Saturday, December 20, 2008

Don't be sad

the rule of being pregnant is....don't be sad...coz ur baby might feel it too...

but life has ups and downs...has trials and blessings...
sometimes can't afford not being sad too..
and for the first time when I was baby kinda feel it too..
soalnya dia diem mulu..ngga kicking..padahal atr jam 11-1 malem biasanya slalu aktif gerak2 n kicking...aduhh panik banget...sampe dipanggil2 namanya jg diem aja..I put my hand on my tummy jg no hubby talked to him jg no response...

after a while..baru aku ngrasa dia gerak tapi soft banget gerakannya..hampir2 gak terasa...
soalnya beda sih antara dia cm gerakin badan/pindah posisi sama yg bener2 nendang..kalo nendang itu perut bisa goyang juga...
aduhh that moment I promised myself to be strong whatever happen..ngga mau sedih2 lagi..
praise God pagi2 setelah breakfast, baby mulai kicking lagi...and until now jg masih gerak2...yayy baby...go baby...mummy loves u so much :)

oh yah..another thing I notice..everytime I pray and lay my hand on my baby and bless him..he always makes some cute...I think he can feel that there's God's blessing been released to him^^

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