HAHAHA... ya ampun..tenryata pengalaman sakit maag yg kutulis di blog...dgn harapan bisa membantu sesama ibu hamil yg punya pengalaman yg sama...ternyata pikiran ini memang nggak boleh sempit! tenryata tips2 ini juga berguna buat yang lain..
Ceritanya..kemarin benny masuk kantor cuma 1/2 hari trus pulang dengan keluhan sakit perut..katanya ulu hatinya sakit...setelah kutelpon dan kutanya sakit apa dan bagian mana..telat makan apa nggak..eh tenryata gejala2nya itu seperti sakit maag! yakin banget 90% kalo dia kena maag... dia-nya gak percaya krn sebelom ini ga pernah sakit maag...tapi setelah gejala2nya kusebut smua ternyata cocok smua sama dia...baru deh dia mau ikutin saranku utk minum mylanta dan makan bubur..hehehe kasian deh benny...
yah emang sembuhnya agak lama ya ben...soalnya kamu sakit tapi ga langsung minum obat..baru belasan jam berikutnya diminum obat..jadi proses sembuhnya jg takes time..sabar ya...i think by tomorrow uda baekan ^^
my name is Novita, born in 1983, I am Indonesian who is currently residing in Singapore. I have a loving dedicated husband and an adorable sweet little boy who's turning into two years old next March. Mostly my posts are about my experience as a wife and a mother. I am not an expert but I wish to be a blessing for someone out there who might have the same experience with me, someone who is doing research about raising her kid, or just simply to have fun reading my stories.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pray the blood today
Hi guys...ini doa yg earlier aku mentioned which helps me get thru my nauseous moments...
Father, i believe in you and Your word. I thank you, Lord, that Jesus has become the passover Lamb for me. I need not fear or be afraid because the Lord and His blood protects and cleanses me.
I thank You, Lord, that by faith and as a child of the living God, I plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, body and soul. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family, husband, children (baby)* , the home that You've given me, (my dog-Zendo)*, over the property, vehicles and finances in Jesus name. I draw a bloodline around all that You've given me and I say that the destroyer has no hold over my life and all that belong to me because of the Blood.
Father, in Jesus name, plead my cause. Those who contend with me, Father, You contend with them. Thank You Lord that I am safe and secure under the power of Your blood.
I plead the blood of Jesus between evil and myself. I plead the blood of Jesus between sicknesses (weaknesses, nausea, no appetite, vomitting)* and my physical body. I draw a bloodline over myslef and I thank You Lord that the enemy has no hold over me. Whatever satan intends for evel, by Your Spirit and by the power of Your blood, You turn it around for good. Thank You Lord that when the enemy comes upon me in one direction, You Blood will cause him to run in seven direction because I honor Your blood.
I I honor You Lord Jesus for what You've done on the cross. I honor Your blood and the communion I have with You.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
(Rev. Stephanie Isaac)
* itu aku ganti/tambahkan sendiri biar lebih sesuai dgn keadaan :) you can add something that you feel it's necessary ^^
Be blessed by this prayer!
Father, i believe in you and Your word. I thank you, Lord, that Jesus has become the passover Lamb for me. I need not fear or be afraid because the Lord and His blood protects and cleanses me.
I thank You, Lord, that by faith and as a child of the living God, I plead the blood of Jesus over my spirit, body and soul. I plead the blood of Jesus over my family, husband, children (baby)* , the home that You've given me, (my dog-Zendo)*, over the property, vehicles and finances in Jesus name. I draw a bloodline around all that You've given me and I say that the destroyer has no hold over my life and all that belong to me because of the Blood.
Father, in Jesus name, plead my cause. Those who contend with me, Father, You contend with them. Thank You Lord that I am safe and secure under the power of Your blood.
I plead the blood of Jesus between evil and myself. I plead the blood of Jesus between sicknesses (weaknesses, nausea, no appetite, vomitting)* and my physical body. I draw a bloodline over myslef and I thank You Lord that the enemy has no hold over me. Whatever satan intends for evel, by Your Spirit and by the power of Your blood, You turn it around for good. Thank You Lord that when the enemy comes upon me in one direction, You Blood will cause him to run in seven direction because I honor Your blood.
