Thursday, December 18, 2008

on my way to 7th month

today is my 26th week and 5 days..
just went back from gynae check up..everything is fine
check up nya cuepet banget...ngga sampe 5 menit kali..
Dr.adrian cuma ngecek blood pressure...trus I lie down..and he did the scan...
this is baby heartbeat...
your baby weight is 1.1kg..growing very well!

okay..that's it...
then he asked me:
appetite ok?
baby kick u everyday?
now walk slowly, rest well and take your vitamins

and then urine test to check blood sugar..



Praise God baby is fine
woww 1 KG... pantes berattt
itu blm ketambahan air ketuban,plasenta...maybe total 3-4kg kali ya? very tiring...kmrn aja jalan2 di PS 1 jam uda berasa berat bgt pengen cepet2 duduk..

hmm anyway....I'm still in the process of surveying what cot and stroller to buy...
and also completing baby stuffs..which is alot...!! ga slese2 nih..nyicil dikit2 dari skrg..
nanti malem rencana mau jalan2 sih..survey cot n stroller..hope I can finally find what I want! :)

oh yah..btw..i dont think i want to upload my bb photo scan..
since last month foto2nya uda gak jelas lagi...krn baby uda terlalu besar utk bisa diambil foto full it's either i get the tummy part..or the head part...jadi gak jelas banget..even if i show u..u wont know if that's my baby's pic inside my uterus..hehe...


blue pankponk said...

wah ce.. udah mw 7 bln ya?? febuari-an donk lahir'e nanti ??

Novi said...

ohh maret wen lahire..hehe..biasae 40 weeks..jadi gak tepat 9 bulan..