my name is Novita, born in 1983, I am Indonesian who is currently residing in Singapore. I have a loving dedicated husband and an adorable sweet little boy who's turning into two years old next March. Mostly my posts are about my experience as a wife and a mother. I am not an expert but I wish to be a blessing for someone out there who might have the same experience with me, someone who is doing research about raising her kid, or just simply to have fun reading my stories.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Friday, June 19, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
A Breakthrough
A breakthrough today!
Praise God.
sebenernya aku bener2 merasa tanpa kasih karuniaNYa ngga bakal sanggup melalui hari2 ini..hehe..tapi Dia sll memampukan..
Hari ini start training caleb again..
I put him on bed, miringin badannya..tepok2 pantatnya and sing "yes, jesus loves me"..he cried, as usual... I put in mind..i would try this for 15 mins, if the cry didn't stop, baru deh aku ternyata 5 menit he stopped crying and he closed his eyes. so Happy...tapi dlm 1 jam nap itu dia kebangun 3x, although cepet2 aku tepok lagi pantatnya dia bobo lg...cuma heran aja gimana ya supaya bobonya enak dan gak kebangun2...trus at that time aku berasa Tuhan kasih aku hikmat. aku keinget di buku tracy Hogg-baby whisperer, dia bilang kalo train baby harus sabar..minimal 20 menit tidurin dia..jadi slm 20 menit itu terus2an pat his back and sing/do ssh...sshh... karena baby baru masuk ke deep sleep skitar 20 menit itu..sign-nya watch his eyes..kalo pupil matanya masih gerak di balik kelopaknya berarti blm in deep sleep and kalo kita stop pat his back , dia bakal sering kaget n bisa kebangun. so the next 1 hour i tried that method...capek emang...I did that for 25 mins..pat his back n keep singing..and emang bener sih dia gak kebangun2 and once i saw his eyes steady and his breath getting shallow..i stopped patting and left him in the room... wah enak rasanya...the next 30 mins I can have time for myself and caleb sama sekali ngga kaget2 lg.
the afternoon nap..I did the same. and it worked too!
praise God! :)
Also, bener2 bersyukur...God is good all the time...ada aja jalanNya utk bantu aku...udah 4 hari ini dititipin maid ama ci lina. coz she and her fam will be in indo til early august, jadi maid-nya nitip sama aku. bener2 helpful banget..although dia gak aku suruh pegang caleb, tapi dia bisa bantu bersihin rumah, cuci baju caleb, setrika, cuci botol and steril botol juga...I'm very blessed.
Thanks Jesus... :)
Praise God.
sebenernya aku bener2 merasa tanpa kasih karuniaNYa ngga bakal sanggup melalui hari2 ini..hehe..tapi Dia sll memampukan..
Hari ini start training caleb again..
I put him on bed, miringin badannya..tepok2 pantatnya and sing "yes, jesus loves me"..he cried, as usual... I put in mind..i would try this for 15 mins, if the cry didn't stop, baru deh aku ternyata 5 menit he stopped crying and he closed his eyes. so Happy...tapi dlm 1 jam nap itu dia kebangun 3x, although cepet2 aku tepok lagi pantatnya dia bobo lg...cuma heran aja gimana ya supaya bobonya enak dan gak kebangun2...trus at that time aku berasa Tuhan kasih aku hikmat. aku keinget di buku tracy Hogg-baby whisperer, dia bilang kalo train baby harus sabar..minimal 20 menit tidurin dia..jadi slm 20 menit itu terus2an pat his back and sing/do ssh...sshh... karena baby baru masuk ke deep sleep skitar 20 menit itu..sign-nya watch his eyes..kalo pupil matanya masih gerak di balik kelopaknya berarti blm in deep sleep and kalo kita stop pat his back , dia bakal sering kaget n bisa kebangun. so the next 1 hour i tried that method...capek emang...I did that for 25 mins..pat his back n keep singing..and emang bener sih dia gak kebangun2 and once i saw his eyes steady and his breath getting shallow..i stopped patting and left him in the room... wah enak rasanya...the next 30 mins I can have time for myself and caleb sama sekali ngga kaget2 lg.