I I honor You Lord Jesus for what You've done on the cross. I honor Your blood and the communion I have with You.
In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.
(Rev. Stephanie Isaac)
* itu aku ganti/tambahkan sendiri biar lebih sesuai dgn keadaan :) you can add something that you feel it's necessary ^^
Be blessed by this prayer!
Hospital charges
Ini info seputar hospital charges...dapet dari Ci Jeanny yg selalu super updated ^^ thanks ya ci..
I hope ini berguna buat temen2 yg lagi hamil juga..dan stay di Sgp...
here's the link:
Untuk yang Thomson FBI (First Born Incentive), ini infonya:
I hope ini berguna buat temen2 yg lagi hamil juga..dan stay di Sgp...
here's the link:
Untuk yang Thomson FBI (First Born Incentive), ini infonya:
credits to the husband...
Credits to my husband --> the best husband ever! haha... quote dari sms ci lina katanya "suami teladan"
Yah..jadi ceritanya...selama aku mual2 dan no appetite..suamiku jadi kerja lebih keras...jadi ikutan kepikiran banget sama makananku... Dia kuatir kalo aku nggak bisa makan atau sampe muntah... Apalagi aku kan nggak cocok sama makanan food court...so here's what he did for the last few weeks:
bangun lebih pagi utk siapin my lunch trus dia kerja sampe sore....
sore dia belanja buat meal besok...trus sampe rumah prepare my dinner...
and then kupasin buah ato apa aja yg mau aku makan..
lanjut bersih2 ato cuci baju...
setelah itu baru dia masak makanannya sendiri trus makan..which is uda jam 9 malem
after that...kerja lagi sampe jam 1 pagi (thank God banyak job..baby bawa berkat!)
Wah pokoknya minggu2 ini dia kecapekan banget deh..belom lagi tugas pelayanan...mana kmrn ini kan ada family fun day, KKR youth and 17 agustusan...dan dia ada tugas mulu...jadinya bener2 padat jadwalnya...
Aku ngeliat dia jadi nggak tega...semakin lebih lagi berdoa biar keadaanku cepet pulih..nggak lemes, nggak mual and my appetite cepet balik lagi biar aku bisa makan apa aja...jadi dia nggak repot pikirin and siapin makananku...bersih2 juga bisa aku jalani lagi...
Praise God pokoknya....everyday I'm getting better...contohnya this week...aku udah mulai bersih2 rumah, cuci baju, setrika sendiri...soal makanan...aku makan oatmeal biar gak ngrepotin suami..dan kayaknya my appetite uda better...bisa makan mie korea sampe habis hehe...trus ngemilnya jg uda banyak...so bapak Joshua santo juga lebih lega deh hehehe...
Yah..jadi ceritanya...selama aku mual2 dan no appetite..suamiku jadi kerja lebih keras...jadi ikutan kepikiran banget sama makananku... Dia kuatir kalo aku nggak bisa makan atau sampe muntah... Apalagi aku kan nggak cocok sama makanan food court...so here's what he did for the last few weeks:
bangun lebih pagi utk siapin my lunch trus dia kerja sampe sore....
sore dia belanja buat meal besok...trus sampe rumah prepare my dinner...
and then kupasin buah ato apa aja yg mau aku makan..
lanjut bersih2 ato cuci baju...
setelah itu baru dia masak makanannya sendiri trus makan..which is uda jam 9 malem
after that...kerja lagi sampe jam 1 pagi (thank God banyak job..baby bawa berkat!)
Wah pokoknya minggu2 ini dia kecapekan banget deh..belom lagi tugas pelayanan...mana kmrn ini kan ada family fun day, KKR youth and 17 agustusan...dan dia ada tugas mulu...jadinya bener2 padat jadwalnya...
