Wednesday, November 18, 2009

caleb's new schedule

remember my posting about caleb having 2 naps in a day? turned out it just happened on that particular day only..the next day was back to 3 naps..and until today it is still 3 naps/day but the difference is his activity time..which is longer between his naps.
and his bedtime is now between 7-8.30PM..he is now quite flexible..during our KL trip he always slept around 8.30PM..and yesterday we had to attend yosafat's for the first time we brought him past his bedtime..and he wasn't cranky at all..he enjoyed the night, in fact! he fell asleep (Easily!) on theway home in cab around 8.30PM. but today since we didn't go anywhere, he still sleeps at 7pm..his usual bedtime, regardless that he took nap at 4.30pm and just woke up at 5. Goodie :)

here's the new schedule:
7am: wake up, and milk
8am: breakfast-cereal
9am: nap (35mins-1.5hour)
11.30: lunch-porridge
12.30: milk,nap (35mins-1hour)
2pm: fruit/yoghurt
3.30pm: milk
5.30pm: dinner-porridge

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