the afternoon nap..I did the same. and it worked too!
praise God! :)
Also, bener2 bersyukur...God is good all the time...ada aja jalanNya utk bantu aku...udah 4 hari ini dititipin maid ama ci lina. coz she and her fam will be in indo til early august, jadi maid-nya nitip sama aku. bener2 helpful banget..although dia gak aku suruh pegang caleb, tapi dia bisa bantu bersihin rumah, cuci baju caleb, setrika, cuci botol and steril botol juga...I'm very blessed.
Thanks Jesus... :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
the 3rd day
Caleb is sleeping now..finally can put him down..phew... for today: it was good! :)
still using my yesterday technique --> do not do carrying job too much, save energy! hehe..
and also today I start training caleb to sleep on bed
first Nap... I carried him first for 15 mins then put him on stroller. Failed. he cried immediately.
then carry him again, and put him on couch...last for 10 mins and cried. decided to carry him again and then I sit down and put him on my lap. he slept well.
second Nap... I carried him for 15 mins and put him on bed. cried. pat him on his back and sing for 5 mins, the crying didn't stop. so I carried him again and sit down, he slept on my lap til he woke up for milk.
third Nap... decided before he got sleepy, i put him on bed and talk to him...when I saw him yawning, I turned his body to the side facing me. I slept beside him and put his head on my arm, and patted him on his back, sang to him. he cried. I preservered. I had to try, right? and the next 5 mins, he already closed his eyes and finally asleep on my arm. During his 1 hour nap, I didn't dare to move my arm or put his head down coz just a little movement from me, he would get surprised. And I noticed he so often jumped his hand and leg, I think he was dreaming. and whenever he did that, it always woke him up. I quickly patted him again. No wonder he woke up crying and his nap wouldn't last long everytime i put him down.
I know some people put their babies sleep on their tummies, they say that this way can make babies sleep better ,but i refused to do that. Every article I read says it's dangerous to put babies sleep on tummies coz it could cause sudden death to the babies. Most parents who do this must watch over theis babies when they're sleeping.
so what to do people? how to prevent this jumping on his sleep? my last technique was okay..but if i had to saty beside him all the time..that means I couldn't do other things while he's sleeping. Besides my hand really ached for holding his head too long..
I hope each day is a better day and caleb finally can settle himself to sleep.
anyway, I honestly enjoy my baby so much. he's getting more adorable each day...and he always melts my heart everytime he smiles to me :)
mummy loves you so much, Kay! for today: it was good! :)
still using my yesterday technique --> do not do carrying job too much, save energy! hehe..
and also today I start training caleb to sleep on bed
first Nap... I carried him first for 15 mins then put him on stroller. Failed. he cried immediately.
then carry him again, and put him on couch...last for 10 mins and cried. decided to carry him again and then I sit down and put him on my lap. he slept well.
second Nap... I carried him for 15 mins and put him on bed. cried. pat him on his back and sing for 5 mins, the crying didn't stop. so I carried him again and sit down, he slept on my lap til he woke up for milk.
third Nap... decided before he got sleepy, i put him on bed and talk to him...when I saw him yawning, I turned his body to the side facing me. I slept beside him and put his head on my arm, and patted him on his back, sang to him. he cried. I preservered. I had to try, right? and the next 5 mins, he already closed his eyes and finally asleep on my arm. During his 1 hour nap, I didn't dare to move my arm or put his head down coz just a little movement from me, he would get surprised. And I noticed he so often jumped his hand and leg, I think he was dreaming. and whenever he did that, it always woke him up. I quickly patted him again. No wonder he woke up crying and his nap wouldn't last long everytime i put him down.