Aku ngeliat dia jadi nggak tega...semakin lebih lagi berdoa biar keadaanku cepet pulih..nggak lemes, nggak mual and my appetite cepet balik lagi biar aku bisa makan apa aja...jadi dia nggak repot pikirin and siapin makananku...bersih2 juga bisa aku jalani lagi...
Praise God pokoknya....everyday I'm getting better...contohnya this week...aku udah mulai bersih2 rumah, cuci baju, setrika sendiri...soal makanan...aku makan oatmeal biar gak ngrepotin suami..dan kayaknya my appetite uda better...bisa makan mie korea sampe habis hehe...trus ngemilnya jg uda banyak...so bapak Joshua santo juga lebih lega deh hehehe...
Appetite getting better
Well..pregnancy symptoms memang macem2..
According to book "what to expect when you're expecting" by Heidi Murkoff (thanks to ci jeanny for giving me this book - it's a pregnancy bible that every pregnant woman should have!)
... okay.. so during ur 1st trimester..you may be feeling:
1. possible staining/spotting --> not happening to me
2. breast changes ---> definetely!
3. bloating ---> sometimes
4. fatique ---> Yes
5. frequent urination ---> Yes
6. Nausea with/without vomitting ---> Yesss..OMG!
7. increased sensitivity to smell ---> yes
8. emotionally ups and down ----> sometimes bisa jadi orang termalas, yes!
9. excess saliva -->nope
10. constipation ---> not anymore..lots of fruits please!
11. food cravings --> indo food, yes!
12. slight witish vaginal discharge --> sometimes
13. occasional headaches ----> nope
14. occasional faintness ----> just once (di MRT) tp gak sampe pingsan..
whoaaa...lumayan jg yah yg aku alami hehe...yup so end july sampe before mid Aug gituh aku mual2..duhh nggak enak banget..makan jd ga niat...untuk gak setiap kali muntah..only 2-3times...tp itu pun ga enak banget rasanya! Praise God mual2 ini cuma berlangsung 2 minggu aja..setelah itu uda gak mual..cuma masih no appetite..(Especially No to chinese food!) ..well, but each day I'm getting better and better...and I believe it's because of the prayer: prayer of the blood (written by the wife of Dr.Isaac Albert --> I will put it on the blog later) ^^
Pokoknya setiap kali selesai makan..slalu aku ngucap syukur..bagiku itu anugrah!
aduhh ga enak banget kalo ada berkat makanan tapi kita nggak bisa menikmati...sedih banget rasanya..belom lagi kepikiran sama baby-nya..dapet cukup makan nggak...
oh ya ada 1 tips..kalo pas mual/no appetite coba deh makan oatmeal aja..tadinya aku juga males getting this idea of oatmeal..seumur hidup ga pernah cobain..tapi waktu itu terpaksa..krn sempet sakit maag dan ga bole makan padat..eh tapi pas cobain ternyata bisa makan dengan lahap..dan kalo agak eneg langsung diselingi makan anggur/buah lainnya aja..
truz kalo emang ga bisa makan banyak...gpp! makan dikit2 aja...setiap 2 jam ngemil..entah itu buah, biscuit, roti, snack...yang penting perut diisi...3 bulan pertama ngga perlu terlalu focus banget dgn makanan bergizi..soalnya makan aja susah! Jadi lbh baik makan apa aja yang bisa dimakan..kalopun itu indomie juga gpp..asal nggak sering2 :)
Oh ya...make sure pas malem jangan tidur dlm keadaan laper ato 1/2 laper coz when u wake up , u will find urself very weak..lemezzz...ga ada tenaga..ato bahkan sakit maag...
kalo ngga males..pas bangun pipis tengah malem sempetin ngemil aja..tp kalo aku sih malez yah..jd aku pilih before sleep I eat something or drink milk..
Untuk susu..aku minum Anmum coklat..rasanya oke..dan gak eneg kok!
truz..kalo emang sempet sakit maag...it is okay to take mylanta --> aku dah check sama gynae kok..it's safe! tapi kalo obat batuk,fever dan lainnya lbh baik minta resep dari gynae yah..
tips2 berikutnya nyusul yah..kalo pas lg inget hehe...
