Saturday, October 10, 2009

30 minutes nap

caleb was having 30 mins nap (3 naps a day) the whole last week, and I was frustrated with it. Because I know 30 minutes nap is not enough rest. During that whole week, his bedtime was earlier too. he slept at 6pm (usual is 7pm), because he was too tired to make it to 7pm.
I was overtired too..because with my wakeful baby, the days seemed to be so long..

But I'm glad I had found a solution.
I browsed a website that said this 30 mins nap is caused by the sleep transition. Putting a child sleep earlier (not overtired) will make him pass the transition easily without really waking up.
caleb can be awake for 2-3 hours after a nap. so i tried putting him to nap 15mins earlier than usual. well, it has worked til now..his nap is back to 1.5hours now..he takes 2 long naps and 1 short nap in a day..and so bedtime is back to 7pm again! :)

porridge recipee

1 tbsp of rice
1 tbsp of chopped potato
1 tbsp of chopped carrot
1 tbsp of chopped tomato
2-3tbsp homemade chicken stock

put all ingredients in slow cooker, add 1 cup of water, cook for about 3 hours. Puree/blend til smooth.

remember to wash all vegetables/fruits with edible baby soap/cleanser.
You may buy organics vege/fruits for your baby.

the ingredients may be varied/replaced with peas, spinach, corn, broccoli.

I have not given any meat/beef/ fish to caleb.
According to 'super baby food' book..beef/meat/pork can be given at 7-8months; fish (cod) 8 months; salmon 9 months.

for chicken stock:
you can use anything...from chicken bone only or cook with the meat. you can buy the chicken bone at NTUC for about $1+. just boil with water (you may add celery, carrot,etc to get a sweeter taste, but I just use the chicken bone and water only) OR use slow cooker. remember to remove the skins and fats before you boil/cook.
after cooking, put in small plastic bags..divide for some stocks (for a week,maybe..), let it cool and freeze. you may use it for 2 weeks stock when frozen.

out of the book (wk 5 on solid)

previously I had a schedule set for caleb's feed...this is according to tracy hogg's schedule sample:

7AM : Milk
8AM: breakfast
11AM: Milk
1PM: lunch
3PM: Milk
5PM: dinner
6.30PM: Milk
10.30PM: Milk

but there are many this and that..and I know I have to be flexible in order to get the right schedule for caleb. I decided to make some changes.

My reason is..

because caleb was only eating 2tbsp of cereal..I feel this is not considered eating alot.
I gave him 150ml before his cereal.
a friend said that if the time difference between milk feeding and his meal is too close, baby won't take the meal so much because he will be too full.
I did try to reduce more of the ml, but caleb still wouldn't eat so much.
I suspect that he must be bored with cereals, or actually he's never been a fan of it from beginning??

and then on sunday..I heard from jordan's nanny that jordan also started refusing to eat his cereals. and so she started making homemade porridge and jordan loved it.
I decided to give it a try the next day.

and Ta..da...caleb loves...loves it!! he finished the whole meal..
at first I thought I made the porridge too much (it was 1/2 big bowl of porridge - my (adult) bowl)..and I thought this could make 2 portions..but to my surprise, he finished it all!
and it's been 6 days..he still loves the porridge I make for him.

Oh the new schedule now is:
6.45AM/7AM : 180ml milk
10.30/10.45AM: lunch (porridge)
11.45AM: 90ml milk
3PM: 135ml milk
4.30PM: cereal&puree
6.30PM: 180-210ml milk

for the porride..I decided to follow 4 day rule for 1 recipee..since I also start using homemade chicken stock..I"d like to check if caleb is okay to take it and will not cause any allergic reaction.

As you see that I only feed 2 meals to caleb. I'm thinking to continue this until he's 8 months old..then he will be having breakfast, lunch and dinner. and I might stop giving cereal for dinner once he's 7 months..I will give 2x porridge in a day.

and for the milk..I reduced the 150ml to 90 ml and 135ml. Caleb always finished it well.
remember that once your baby starts solids, milk is still his primary food. and although milk intake will reduce at the time he's taking solids, please maintain that milk intake is not below 500ml/day.

I decided to stop dream feed (11pm) but caleb was still waking up for a habit..and yesterday he woke up crying, I gave him 45ml but he was still crying. He must be on growth spurt. so hubby and I decided to start giving him the dream feed again least, until caleb has started 2x meals of porridge..then we know for sure that he has enough calories to go through the night.

Friday, October 9, 2009

waktu hamil dulu..aku pernah tulis di blog ini kalo aku mau jadi cool mommy yang tetep bersosialisasi..hang out2, ngafe2, supper tetep jalan gen next bawa caleb, ke mana2 caleb di bawa deh...

tapi kenyataannya..sampe sekarang bisa dihitung jari aku bawa caleb keluar pas fact, cuma sekali doang sih!


pas newborn sebenernya babies bisa tidur di mana saja..they don't care..I could just bring caleb anywhere I like..but I didn't do it..
Because.. newborns get overstimulated the people, the lights, fast movement, etc..resulting they become overtired, susah tidur, atau..tidurnya kebangun bangun..
makanya...aku refused bawa caleb keluar...kasian caleb, kasian aku-nya juga kalo hrs bangun berkali kali pas malem..
if u remember my postings...pas caleb below 3 months..tiap hari minggu sepulang dari gereja, kita selalu kesulitan tidurin dia..nah itu hasil dari overstimulated krn terlalu banyak dikerumunin orang..
Oh..ini bukan cuma caleb aja loh... i tell you...ini applies to all babies!!!
well...I'm a typical mother yang banyak do research on the internet and I know..
tapi banyak mothers yang ngga tau beginian..they just bring their babies out even at night..and malemnya mereka bingung knp anak mereka suddenly so cranky, ngga mau bobo..atau tidur kebangun2 terus..