I know some people put their babies sleep on their tummies, they say that this way can make babies sleep better ,but i refused to do that. Every article I read says it's dangerous to put babies sleep on tummies coz it could cause sudden death to the babies. Most parents who do this must watch over theis babies when they're sleeping.
so what to do people? how to prevent this jumping on his sleep? my last technique was okay..but if i had to saty beside him all the time..that means I couldn't do other things while he's sleeping. Besides my hand really ached for holding his head too long..
I hope each day is a better day and caleb finally can settle himself to sleep.
anyway, I honestly enjoy my baby so much. he's getting more adorable each day...and he always melts my heart everytime he smiles to me :)
mummy loves you so much, Kay!
my 2nd day
My second day was better.
learning from yesterday lesson...krn too much carrying caleb, we both were exhausted. So dapet hikmat nih hehe...pas caleb awake n maen2, aku ga mau terlalu sering gendong dia..jadi aku ajak maen di playmat..kalo bosen aku latih dia flip dia bisa loh..with my assistance sih..jadi aku miringin badannya dikit and he did the turning hehe..i was so happy...trus kalo dah bosen lg..i just sit down with him (he's on my lap) and then i open a strory book and read him...and then sing with him or just simply lie on bed and talk to him...jadi cuma gendong dia pas dia mau bobo aja..
sempet coba put him down on bed while he's asleep..well, cuma bertahan 20 lumayan banget!!! hehe hasilnya....bisa post blog deh hehehe...
again last night after his dream feed at 9.30pm he slept through til 4am..and then drink his milk and sleep again til 7.45am.
2nd day masih keinget enaknya ada suster...masih sedikit sedih...tapi ngga sampe kayak kemaren lah sedihnya...
jiayou on 3rd day! hopefully by 1 week, I am already very used to this new role!
learning from yesterday lesson...krn too much carrying caleb, we both were exhausted. So dapet hikmat nih hehe...pas caleb awake n maen2, aku ga mau terlalu sering gendong dia..jadi aku ajak maen di playmat..kalo bosen aku latih dia flip dia bisa loh..with my assistance sih..jadi aku miringin badannya dikit and he did the turning hehe..i was so happy...trus kalo dah bosen lg..i just sit down with him (he's on my lap) and then i open a strory book and read him...and then sing with him or just simply lie on bed and talk to him...jadi cuma gendong dia pas dia mau bobo aja..
sempet coba put him down on bed while he's asleep..well, cuma bertahan 20 lumayan banget!!! hehe hasilnya....bisa post blog deh hehehe...
again last night after his dream feed at 9.30pm he slept through til 4am..and then drink his milk and sleep again til 7.45am.
2nd day masih keinget enaknya ada suster...masih sedikit sedih...tapi ngga sampe kayak kemaren lah sedihnya...
jiayou on 3rd day! hopefully by 1 week, I am already very used to this new role!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My 1st day in Singapore without suster
My first first whole day without suster was..........SUPER DUPER TIRED!!!
si caleb bener2 ngga mau bobo di bed-nya..he wants to be carried all the time..he only sleeps on his bed at night from 9pm onwards..
haduhhhhhhhhhhhh cape dehhh....backache nehhh..
oh ya 1st day juga berasa pengen nangis mulu nih..soalnya pas di rumah sendirian doang ama caleb..i feel so lonely...jadi kangen suasanya rumah sby...banyak org yg bisa ajak caleb maen jadi dia gak bosen..and di sby there are many rooms and views yg caleb bisa explore and observe...di sini yah gitu2 aja lah..tau sendiri apartment kan gak segede rumah di indo..trus kalo lagi ngobrol2 ama caleb suka keinget suster di indo yg demen banget ngajakin caleb ngoceh2 and he also enjoys that so much..kalo inget ini jadi pengen nangis...i wonder if caleb will miss her...suster sih definetely miss him so much..sampe ga bisa tidur katanya semalem :)
but so far...everything's good...dari mandiin caleb, maen2 ama dia, minum susu smua lancar..cuma bagian nidurin dia aja yg susah..krn pas ditaruh dia nangis lg...well, thank God nya lagi he sleeps through the night dari jam 9pm-3.30am - minum susu- trus bobo lg sampe 7.30 lumayan lah bisa istirahat...