According to book "what to expect when you're expecting" by Heidi Murkoff (thanks to ci jeanny for giving me this book - it's a pregnancy bible that every pregnant woman should have!)
... okay.. so during ur 1st trimester..you may be feeling:
1. possible staining/spotting --> not happening to me
2. breast changes ---> definetely!
3. bloating ---> sometimes
4. fatique ---> Yes
5. frequent urination ---> Yes
6. Nausea with/without vomitting ---> Yesss..OMG!
7. increased sensitivity to smell ---> yes
8. emotionally ups and down ----> sometimes bisa jadi orang termalas, yes!
9. excess saliva -->nope
10. constipation ---> not anymore..lots of fruits please!
11. food cravings --> indo food, yes!
12. slight witish vaginal discharge --> sometimes
13. occasional headaches ----> nope
14. occasional faintness ----> just once (di MRT) tp gak sampe pingsan..
whoaaa...lumayan jg yah yg aku alami hehe...yup so end july sampe before mid Aug gituh aku mual2..duhh nggak enak banget..makan jd ga niat...untuk gak setiap kali muntah..only 2-3times...tp itu pun ga enak banget rasanya! Praise God mual2 ini cuma berlangsung 2 minggu aja..setelah itu uda gak mual..cuma masih no appetite..(Especially No to chinese food!) ..well, but each day I'm getting better and better...and I believe it's because of the prayer: prayer of the blood (written by the wife of Dr.Isaac Albert --> I will put it on the blog later) ^^
Pokoknya setiap kali selesai makan..slalu aku ngucap syukur..bagiku itu anugrah!
aduhh ga enak banget kalo ada berkat makanan tapi kita nggak bisa menikmati...sedih banget rasanya..belom lagi kepikiran sama baby-nya..dapet cukup makan nggak...
oh ya ada 1 tips..kalo pas mual/no appetite coba deh makan oatmeal aja..tadinya aku juga males getting this idea of oatmeal..seumur hidup ga pernah cobain..tapi waktu itu terpaksa..krn sempet sakit maag dan ga bole makan padat..eh tapi pas cobain ternyata bisa makan dengan lahap..dan kalo agak eneg langsung diselingi makan anggur/buah lainnya aja..
truz kalo emang ga bisa makan banyak...gpp! makan dikit2 aja...setiap 2 jam ngemil..entah itu buah, biscuit, roti, snack...yang penting perut diisi...3 bulan pertama ngga perlu terlalu focus banget dgn makanan bergizi..soalnya makan aja susah! Jadi lbh baik makan apa aja yang bisa dimakan..kalopun itu indomie juga gpp..asal nggak sering2 :)
Oh ya...make sure pas malem jangan tidur dlm keadaan laper ato 1/2 laper coz when u wake up , u will find urself very weak..lemezzz...ga ada tenaga..ato bahkan sakit maag...
kalo ngga males..pas bangun pipis tengah malem sempetin ngemil aja..tp kalo aku sih malez yah..jd aku pilih before sleep I eat something or drink milk..
Untuk susu..aku minum Anmum coklat..rasanya oke..dan gak eneg kok!
truz..kalo emang sempet sakit maag...it is okay to take mylanta --> aku dah check sama gynae kok..it's safe! tapi kalo obat batuk,fever dan lainnya lbh baik minta resep dari gynae yah..
tips2 berikutnya nyusul yah..kalo pas lg inget hehe...
Monday, August 18, 2008
My baby finally shows up :)

Finally...my baby shows up! haha... been to the gynae 2 times and never saw the tiny baby sometimes deg-deg-an juga..but now on my 3rd visit to Dr. Adrian.. he showed me that not only my water bag is getting larger...but now the baby shows up with the length of 1.89cm dan umurnya sudah 8.5 weeks. diperkirakan due date nya 25 maret 09 ^^
From the picture: bulatan lonjong warna hitam itu namanya water bag
and the baby is inside it. The doctor told me which one is heartbeat and which one is head but now I forgot hahaha...
Praise God...
Love ya baby..
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