Saturday, December 20, 2008


today I've been doing some research on strollers and cots..
wuaaa....bingung yang mana..but the good thing sales will help us buy cheaper things...
but to me n hubby..most importantly is the quality and life span of the product..
buat apa beli murah kalo cepet rusak ato ga bisa dipake sampe baby-nya gede..krn kita maunya beli yang bisa tahan lama jadi kalo we have 2nd baby barangnya bisa dipake lagi..

bersadarkan hasil survey sampe hari ini..
- ketemu stroller capella S-226 version 2008 di Kiddy Palace...U.P. $399..Now is $199 - can be used til baby 2 yrs old..berat stroller 5.5kg, easy to fold and there are 3 seating positions

hmmm tp masih pengen liat mclarren..krn mnrt ci nawa it is the best stroller so far..
coz Mclarren techno xt itu bisa dipake dari newborn sampe anaknya seberat 25kg (that means sampe umur 5 taon kali ya..) and ada 4 seating position..kalo dilipet berat strollernya 6.5kg
cm masih belom check harganya..hopefully besok bisa check ke robinson and taka

- di kiddy palace ada disc baby cot..warna putih...dari $520 disc jadi $369 udah incl mattrass yg bagus loh...(FYI, beli mattrass yg ada hole-nya utk ventilasi lbh bagus)..cot-nya ini yg size gede 27x52 inc and bisa di convert ke model playpen, sofa bed or toddler bed

again..masih pengen cek cot di taka n Isetan..btw, Isetan bakal ada sale juga...ada cot yg harganya $700an disc jadi cuma 420 uda termasuk mattrass, bumper, sheet, and cot organizer..worth it banget tuh...size nya jg yg gede..sama kyk di kiddy palace...cuma di newsletter Isetan kok gambar cot-nya warna pink yah..I hope mereka ada warna lain..

tapi exciting banget loh survey2 gini...apalagi pas christmas..kyknya pas banget buat belanja2 :)
well...dear all...happy christmas yahh and enjoy your shopping season!

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