si caleb bener2 ngga mau bobo di bed-nya..he wants to be carried all the time..he only sleeps on his bed at night from 9pm onwards..
haduhhhhhhhhhhhh cape dehhh....backache nehhh..
oh ya 1st day juga berasa pengen nangis mulu nih..soalnya pas di rumah sendirian doang ama caleb..i feel so lonely...jadi kangen suasanya rumah sby...banyak org yg bisa ajak caleb maen jadi dia gak bosen..and di sby there are many rooms and views yg caleb bisa explore and observe...di sini yah gitu2 aja lah..tau sendiri apartment kan gak segede rumah di indo..trus kalo lagi ngobrol2 ama caleb suka keinget suster di indo yg demen banget ngajakin caleb ngoceh2 and he also enjoys that so much..kalo inget ini jadi pengen nangis...i wonder if caleb will miss her...suster sih definetely miss him so much..sampe ga bisa tidur katanya semalem :)
but so far...everything's good...dari mandiin caleb, maen2 ama dia, minum susu smua lancar..cuma bagian nidurin dia aja yg susah..krn pas ditaruh dia nangis lg...well, thank God nya lagi he sleeps through the night dari jam 9pm-3.30am - minum susu- trus bobo lg sampe 7.30 lumayan lah bisa istirahat...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Singapore, we're coming back!
wow...finally Singapore! Can't believe it!!!!
our trip this time..hmm apa yah...bisa dibilang abit traumatic for me hehehe...
soalnya pas di pesawat, although caleb was perfectly fine during take off, but again-like last time, he was crying through the landing. and this time his cry was really REALLY BAD. His face sampe merah banget hampir kebiruan..I was so panic..but the steward said crying is good for the baby because it will reduce the air pressure on his ears..tapi ngga tega liat mukanya sampe kebiruan gitu..never seen him crying like that before! sampe mummy-nya ikutan netes air mata deh liat caleb gitu...ngga tega banget...but anyway, it has passed. it's over and we're home already.
Alhtough it's a bit traumatic for me...but I still want to go back indo again next time..
At home..we know that we've alot of things to do..from unpacking the luggages til set up caleb's diaper station and the bed..coz we left it for a month..must be dusty!
so while I put caleb to sleep..hubby did some of the works..and then while he finished, he took his turn to carry caleb and i did the rest of the job.
by the time it was was 10PM..we both very tired..praise God caleb slept through the night.. he only woke up once for milk at 4.30am and then slept again til 8am...padahal biasanya dia bangun every 4 hour pas di indo..n jam 6an always awake...praise God..
next..begins my first day...
to be continued..
our trip this time..hmm apa yah...bisa dibilang abit traumatic for me hehehe...
soalnya pas di pesawat, although caleb was perfectly fine during take off, but again-like last time, he was crying through the landing. and this time his cry was really REALLY BAD. His face sampe merah banget hampir kebiruan..I was so panic..but the steward said crying is good for the baby because it will reduce the air pressure on his ears..tapi ngga tega liat mukanya sampe kebiruan gitu..never seen him crying like that before! sampe mummy-nya ikutan netes air mata deh liat caleb gitu...ngga tega banget...but anyway, it has passed. it's over and we're home already.
Alhtough it's a bit traumatic for me...but I still want to go back indo again next time..
At home..we know that we've alot of things to do..from unpacking the luggages til set up caleb's diaper station and the bed..coz we left it for a month..must be dusty!
so while I put caleb to sleep..hubby did some of the works..and then while he finished, he took his turn to carry caleb and i did the rest of the job.
by the time it was was 10PM..we both very tired..praise God caleb slept through the night.. he only woke up once for milk at 4.30am and then slept again til 8am...padahal biasanya dia bangun every 4 hour pas di indo..n jam 6an always awake...praise God..
next..begins my first day...
to be continued..
