A few days ago I thought to myself "I'm glad that up to now I haven't given any sweets to caleb, it's not good for his teeth". I do give him some biscuits that contain sugar but to me eating a candy is like eating nothing but all sugar! so I forbid that...(at least until he learns how to brush teeth properly)
Until yesterday..
when I found out that my maid gave him FOX mint candy!!
she said it was a tiny bit of candy coz she broke it into pieces before giving it to my son.
but it's not the amount that matters. it is the experience of tasting a candy that matters to me.
note: to those who read this, if you happen to meet my maid..dont say anything to her about it.
I have talked to her (nicely but meant my words well!) and..I hope she got my point!
hahaha.. xD bener seh.. candy is not good for teeth..
tp itu.. kt byk org pas kecil bolehin mkn permen, biar tar klo gede mkn permen ga batuk2.. >___<
ktny sih gitu.. hehe.. >___< ad tmnku (kalo g salah) g bole banget mkn permen pas kecil.. trus wktu sd kan mulai bli jajan sendiri gitu2.. trus klo bli permen mkn bbrp gitu mulai g enk ktny tenggorokanny.. gitu2 sih.. hehe..
aq g tw sih mana yg bener. hehe. :)
i'm not saying i forbid him eating candy forever :D
I said until he knows how to brush teeth properly...which I think he should be able to do it by 3 years old maybe..
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