My week 17..finally it's another week..
what's happening in this week yah?
* my baby should be the size of my palm
* he should start sucking his thumb and swallowing -->practice to breastfeed yah baby!
* yesterday I had tummy ache (cramps) on my lower abdomen area and along the sides...the pain last for about 3 mins and then stopped, no spotting.
I quickly checked my pregnancy bible..well, it says that during 18 weeks I might be experiencing this achiness due to the stretching of my ligaments that supports my uterus--which means my uterus is expanding due to baby's growth.
Lega sih..karena ternyata:
1. sakit kayak gini normal
2. mengingat beratku yg ga naek banyak (total skrg 3.5kg), kalo my uterus expanding berarti my baby is growing! Puji Tuhan..
3. gak heran juga sih..krn bbrp hari ini perutku keliatan lbh besar dan berat! especially kalo habis duduk trus mau berdiri..terasa berat...dan kalo lagi tidur menyamping, trus mau pindah posisi udah terasa kalo dlm perut ini kayak ada sesuatu yg berbobot ^^
4. baby kayaknya emang uda tambah besar krn last saturday aku juga uda mulai kerasa baby kicks hehe..pas lagi tiduran di ranjang tiba2 kayak ada yg nendang2 gitu...lucu deh...tapi ngga sakit kok..cuma kaget aja..
5. di buku ditulis cramp kyk gitu mestinya baru dialamin minggu ke 18 mnrt hasil scan kmrn mestinya aku br week 17...that means my baby grows faster dong ya..hehe..good..good baby...padahal mummy baru makan durian 1 biji masak uda boost ur weight secepet itu :)
cerita hari ini:
* duh..salah satu symptom orang hamil: ur hormones makes u become someone's true...!! I was boiling my bird nest today and totally forgot about it..and took a nap..when I woke up 2 hours later, i realized i havent turned off the stove..OMG...untung nggak knp2..nggak tumpah or gosong..krn apinya emang aku kecilin banget sih...cuma kaget banget tadi!
*just like everyday, today still having bloated tummy...wind stuck and it's really uncomfy for me..all i can do is sleep... I hope soon this will go away...anyway I'm entering my 5th month...please..please go away...
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