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
another 5 days
deg-deg-an nih nunggu hari minggu..
pertama, karena mesti naek pesawat lagi sama caleb. emang kemaren pas balik sby, di pesawat caleb ngga rewel..bobo mulu..cuma nangis bentar pas landing..
cuma sekarang beda loh..caleb uda lbh besar...belom genep 2.5 bulan his neck is already strong..sekarang mintanya digendong posisi duduk seperti baby 4-5 bulan aja..kalo tiba2 diubah posisi ke lying down bisa protes nangis2 dia..dan dia juga gampang bosen..makanya itu deg2an nih di pesawat ntar gimana ya kalo dia bosen.berdoa aja sebelom naek pesawat uda ketiduran dulu..krn kalo nidurin pas dlm pesawat takutnya malah tambah rewel..
kedua...aduhhh kayak apa ya my life back in's gonna be so different!
ngga ada suster or my parents yg bisa help me on the day..and there will be some time di mana cuma ada aku and caleb di rumah.
tapi thank God-nya AT LEAST aku masih jauh lbh siap dari keadaan bulan lalu. gara2 di indo lbh sering ngurus caleb...bahkan kalo malem aku cuma bobo sendiri sama caleb..ngga ada hubby or suster..skrg jadi terbiasa..kalo caleb nangis uda bisa tenangin dia..bahkan kadang bisa ketawa liat caleb nangis keras..hehe i just feel that he's still my cute baby though he cries out loud...
BEDA banget sama keadaan bulan lalu pas masih di sgp...wahhh jangankan ditinggal di rumah sendirian sama caleb...ditinggal suster mandi 10 menit aja, aku benernya uda ketakutan banget...takut si caleb kalo bangun nangis gimana...berdoa suster cepet2 mandinya..hahaha..lucu ya...maklum lah first time mother and I'm still young too ^^
trus skrg juga uda lbh enjoy maen2 sama caleb...dia skrg lagi lucu2nya..aduh gemessss...!!
lebih sering senyum and ketawa ngakak...bisa diajak ngobrol although jawabnya masih
but least skrg uda ngga takut lagi...tapi tetep deg2an krn ngebayanginnya pasti hari2ku lbh cape..
Btw...pengen tau aja baby milestones pada umumnya gimana sih...
caleb skrg hampir 2.5bulan..dia udah bisa menyangga kepalanya sendiri..bisa digendong duduk..
kalo di tengkurepin..dia bisa naikin kepalanya tinggi2 (although tangannya masih belom bisa push his chest up.,just the neck and the head)...trus since yesterday dia uda mulai balikin badan ke samping kayak mau flip over gitu although belom bener2 bisa tengkurep..tapi ALMOST prediction bentar lagi pasti aunts and mom said mestinya belom they said caleb ini termasuk cepet perkembangannya..well, dunno deh bener apa ngga...krn aku ngga baca buku2 milestones gini...umur berapa bisa apa etc...taunya umur 6 bln uda mulai solid food..and setaon bisa jalan ..gitu doang hehehehe...
pertama, karena mesti naek pesawat lagi sama caleb. emang kemaren pas balik sby, di pesawat caleb ngga rewel..bobo mulu..cuma nangis bentar pas landing..
cuma sekarang beda loh..caleb uda lbh besar...belom genep 2.5 bulan his neck is already strong..sekarang mintanya digendong posisi duduk seperti baby 4-5 bulan aja..kalo tiba2 diubah posisi ke lying down bisa protes nangis2 dia..dan dia juga gampang bosen..makanya itu deg2an nih di pesawat ntar gimana ya kalo dia bosen.berdoa aja sebelom naek pesawat uda ketiduran dulu..krn kalo nidurin pas dlm pesawat takutnya malah tambah rewel..
kedua...aduhhh kayak apa ya my life back in's gonna be so different!
ngga ada suster or my parents yg bisa help me on the day..and there will be some time di mana cuma ada aku and caleb di rumah.
tapi thank God-nya AT LEAST aku masih jauh lbh siap dari keadaan bulan lalu. gara2 di indo lbh sering ngurus caleb...bahkan kalo malem aku cuma bobo sendiri sama caleb..ngga ada hubby or suster..skrg jadi terbiasa..kalo caleb nangis uda bisa tenangin dia..bahkan kadang bisa ketawa liat caleb nangis keras..hehe i just feel that he's still my cute baby though he cries out loud...