pas caleb uda 3 bulan ke atas sampe skrg...caleb uda ngga kesulitan bobo lg kalo abis dari gereja/jalan2 siang..tapi aku tetep ngga mau bawa dia keluar lewat bedtime nya dia
above 3 months..babies uda ngerti di mana dia harus bobo...uda mulai ngerti kalo dikasi bedtime ritual (baca buku, doa sblm bobo) itu tandanya waktu tidur malam..babies love keteraturan..because mereka jadi 'ngeh' what to expect next..
PLUS..remember ada sleep they grow, babies become more alert..
during sleep cycle (pergantian dari deep sleep ke light sleep), we (Adults) and babies tend to wake up..nah kalo di sekelilingnya berisik, terang etc..the drive to wake up will win over the drive to sleep..resulting...a disturbed sleep or waking up cranky..
nah makanya..kalo ngga penting2 banget..aku ngga mau bawa caleb keluar malem2...kasian..
kenapa demi mommy-nya mau enjoy have fun sama temen2, caleb mesti ngorbanin jam tidurnya...egois banget dong...
we are mothers...we are supposed to sacrifice for our children..
toh akan ada waktunya di mana smuanya itu bisa kita nikmatin lagi pas mereka uda gede..let's say umur 1 taon..i think udah ok utk keluar maleman dikit..

the only time aku bawa caleb sampe malem (jam 8pm) itu pas launching the majesty of your name..krn aku bener2 pengen pergi...
kalo misal itu acara KKR..aku jg pasti pergi..
untuk acara2 seperti ini..ngga papa kalo kita selfish dikit..
tapi kalo utk jalan2, makan dll...sorry temen2...saat2 ini aku belom bisa yah :)
walau kangen juga saat2 hang out sama kalian sampe malem..
but I'm a mother now..and I'm trying to give the best for my son :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What and what not to buy

you wouldn't believe that this is actually my hubby's idea...he asked me to write this on my blog as a suggestion for my readers..for their reference of what and what not to buy for your baby..

remember when I was pregnant..everytime I see something interesting, I quickly bought it without further consideration.

well, here's the things worth and not worth to buy (besides all babies essential needs like soap,shampoo etc or milk botttle etc..of course I won't list it here because those are definite and a must to buy!)

worth to buy though it cost you over few hundreds dollar:
1. bottle sterilizer ( better deh daripada boiling system!)

2. fisher price bouncer seat (kursi ini caleb pake dari umur a few weeks sampe skrg dia suka banget...pas newborn dia suka liat mainan gantung di atasnya...pas umur 3 bulan motivate dia utk coordinate tangannya to grab the toy..and now at 6 months dia suka makan di kursi itu, maenan teethers di kursi itu...dan kursi ini bsia dipake sampe really worth to buy!)

3. stroller
menurutku setiap baby lbh baik dibiasain duduk/tidur di stroller..supaya kita ngga capek gendong2 mulu tiap kali jalan2..ada some babies yg bnr2 gak mau di stroller...jadinya waste money kalo udah beli..tapi untungnya caleb masih mau di stroller walau kalo ld manja, maunya minta gendong hehehe..but i think it's better to buy

4. Playmat
be it yg murah $30an gabus2an itu...atau yang korea punya yg $200an..mahal ya... tapi ini hrs punya...enak tinggalin baby maen2 di lantai dialasi mat...aman...kita ga takut dia jatoh..

5. musical cot
pas newborn-4 bulan caleb suka banget liatin musical cot..kadang bisa ketiduran juga..
cuma musical cot ini emang penggunaannya sampe 5 bulan aja..

6. breast pump
kalo ASI..ini hrs punya

7. Camera
HARUSSS!!! kalo ngga gimana capture all the memories of every cute adorable moment??

8. changing table with attached drawer and bath tub
wahh ini worth it banget..mahal sih..tapi selaen bisa jadi tempat utk ganti diaper, bisa jadi lemari baju dan bisa digeret tiangnya utk tempat bath tub...3 fungsi loh! sampe skrg masih kepake..

9. baby monitor!
utk yg punya nanny mungkin ngga gitu perlu krn ada yg jagain baby 24 jam (if your nanny also sleeps in the same room with your baby)..tapi kalo ngga..ini perlu deh..supaya kalo pas kita di dapur bisa denger kalo baby nangis..atau kalo skrg..kita pake pas malem..krn caleb uda bobo di kamar sendiri..

NOT worth to buy OR you may consider first

1. Baby cot
caleb tidur di cot sampe umur 4 bulan aja..setelah itu dia kita pindahin tidur di queen bed yg kita taruh di bawah...tepatnya, tidur di antara mommy and daddy...soalnya mulai 4 bulan..caleb jarang sleep thru the night gara2 teething, reflux, etc...jadi lbh gampang kalo dia mulai agitated, kita cm tinggal tepok2 pantatnya dan dia bobo lagi..ngga capek jadinya bangun dan jalan ke cot walau cm 3 langkah hahaha..(tapi skrg caleb uda bobo sendiri di kamarnya..tetep bobo di queen bed tapi sendirian)..makanya kalo soal cot..your decision to buy deh..

2. playpen
ngga kepake!!!! tujuannya beli 1 utk di living room..jd kalo siang bobo di luar sambil mommynya ngerjain yg caleb ngga suka bobo di situ..panas dan kasurnya tipis..i think gak bagus buat punggungnya juga

hopefully bisa membantu..