not to cry and behave well.
and it turned out...
He really didn't cry at all during his Hep B and polio jabs + rotavirus oral vaccination.
Good boy!'s an update of caleb from 0-6 weeks old.
At birth -
weight 3.470kg
height 51cm
head 34cm

day 3
weight 3.1kg (discharge from hospital)

week 2
weight back to 3.4kg

week 3
smiles at mummy
lift his head

week 4
sleep 3.5-4.5 hour stretch at night!!
height - 57.5cm

week 5
start making alot of cooing - his language of talking ^^

week 6
weight 4.9 kg
height 58.2cm
drinking 90-100ml of milk
(doctor commented that his neck is quite strong already for his age)

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