BEDA banget sama keadaan bulan lalu pas masih di sgp...wahhh jangankan ditinggal di rumah sendirian sama caleb...ditinggal suster mandi 10 menit aja, aku benernya uda ketakutan banget...takut si caleb kalo bangun nangis gimana...berdoa suster cepet2 mandinya..hahaha..lucu ya...maklum lah first time mother and I'm still young too ^^
trus skrg juga uda lbh enjoy maen2 sama caleb...dia skrg lagi lucu2nya..aduh gemessss...!!
lebih sering senyum and ketawa ngakak...bisa diajak ngobrol although jawabnya masih
but least skrg uda ngga takut lagi...tapi tetep deg2an krn ngebayanginnya pasti hari2ku lbh cape..
Btw...pengen tau aja baby milestones pada umumnya gimana sih...
caleb skrg hampir 2.5bulan..dia udah bisa menyangga kepalanya sendiri..bisa digendong duduk..
kalo di tengkurepin..dia bisa naikin kepalanya tinggi2 (although tangannya masih belom bisa push his chest up.,just the neck and the head)...trus since yesterday dia uda mulai balikin badan ke samping kayak mau flip over gitu although belom bener2 bisa tengkurep..tapi ALMOST prediction bentar lagi pasti aunts and mom said mestinya belom they said caleb ini termasuk cepet perkembangannya..well, dunno deh bener apa ngga...krn aku ngga baca buku2 milestones gini...umur berapa bisa apa etc...taunya umur 6 bln uda mulai solid food..and setaon bisa jalan ..gitu doang hehehehe...
Monday, June 8, 2009
Caleb and Aurel

Caleb and Aurel are cousins.
Aurel was born 2 weeks after caleb.
Look...caleb is holding aurel's hand!!
such a gentleman! ^^
Thursday, June 4, 2009
story telling
I found another way to have a bonding time with caleb..(since I've stopped breastfeeding now)..
these 2 days have been telling stories to caleb..and he loves it!
yesterday i told him story about little red riding hood hehehe...and today is 3 little pigs and the wolf..he stared at me..watched my lips and then smiled a few times..and also coo-ing back at me..
love him more and more each day..
skrg caleb udah banyak maunya...just 10wk old tapi uda minta digendong dgn posisi duduk..
he's now more awake on the day...he can play for 2-3 hours before his nap..well actually bukan maen sih..just staring, observing the room..tapi dia cepet bosen jd hrs ganti2 posisi n arah terus hehe...wahh uda brp yg beratnya...uda capek nih gendong dia..apalagi dia maunya digendong yg aneh2 hahaha..uda gak mau posisi lying down lg (except kalo uda ngantuk)..
tomorrow hubby's coming again..yayy...can't wait to see him! ^^
these 2 days have been telling stories to caleb..and he loves it!
yesterday i told him story about little red riding hood hehehe...and today is 3 little pigs and the wolf..he stared at me..watched my lips and then smiled a few times..and also coo-ing back at me..
love him more and more each day..
skrg caleb udah banyak maunya...just 10wk old tapi uda minta digendong dgn posisi duduk..
he's now more awake on the day...he can play for 2-3 hours before his nap..well actually bukan maen sih..just staring, observing the room..tapi dia cepet bosen jd hrs ganti2 posisi n arah terus hehe...wahh uda brp yg beratnya...uda capek nih gendong dia..apalagi dia maunya digendong yg aneh2 hahaha..uda gak mau posisi lying down lg (except kalo uda ngantuk)..
tomorrow hubby's coming again..yayy...can't wait to see him! ^^
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